Zumba & wii fit results! plz!!



  • casiopeiya
    Hi girls,
    I recently started MFP and also using the Wii Zumba as of today... As I'm actually doing my finals of my entire university career and have to study most of the time, so I barely find time to fit in some exercise to boost my fitness (and weight loss)...
    Anyway, I was wondering how I could pin down the calories I burned doing the Wii Zumba?? Anyone has an idea??

    Thanks :)
  • Nserrano03
    I do zumba 3x/wk and walk 3miles 6x/week. I also keep track of calorie intake. I lost 15lbs in 2 months!
  • jenbison
    jenbison Posts: 38
    I have problems with my knees so I just modify any of the movements that cause pain. I keep my zumba at a lower impact than my instructor and still get an awesome workout. I LOVE IT! You should give it a try:smile:
  • sophhx99
    sophhx99 Posts: 4
    Personally, for me my knees don't hurt but a stretch for 5 minutes before (I use the wii zumba 1) and do the cool down at the end which helps me a lot. Hope this helped :)