I never thought in a million years I would lose weight period. I always thought I would die young due to being overweight. I started my journey in 2011. In the year span I have been on the path of skinny I have lost 44 plus lbs. It's more than likely more than 44 because I was too scared to look at the scale in the beginning.

Now after a chain of events I don't know if I can continue. It hurts me deeply to think of all the money,emotion and time I have spent thus far. Gym memberships,sacrificing certain things,going to the gym 3-4 times a week.I don't like people really,it's draining but i need to be at a gym for equipment purposes. Home workouts just don't feel right to me at all. When I say the scale today I wanted to hit it. I have cried all evening long thing what a fool I am for trying.

So many stories here of people dropping 100 plus lbs in a year or under has made me feel even worst. So before I do something I regret even more than this journey for those who have thought of throwing in towel what made you stop ? I appreciate any quality thoughts tonight.


  • spammyanna
    spammyanna Posts: 871 Member
    I've lost 46lbs in the last year...It wasn't easy, but I feel so much better than I did a year ago. I too spent money on the gym, a personal trainer, and I am there at least 4 days a week.

    You know what makes it worth it?

    When my kids tell me that I make a crappy pillow.

    You can continue, or just take a break. Don't compare your journey to anyone else, you are you, they are not. Everyone is different. Be proud of your accomplishments! You rock!
  • jmehere
    jmehere Posts: 108 Member
    I've been stuck at 22 to 23 pounds for a long time, so maybe my advice isn't the best. Take a break for a week or 2 and come back to it. You can do it!
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    Why can't you continue working out and counting calories? The thing that keeps me going is the knowledge that the only way I'm going to get healthy is to keep on going, no matter how slow it seems to be going some times.
  • LovelyLibra79
    LovelyLibra79 Posts: 569 Member
    #1 tip..don't give up and don't try to lose it fast. Theres no secret to weight loss....you just need to burn more than you take in. Find a diet and exercise plan that is right for you..you may benefit from a personal trainer..bottom line..stay in the game!
  • sarbu24
    sarbu24 Posts: 129 Member
    What do you mean by "doing something you regret"?
  • nel0311
    nel0311 Posts: 248
    It was better than where i was before. And i knew i was more important to myself to make this change for me. It is a struggle for me every day to stay with it, but after every day that I do succeed, i feel a little better about myself and that little victory is worth it.

    stay away from the scale...this isnt a diet...its a way of life. take each little day, with each little change and own it.

    take all the little victories....didnt have fast food for a week...A VICTORY...worked out twice this week...VICTORY...

    there is no time line when this has to be done. Take your time a do it. my first year i lost 25lbs and I have been stuck in the exact same place for a year...but i keep going because it feels good to workout....it feels good to be happy and free.

    you will change. i promise you.
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    I'm just genuinely confused as to why you're upset about losing weight and getting healthy? I would consider that money and time well spent.
  • LaylaSparkles
    44lbs in a year is a wonderful accomplishment. You have struggled and worked so hard, and sometimes you feel like just giving up and throwing in the towel. I am sure we have all been there. I know I have, not with weight loss because I am just starting my journey but in life. We all have major obstacles that we must work through to become the people we are destined and know we can be.

    I believe that you started this journey for a reason. The reason is still there and you are so very worth every painstaking moment that you have put into yourself. The easiest route is to throw in the towel, but I am pretty sure that wont make you happy. Take the night to cry it out, and tomorrow is a new day. We cant change the past but we can make a new future, and if you need more support please feel free to add me. I know how hard life can be at times and we all need a day where we dont worry about our journey, but tomorrow we pick up and start again because we are worth it.

    You are worth it, so keep at it!!
  • shyandemily
    shyandemily Posts: 71 Member
    What's your alternative?? Give up and return to your old lifestyle, gain back the weight you worked sooooo hard for and then continue to gain until you die like you stated.
    Not being able to do it at home is an excuse. You need to create a no excuse mentality. There is a reason you've put all this effort into becoming healthier. You need to think about why you feel the way you do.
  • Jilly1337
    I used to feel the same way about the gym. I have kids and so much to do, it wasn't working. I started doing at home workouts about a year ago and haven't looked back. I am in the best shape of my life at 36. I have only had to purchase a few kettlebells and a medicine ball. The workouts I do at home at ten times more effective and yield better results than the 10 years I spent at the gym doing the same exercises over and over. My favorite motivator is Zuzana Light. Her videos are free on youtube. http://www.youtube.com/user/ZuzkaLight. It's free and the workouts are never longer than 20 minutes and I promise it will kick your butt. Give it a try before you give up entirely.
  • nel0311
    nel0311 Posts: 248
    Not being able to do it at home is an excuse. You need to create a no excuse mentality.

    get a machine for home
  • lmalaschak
    lmalaschak Posts: 346 Member
    Look at where you started. Did you ever think you would be able to lose 44 pounds? But you did. Do you know how incredible that is? That's 176 sticks of butter. Try holding 176 sticks of butter in your arms. Do you have any children? If not, use one of mine for comparison. My middle child is 5 and weighs 41 pounds. You used to be walking around with a five-year-old strapped to your body and he's no longer there. You've done an amazing thing! Sure, there might be people out there whose journey seems to have moved faster than your own. Sure, there are depressing parts to this that you could focus on. But just for a minute, click on Reports and look at your progress over the last year. Look how the line is slowly moving down. Focus on what you already HAVE done, and relax. You're stronger than you think you are. You were already strong enough to be motivated for an entire year. And you are too strong to let a bad weigh-in defeat you. Don't let the scale win. Think back to the 176 sticks of butter. Now try it for just two more weeks. Can you do two more weeks? And then after two more weeks of genuine trying, take another look at the scale, or maybe just in the mirror. It'll be worth it. We're on your side! Don't give up!
  • IvoryParchment
    IvoryParchment Posts: 651 Member
    If you're depressed, talk to your doctor. It's medical.

    If something happened at the gym that makes you uncomfortable attending there, is there a trusted friend who could intervene and try to get you out of the contract so you can join somewhere else?
  • CrazyAdventure
    CrazyAdventure Posts: 113 Member
    You gotta remember it's not all about the number on the scale. It's about being a better you, being healthy, and feeling better.

    I threw in the towel this past semester because I was stressed and exhausted and it was easier to not work at it. And I've been back on track since January and I'm still not back to where I was. I think about all that I had to do to get down to where I was before I threw in the towel and I regret having done it. And I continually think to myself, do I want to go through these cycles year after year and never be happy with myself or keep going now so that one day I'll be happier and feel better.

    Also, this might be really really cheesy, but I was watching an old episode of Biggest Loser and Jillian said to "Look to the future with hope instead of to the past with regret." If you throw in the towel now, there's not a hope to look forward to or you will inevitably look back and regret having quit. I know I do.

    So anyway, that's my sappy cheesy comment for you :) Hope it helped in some way!
  • chachita7
    chachita7 Posts: 996 Member
    DO NOT GIVE UP!!! You are worth every effort you have made to become a healthier you. Everyone has set back, everyone stumbles. The only way to fail is not to try - the only person you would be failing is yourself if you do give up. Take the a deep breath and refocus - YOU GOT THIS!!!
  • LaylaSparkles
    I used to feel the same way about the gym. I have kids and so much to do, it wasn't working. I started doing at home workouts about a year ago and haven't looked back. I am in the best shape of my life at 36. I have only had to purchase a few kettlebells and a medicine ball. The workouts I do at home at ten times more effective and yield better results than the 10 years I spent at the gym doing the same exercises over and over. My favorite motivator is Zuzana Light. Her videos are free on youtube. http://www.youtube.com/user/ZuzkaLight. It's free and the workouts are never longer than 20 minutes and I promise it will kick your butt. Give it a try before you give up entirely.

    I just checked out that link you sent and I think I just found my new workout, to start with. Thanks a lot!!!:wink:
  • korsicash
    korsicash Posts: 770 Member
    The last ten years I have thrown in the towel way too much, I have caved I have said it is too hard, I have compared myself to all my skinny friends and said why. Last year I started my journey with what I thought to be 50 lbs to loose stepped on the scale to cry to see that it was closer to 70. My husband told me I couldn't do it, I would fall back into old habits. My friends told me I was fine I was just as I was. Well here I am 54 lbs later. Pissed at the scale because it seems to like where we are sitting and although I bust my *kitten* I see very slow weight loss. The difference is this time I believe in me. I am also proud of the healthy habits I have set up. This is what I want and it makes me feel good.
    You need to believe in you, reevaluate the reason you want to loose weight. If it isn't for you, your health, your self esteem maybe you aren't ready. You have to want change. To me the time you have already put into it it would seem a waste to give up on yourself.
    We are all capable of great things when we put our minds to it. Don't give up.
  • TopazCarey
    TopazCarey Posts: 263
    The process is different for everyone. Try not to compare yourself to others because it might take you a year to lose what they lost in a couple months and that's perfectly fine. Just know that if you keep going, you're going to reach your goal. If you're diligent, the weight has no choice but to come off. If you need a break, just go on maintenance, but don't give up. You'll be happy you persevered when you're fit and healthy. =)
  • mishmash73
    mishmash73 Posts: 166 Member
    first of all... if you plan on keeping off any of the weight you lose... you need to realize this is a lifestyle change, not a diet.
    second of all... :)... my motto when i complain about how tought this is... is... "if it was easy to lose weight, everyone could do it".

    whenever i am hungry, feel like eating & need to talk myself out of it, i think that if i'm hungry & i don't eat... then my body will start eating the fat... and then i know i am feeling my body eat the fat away!!!

    and sometimes i do get burned out & exhausted... but i just keep pressing on. Just exercising should make you feel better about yourself. Even though i've plateaued and haven't made any huge gains, i feel way better about the fact i am doing something about it vs sitting on the couch depressed that i'm fat & lazy.
    hope this helped.
  • LexieSweetheart
    LexieSweetheart Posts: 793 Member
    Dear friend DO NOT give up!! I know it is hard and scarey process but you can do it!!! I am always here for you and you can inbox me anytime *hugs*