OMG I just had a chocogasm!

RachelsReboot Posts: 569 Member
I have been trying and trying to get a chocolate fix in the form of some sort of high protein microwave muffin and while the idea is great I hadn't found a recipe that did it for me but tonight, I had success after messing around with a few different ideas!

Molten Triple Chocolate Cake

1 1/2 T. Coconut oil (melted into a microwave safe bowl or tall coffee cup) this is what made the big difference in taste
1 T. Unsweetened Cocoa Powder (mix with melted coconut oil before adding anything else)
1/2 T. Davinci's Caramel Syrup-Sugar free (you could substitute other sweeteners)
1 Scoop Chocolate Protein Powder ( I used a whey protein I had on hand, I'm sure your fav would work)
1/2 tsp. baking powder
1/4 cup Silk unsweetened almond milk

Stir until its a thick brownie type batter then add

6 hersheys sugar free semi-sweet chocolate chips (this makes it the triple) and push them down into the batter

Microwave for 35-45 seconds, careful not to let it over flow.

Turn over onto a plate and serve warm. (Remember this is a molten cake so it will be gooey but oh so good!

This was very rich so made two servings for me which came out to
174 Cal. 14 g. protein 4 carbs 1 fiber 1sugar 10 fat (mostly from the coconut oil)
Your numbers could be a lot different depending on the protein powder you use. The one I used was a little on the high side but it's what I had available.
