MAJORLY Frustrated

I have tried every diet known to woman and man. Anyway I am now on the Atkins since July 6th. 2009 and having the same results I had with calorie counting...........UP AND DOWN like a Yo Yo. I am gettting dizzy and aggravated! *** As You Can See I have lost BARELY anything** Feel free to look at my food logs I haven't cheated. I know I have probably lost inches but I want Pounds!

I weigh myself each morning between 5-6AM after I have gone pee and have NOT eaten:noway:

7/6/09 start diet at 5ft. and 14l lbs
7/10/09 139 lbs
7/11/09 138lbs
7/12/09 138.5lbs
7/13/09 138lbs
7/15/09 139.5
7/17/09 139lbs
7/18/09 139.5


  • hoamai
    hoamai Posts: 76
    Weigh yourself no more often than once a week - and don't expect to loose more than 1 pound per week - add in more exercise - don't give up - good luck :glasses:
  • mrsyac2
    mrsyac2 Posts: 2,784 Member
    stop weighing daily you need to weigh just once a week weight fluctuates daily so its pointless and discouraging to weigh so much ( i know easier said than done take it from me I am a scale *kitten*) - how are your works? how many calories are you eating a day
  • Poison5119
    Poison5119 Posts: 1,460 Member
    If you place too much emphasis on pounds this early in the game, you wil sabotage your chances of success. YOu have not been at this long enough to effect a permanent change. Stop looking for instantaneous changes and look at your project from a long term p.o.v. You need to be at this for at least 2 months before you see a significant weight loss. Some tips to help you along the way:::

    1. Drink at least 64 oz of water daily.
    2. Watch your fat and caloric content.
    3. Stay within your caloric allowance for the day, include your exercise cals.
    4. measure yourself and record those measurements, to be compared later with new measurments.
    5. Do a lot of reading on this site - learn what works and what does not.

    Good luck and keep up the good work.
  • karenmacneil
    howdy, well... i'm not sure what your goal weight is - i would guess that you're getting close. Perhaps you've hit a platoe?? Maybe you need to change things up - try something different, either in your eating or in your workout. I think if you keep pluging along you'll get through this and get to your goal - just keep working at it!
  • mouser79
    mouser79 Posts: 68
    My weight will flaucuate anywhere from 3-4 pounds, usually how much water or salt I take in. Just pick a day for you to record your wait every week
  • margaretthedevil
    No offense to you or anything. I'm going to be honest with you. Your food choices are don't even have a gram of fiber to rub together on most days. It's no wonder you don't lose anything. On any diet plan there's a good way to do it and a bad way. Oscar Mayer franks, a lot of meat, fatty dressings and sauces, etc... There's barely any vegetables (vegetables are naturally low carb). When I mean vegetables I mean large large large servings of them. Atkins diet does not restrict you from eating vegetables. I wouldn't go on any random diet without RESEARCHING first. It's not a trial and error thing! Knowledge of what you should be eating and shouldn't be eating would be very helpful to you (read some books, go on the internet and search it up). I would give you advice on what to eat, but I have no experience with Atkins.
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    1. split up your meals so that you're eating every 2-3 hours
    2. add veggies (you can have a good 4-5 servings of steamed veggies per day, even during induction)
    3. limit the processed meats, i.e. hot dogs (maybe go for some chicken and/or fish instead)
    4. stop weighing yourself every day!

    I was about 140 lbs when I stalled for 3 weeks. I broke through by increasing my calories to allow only a half-pound per week (1350 net plus all exercise calories). This wasn't on atkins but it's something you might consider should you go back to counting calories again. I've been losing about a pound per week every since.
  • kristine518
    Hi... i hear you! I'm 42, 5'4" and as soon as I hit 35 it was hard to keep extra weight off. I have always worn a size 6 or 8 but over the past year or so my clothes began to get tight. In May I could hardly fit into any of my 8's. I've always heard "once you hit 40.... blah blah". The best thing I did was June 1 -- starting MFP -- I feel much better and lost a few pounds so the clothes started to fit again... still have more to go. I hit a plateau the past couple weeks but changed my workouts and increased my calories slightly (due to advice on this site from others who have hit plateaus) and I think the scale started to move again but I'm going to wait a day or 2 to weigh myself.
    I did the ATKINS diet about 5 years ago (for over 1 year) and was successful with it (was wearing a size 4...temporarily) BUT as soon as I stopped I gained all the weight back over several months. Now i'm back where I started (and even higher). It's hard to stick to it and you feel very restricted about what you can eat... and really... look at what you're eating. A lot of meat, eggs, protein.... but no healthy fruit, veggies, etc.
    A BALANCED diet is a much better way to go. You can still restrict some 'bad' carbs like donuts, sugar/candy, don't overdo it on bread and pasta, etc. but have some good carbs like fruit, veggies, oatmeal, etc. Everything in moderation. There is a lot of good advice on this site. Don't go for the fad diet.... do a healthy, balanced approach. You'll be able to eat lots of different foods and not totally miss things like bread and pasta (you'll feel like binging at some point and it won't be pretty). I agree... the goal of 1 pound per week is very reasonable. To be successful and keep it off, you must lose it slowly... the right way. With Atkins, you might lose it fast but gain it back even faster!! I've also heard it is not really good for your body in the long run.... some people have developed kidney problems.
    Good luck and look at some of the results of people on this site from doing the balanced approach! Unbelievable!! You can do it!! ..... WE can do it!!
  • Nightdust
    Nightdust Posts: 171 Member
    I have looked at quite a few of your days and noticed that you have really BIG meals, no snacks and hardly any breakfast. And almost no water. You should drink at least 8 glasses of water a day and your biggest meal no matter what should be breakfast. I have three small meals a day and three snacks a day. Every 2-3 hours I am eating something which is triggering my metabolism and I am constantly drinking water. I can't stand regular water (I'm weird, I know) so I use crystal light or wyler's on the go. I eat 1600 calories a day but this should still work for you. Definitely exercise too!! Just advice from what has worked for me. Best if luck!!:drinker:
  • twilight1542
    twilight1542 Posts: 403
    I have tried every diet known to woman and man. Anyway I am now on the Atkins since July 6th. 2009 and having the same results I had with calorie counting...........UP AND DOWN like a Yo Yo. I am gettting dizzy and aggravated! *** As You Can See I have lost BARELY anything** Feel free to look at my food logs I haven't cheated. I know I have probably lost inches but I want Pounds!

    I weigh myself each morning between 5-6AM after I have gone pee and have NOT eaten:noway:
    My 2 cents...Fad diets DO NOT WORK! If u want to get the weight of & keep it off what u need is a lifestyle change not a diet. My best friend's parents did Atkins...He lost & She didn't. Focus not on diet but eating healthy with the proper ratio of carbs, protein, fat, sugar, sodium, & water. Also, in looking at your current weeks exercise, you need to exercise a lot more if you want to lose weight. Exercise not only burns calories when ur exercising, but afterwards as well because good cardio will keep your heart rate elevated for a time after you finish thus increasing your calorie burn.

    Most important, don't give up :) Weight loss...the kind that lasts...takes time to aacomplish!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,982 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    I want to echo the people who said
    :flowerforyou: more water
    :flowerforyou: lots and lots of veggies
    :flowerforyou: lean meat, not hot dogs
    :flowerforyou: don't expect to lose more than half a pound to one pound a week with only 20 pounds to lose
    :flowerforyou: lots more exercise

    take it one day at a time
    make it a lifestyle change, not a quick make-over
    never, never, never, never give up

    stay open minded to new ideas:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • hollychristine
    hollychristine Posts: 124 Member
    No offense to you or anything. I'm going to be honest with you. Your food choices are don't even have a gram of fiber to rub together on most days. It's no wonder you don't lose anything. On any diet plan there's a good way to do it and a bad way. Oscar Mayer franks, a lot of meat, fatty dressings and sauces, etc... There's barely any vegetables (vegetables are naturally low carb). When I mean vegetables I mean large large large servings of them. Atkins diet does not restrict you from eating vegetables. I wouldn't go on any random diet without RESEARCHING first. It's not a trial and error thing! Knowledge of what you should be eating and shouldn't be eating would be very helpful to you (read some books, go on the internet and search it up). I would give you advice on what to eat, but I have no experience with Atkins.

    I agree. Your fat counts are way over, and it bad saturated fat. Fad diets don't work, especially Atkins. I know 3 people who worked that program religiously. 1 had a heart attack and the other 2 gained back twice as much as they lost. You can't follow that diet forever, so it won't last forever. If you want lasting results then stop dieting and get healthy.
    Lots of fruits and veggies, whole grains, lean cuts of meat, poultry, fish, and unsaturated fats is the way to go. Fiber is a very important staple to this as well. Natural fiber from fruit and veggies! Eat foods that are closest to thier origin as possible rather than processed stuff. Proper balance of all of the above with daily exercize will give you results that will last.
    Do alot of reading. Check out for some awesome info, advice, and even meal plans. If you feel like you need to follow a diet plan get the book The South Beach Diet and read it very carefully. It has very good info on the low-carb craze and offers a very good plan that you can follow for life that will teach you to balance good carbs and good fats rather than cutting out carbs all together and focusing on meat without understanding the concequence of all that saturated fat.
    Good luck to you!
  • BlossysMom
    BlossysMom Posts: 50
    EXCERPT taken from Atkins book:Thus, if lower amounts of carbohydrates are consumed, the body naturally produces less insulin and looks to other sources for fuel, namely FAT! For this reason, the Atkins diet restricts processed and refined carbohydrates and limits intake to 15-60 grams per day, encouraging protein and fat consumption ( When the body lacks its primary energy source (carbohydrates) it will naturally turn to its next source (fat) to burn for energy. When the body breaks down fat, ketones are formed and the appetite is naturally suppressed. One reaches ketosis when his or her carbohydrate intake is less than 40 grams per day. The average person not on this diet consumes 300+ grams of carbohydrates per day.

    Thanks for your reply MARGARETTHEDEVIL. No offense taken.... I am not eating vegetables YET because I am on the induction phase of Atkins no fruit and very few (likeable) veggies allowed other than salad type veggies or broccoli which I hate makes me throw up. I admit hot dogs not a fantastic choice but I read that they were allowed on INDUCTION(although I know they are garbage and will stop eating those) as long as little sugar and little carbs the ones I have eaten are low carb all beef. As for the FAT in the dressings well I agree with you but I have read in the SEVERAL Atkins books I have read that FAT content is not nor is caloric content of much concern as is CARBS and SUGAR which you can see that both my carbs and sugar count are very low. It would be next to impossible to have my CALORIES LOW, SUGAR LOW, CARBS LOW and FIBER HIGH. I do agree I need more fiber though which is tough to do during Induction when I only like the salad type veggies that are allowed. I do like French Style Green Beans, Carrots, Peas, and Lima Beans....NONE of which are allowed during the induction phase I will be done Induction next week and then will gradually add back veggies and fruits.

    I work out about 2-3xs weekly and am buring about 160calories during my workouts. You cannot measure burn rate for strength training but my Wii running is measured and my Wiiboxing. Also cannot measure the thigh master.. Just got a rowing machine so will be adding that to my routine too.
  • BlossysMom
    BlossysMom Posts: 50
    Also wanted to mention it is great advice to eat every 3-4hrs. My work does not allow me to do so. I even brought in a doc note and they will only give me a 1/2 hr break when it gets slow. I often work more than 5 or 6 hrs before gettting a break. I am also not allowed to drink on the sales floor. I can and do TRY to step away for a minute or two and shove a few pieces of salad into my mouth periodically, or sometimes a hard boiled egg as a snack. My meals are large because I drive over an hour to get to work so often times I eat my breakfast around 6am and then have to eat my "lunch" around 10:30am in order to leave by 11am to be at work by 12pm and work until 9:15 or later. I usually get my 1/2 hour break around 5 or 6pm if I am lucky sometimes later. I do not want to be eating "dinner" after 6pm (I get home around 10 or 10:30pm)

    On days that I work 8:30-5 (very rare) I eat my breakfast around 6am and then CANNOT eat "lunch" so then I get a break around 3 or 4pm if I am lucky by then I am starvingggggggg. I eat usually a hamburger patty (95% lean) and salad or maybe some hotdogs (bad choice on hotdogs)

    My water intake is better on days I am home but its tough to keep up at work because they won't let me drink on the sales floor and I keep having to go pee and we cannot keep leaving our registers.

    ***Please dont suggest quitting my job its the only Full Time job in the area****
  • jigs
    jigs Posts: 70
    Hi! I looked at your profile and foods. I'm a couple years older, a couple inches taller, and eat about the same foods. We aren't trying to lose very much weight so it's going to come off slower. Weight fluctuates alot! I got all excited a week ago Friday when I weighed only 149 pounds. So, what did I do? I celebrated and gained six pounds over the weekend. Well, I hope I learned my lesson. Next time I weight 149 I'll go drink a big glass of water to celebrate.
    You're welcome to join the Sunday Successes thread in Motivation to weigh in on Sundays with us.
  • Poison5119
    Poison5119 Posts: 1,460 Member
    Also wanted to mention it is great advice to eat every 3-4hrs. My work does not allow me to do so. I even brought in a doc note and they will only give me a 1/2 hr break when it gets slow. I often work more than 5 or 6 hrs before gettting a break. I am also not allowed to drink on the sales floor. I can and do TRY to step away for a minute or two and shove a few pieces of salad into my mouth periodically, or sometimes a hard boiled egg as a snack. My meals are large because I drive over an hour to get to work so often times I eat my breakfast around 6am and then have to eat my "lunch" around 10:30am in order to leave by 11am to be at work by 12pm and work until 9:15 or later. I usually get my 1/2 hour break around 5 or 6pm if I am lucky sometimes later. I do not want to be eating "dinner" after 6pm (I get home around 10 or 10:30pm)

    On days that I work 8:30-5 (very rare) I eat my breakfast around 6am and then CANNOT eat "lunch" so then I get a break around 3 or 4pm if I am lucky by then I am starvingggggggg. I eat usually a hamburger patty (95% lean) and salad or maybe some hotdogs (bad choice on hotdogs)

    My water intake is better on days I am home but its tough to keep up at work because they won't let me drink on the sales floor and I keep having to go pee and we cannot keep leaving our registers.

    ***Please dont suggest quitting my job its the only Full Time job in the area****

    Too bad you can't get FMLA status to lose 20 lbs. FMLA is a non-arguable position. It's a shame to have to have a serious medical condition in order to properly take care of yourself. I'd never let a rule like leaving a register for the bathroom TRUMP the need to use the facility. To He// with that. I'd rather not pee my pants, and my employer always agreed with that.
    It might be time to reconsider what you do for work, if it's going to impede your efforts to properly care for yourself. It sounds like you're in retail, and that's hard to break out of in todays job market, and I truly feel for you. Sounds like you are going to have to get creative in order to succeed.
    I have only one other suggestion and that is to add some carbs back into your diet. This may help you last longer inasmuch as you don't have the luxury of eating smaller meals more frequently. Lack of energy will result if you don't eat carbs, and who needs to be cranky toward the customer? They're cranky enough by themselves!! At least til you can reevaluate how you're going to do this, that's what I would do.
  • Valtishia
    Valtishia Posts: 811 Member
    No offense to you or anything. I'm going to be honest with you. Your food choices are don't even have a gram of fiber to rub together on most days. It's no wonder you don't lose anything. On any diet plan there's a good way to do it and a bad way. Oscar Mayer franks, a lot of meat, fatty dressings and sauces, etc... There's barely any vegetables (vegetables are naturally low carb). When I mean vegetables I mean large large large servings of them. Atkins diet does not restrict you from eating vegetables. I wouldn't go on any random diet without RESEARCHING first. It's not a trial and error thing! Knowledge of what you should be eating and shouldn't be eating would be very helpful to you (read some books, go on the internet and search it up). I would give you advice on what to eat, but I have no experience with Atkins.

    I agree. Your fat counts are way over, and it bad saturated fat. Fad diets don't work, especially Atkins. I know 3 people who worked that program religiously. 1 had a heart attack and the other 2 gained back twice as much as they lost. You can't follow that diet forever, so it won't last forever. If you want lasting results then stop dieting and get healthy.
    Lots of fruits and veggies, whole grains, lean cuts of meat, poultry, fish, and unsaturated fats is the way to go. Fiber is a very important staple to this as well. Natural fiber from fruit and veggies! Eat foods that are closest to thier origin as possible rather than processed stuff. Proper balance of all of the above with daily exercize will give you results that will last.
    Do alot of reading. Check out for some awesome info, advice, and even meal plans. If you feel like you need to follow a diet plan get the book The South Beach Diet and read it very carefully. It has very good info on the low-carb craze and offers a very good plan that you can follow for life that will teach you to balance good carbs and good fats rather than cutting out carbs all together and focusing on meat without understanding the concequence of all that saturated fat.
    Good luck to you!

    Although these are both very blunt opinions they do ring a whole lot of truth.

    In addition... where are your snacks???? Snacks are what keep the fire burning in between meals. Your snacks don't even have to be big.. even just an apple or some cucumber is good.

    The other thing I would like to add which might help you is that breakfast is the most important meal of the day (duh!! I'm sure you hear it all the time). The point I want to share with you in regards to that is your breakfast really doesn't change. If your body gets used to having the same thing every day at breakfast it doesn't have to work at burning it off cause it already knows what you are gonna have and how to break it down in the body. Change up your breakfasts. I suggest 3+ different breakfasts to mix up. Keep your body guessing.
  • Flyright
    Flyright Posts: 36
    I took a quick look at your diet dairy.
    ( I'm 5 ft, 49 years old)

    Hot dogs are a big no no for me because of the
    sodium and nitrates. They make me retain water.
    That may explain your up and down.

    On your steaks-- rib eye's are a higher fat (and thus calories)
    cut of meat. You might try something leaner.

    I do have to agree
    weigh yourself no more than once a week
    (at the same time of day)
    more fruits on veggies
    add some exercise to get those endorphins going
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    The thing about fat and atkins is that you're supposed to have fat. However, the majority of that fat should be good fat and not necessarily from meats and definitely not from processed meats.

    The "good" fats would be:

    whole eggs
    olive oil
    flax seed and flax oil
    other peanut oils
    heavy cream
    cheese (cheddar, muenster, brie, etc.)
    fatty fish (these are the magic omega fats)

    While full fat meats are acceptable under the plan, they do recommend that you explore other natural fats and encourage the consumption of lean meats (at least they started doing so recently).

    I haven't done atkins for several years (kind of a support thing for hubby who was doing it at the time), but the people who should be responding are others on atkins. Send a message to leanlioness ... she's does atkins for PCOS and can give you an atkins perspective on your meal plan.
  • BlossysMom
    BlossysMom Posts: 50
    Thanks all for your input but for now I am sticking with Atkins to see if it works. I bought Ketone strips yesterday says I am losing. I am now at 4lbs lost.