Thoughts On Planet Fitness?



  • mslack01
    mslack01 Posts: 823 Member
    if you want to gain strength, PF is not the place to go. machines won't get you anywhere.

    Really, machines are no good? How so? (not meant in a snarky way, just genuinely curious as I am fairly new to strength training). Right now I do a mixture of free weights and machines.

    I disagree with the person who said machines won't get you anywhere. The machines have weights on them. You set the weight. My biceps/triceps have gotten a lot of tone to them since I started using the machines. I'm sure other parts of my body would also, but I don't use all of the machines yet.
  • thefuzz1290
    thefuzz1290 Posts: 777 Member
    machines restrict your range of motion and isolate muscles. if you want real strength gains you need to do compound lifts (squats, deads, etc) that engage a range and balance of muscle groups. you are more likely to get injured with a machine that forces you into its range of motion.

    ^^^ +1

    Thanks for the input I'll keep that in mind :smile: It makes me sad though because I thought I was doing something good. I really want to change my body shape and get stronger. Maybe I'll just go completely to free weights.

    Machines aren't useless, especially for a beginner. Free weights are superior, but you are doing something good with machines. The only thing you shouldn't do on a machine is squats on a smith machine, you can really get hurt.
  • MrDude_1
    MrDude_1 Posts: 2,510 Member
    if you want to gain strength, PF is not the place to go. machines won't get you anywhere.

    Really, machines are no good? How so? (not meant in a snarky way, just genuinely curious as I am fairly new to strength training). Right now I do a mixture of free weights and machines.

    I disagree with the person who said machines won't get you anywhere. The machines have weights on them. You set the weight. My biceps/triceps have gotten a lot of tone to them since I started using the machines. I'm sure other parts of my body would also, but I don't use all of the machines yet.

    you kind of proved exactly his point.
    you work ONE muscle with that machine.
    if you were to stand still holding a barbell doing the same thing, you would be working not just your bicep, but dozens of helper and stabilizer muscles as well. you would be working your core with balance... overall you would engage more muscles, and lower the risk of strengthing one muscle without working the other muscles in the group.
    when you move naturally, you dont just use one muscle at a time. a machine forces you to work just one muscle at a time

    in addition to all that... most of the excercises are wastes of time anyway.
    you would get better progress doing squats, deadlifts, barbell rows and real benchpresses.. (none of them on a smith machine either)
  • MrDude_1
    MrDude_1 Posts: 2,510 Member
    machines restrict your range of motion and isolate muscles. if you want real strength gains you need to do compound lifts (squats, deads, etc) that engage a range and balance of muscle groups. you are more likely to get injured with a machine that forces you into its range of motion.

    ^^^ +1

    Thanks for the input I'll keep that in mind :smile: It makes me sad though because I thought I was doing something good. I really want to change my body shape and get stronger. Maybe I'll just go completely to free weights.

    Machines aren't useless, especially for a beginner. Free weights are superior, but you are doing something good with machines. The only thing you shouldn't do on a machine is squats on a smith machine, you can really get hurt.
    true.. esp on the squats... not only is it an unnatural movement.. but it messes with you.
    I can squat almost 400lbs on a smith. I cant go anywhere near that with free weights (yet... someday...)

    mostly because I dont have to balance it on a smith machine.. I can power up without fear of it tipping... but I can also tweak my back easily because the bar moves straight up, and I arc slightly (everyone does)
  • _Christine_
    _Christine_ Posts: 1,388 Member
    I'm just looking to get in shape so I can chase down my 3-kids and not get winded. If at some point I decided I want to join the body building circuit or take down a mutant I'll check out a gym with free weights.
  • MattGetsMad
    MattGetsMad Posts: 429 Member
    ***DISCLAIMER*** I did not read the previous posts, so this may be misplaced.

    I worked out there for a time, but I could not deal with being told to be quiet. I was told I was too loud 3x in the same workout.

    I am not a body-builder nor was I at the time. I was lifting weight that was heavy, but I was not maxing out.

    I did not scream or slam weights down, but apparently the fact that I grunted and put the weight down together was too much. That was actually explained to me. Either one of the two would be ok by itself, but together I was in violation.

    So, I would not recommend this to anyone who intends to work out hard with free weights. If you just want machines and cardio, then it's a great deal.
  • jskaggs1971
    jskaggs1971 Posts: 371 Member
    I have a PF member ship, and as gyms go, it's OK. I use it for the free weights and the treadmill. I tend to grunt a little when I'm lifting heavy things, and it's never been a problem. I think what they're trying to avoid are the guys really shouting it out, and people who drop weights. Is it the best gym for everybody? No.

    Hell, it's probably not the best gym for me, even, but it's (a) cheap and (b) located between work and home.
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,829 Member
    The thing that gets me with Planet Fitness is they preach how they are "judgement free." Unless of course you lift heavy and do rather intense workouts, that's not allowed. I'm sorry, but when I lift, I lift HEAVY so sometimes I make noise...that would get me in trouble at PF. Or dropping a weight...yeah, that gets you in trouble too. For a place that's so "judgement free" they sure are judgmental of weight lifters...

    That said, if you don't plan on doing any heavy lifting and are just looking for a basic gym, it's probably a good option. I go to Lifetime Fitness. It's expensive, but I freaking love it.
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,829 Member
    if you want to gain strength, PF is not the place to go. machines won't get you anywhere.

    Really, machines are no good? How so? (not meant in a snarky way, just genuinely curious as I am fairly new to strength training). Right now I do a mixture of free weights and machines.

    I disagree with the person who said machines won't get you anywhere. The machines have weights on them. You set the weight. My biceps/triceps have gotten a lot of tone to them since I started using the machines. I'm sure other parts of my body would also, but I don't use all of the machines yet.

    you kind of proved exactly his point.
    you work ONE muscle with that machine.
    if you were to stand still holding a barbell doing the same thing, you would be working not just your bicep, but dozens of helper and stabilizer muscles as well. you would be working your core with balance... overall you would engage more muscles, and lower the risk of strengthing one muscle without working the other muscles in the group.
    when you move naturally, you dont just use one muscle at a time. a machine forces you to work just one muscle at a time

    in addition to all that... most of the excercises are wastes of time anyway.
    you would get better progress doing squats, deadlifts, barbell rows and real benchpresses.. (none of them on a smith machine either)

    I agree. Plus think about it--if you're doing nothing but isolation exercises, think how long it takes to complete a full workout where you've worked out each muscle group you need to? If you're doing compound exercises with free weights, working several muscle groups at once, using very heavy weights, you're done in a fraction of the time. I'd rather spend 1 hour lifting heavy and getting my full workout in, rather than taking 2 hours and still not completing everything I need to get done.

    Lifting weights isn't just for body builders :)
  • thefuzz1290
    thefuzz1290 Posts: 777 Member
    I hate PF as much as the next serious lifter, but I have come to the realization that if PF wasn't around, those members would be in my gym complaining about how "intimidated" they are.
  • Rays_Wife
    Rays_Wife Posts: 1,173 Member
    Thanks for the input on machines vs. free weights everyone. It makes sense now. Sorry to OP for taking this thread off topic! As far as PF is concerned, I wouldn't join it. I agree that even though they tout "no-judgement zone" they are pretty darn judgmental of serious weight lifters. I don't want to go to a gym where I have to be scared to make any noise.I belong to a small local gym that has everything I need and want, including a good sized weight area with lots of free weights and benches. yeah it's more expensive but I don't care. It has an atmosphere that I love.
  • sdminor11
    sdminor11 Posts: 12
    If you want to work out up until you are in shape, then be ridiculed for it, go for it! Don't forget to eat the free tootsie rolls and go to pizza night, because those are staples of a good diet. (no sarcasm)

    My thoughts exactly, i dont understand alot of the things they do there. Im a girl and i was doing a really heavy weight and set it down too hard i guess and they sounded the stupid alarm on me. the only reason i am staying at pf is because it is so cheap
  • MrDude_1
    MrDude_1 Posts: 2,510 Member
    If you want to work out up until you are in shape, then be ridiculed for it, go for it! Don't forget to eat the free tootsie rolls and go to pizza night, because those are staples of a good diet. (no sarcasm)

    My thoughts exactly, i dont understand alot of the things they do there. Im a girl and i was doing a really heavy weight and set it down too hard i guess and they sounded the stupid alarm on me. the only reason i am staying at pf is because it is so cheap

    back when I used to go there, they did that to one girl who really didnt deserve it.... so she jerked up the weight again, cleaned it*, and then dropped it to the floor and walked out.
    it was awesome.

    *cleaned as in clean an jerk**.. she didnt spray it off or anything.. LOL.

    clean and jerk:
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    I think it depends on what you like to do. It would actually be a waste for me because every time I've ever started "going to the gym" and using the cardio machines I'd get massively bored within a couple of months and stop going. And gain the weight back. Which is what most gyms are BANKING on you doing. The group classes kept things fresh, fun, and not I made great friends with the other even though it's more than the 10 dollars, it's the first time I've ever stuck with a gym for more than a couple of months. I've now been there almost 3 years consistently. :-)
  • aquasw16
    aquasw16 Posts: 342 Member
    I have been a member at Planet Fitness before. I love their circuit training. It is worth the extra 10 bucks if you like to tan because you get unlimited tanning.
  • aquasw16
    aquasw16 Posts: 342 Member
    They sound an alarm on you if you let the weights down too had\rd? Weird!
  • MrDude_1
    MrDude_1 Posts: 2,510 Member
    They sound an alarm on you if you let the weights down too had\rd? Weird!

    Lunk Alarm.
  • thefuzz1290
    thefuzz1290 Posts: 777 Member
    They sound an alarm on you if you let the weights down too had\rd? Weird!

    Not to mention if you make any sort of noise during your workout...basically if you exert yourself.
  • quixotic84
    quixotic84 Posts: 66 Member
    I love PF not only because it's so cheap, but also because they're patient with newbies and fatties like myself. I've tried gyms before at both colleges I attended but felt as if I were being judge for being fat. And even worse is when people would come up, not knowing me, and say thaty they're glad I'm taking care of myself now or that they hope I lose the weight and whatnot - excuse you? I didn't ask for your opinion/judgement! None of that has ever happened to me at PF, BUT strangers have come up and showed me around and how to use machines. :) I love PF. It's also very clean at PF and they really get on you over wiping the machines down.

    Also... WOW. To those complaining about the no grunting or dropping weight rule (aka over-exerting yourself!).... I'm sorry that as a muscular person you feel belittled. Imagine being treated like crap, teased, beat up and spit on (literally) your entire life because you've always been "the whale". Oh man, getting in trouble for over-exerting yourself and possibly damaging your muscles must be so hard. *rolls eyes*
  • jessicawrites
    jessicawrites Posts: 235 Member
    I think the grunting thing is a sliding scale... "mmrph" is totally fine. "HHHRRRNNNEEEYYYYAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!" not so much.

    Tongue in cheek here, but really, for those who are very serious about fitness and take offense to the "no lunks" identity PF has, it seems to me that those rules are just based on providing a supportive, low-stress environment for people who are intimidated by gyms and gym-goers.