
Hello everyone. I'm just curious to know what you think about when you want to throw the towel or just not in the mood to work out. I am having that kind of problem. I say I want to run but I just can't get my running shoes on. I do Jillian videos but sometimes I feel and I know that's not enough. HELP!!!


  • Melissaol
    Melissaol Posts: 952 Member
    I so understand. Im right with you. I really want to workout, but I don't go to the gym .. I keep trying to tell myself you can do this. I keep picture myself at my goal weight. My husband helps me. He says dont give up you have come so far. Keep pushing yourself .....
  • Mells54
    Mells54 Posts: 5
    I work out in the morning before work, so as soon as I get up I put on my workout clothes. And then I tell myself, I'll walk for 5 mins and if I don't want to keep going I'll stop. Most of the time I do 30 to 40 mins.
  • Riceking10
    Personally, I can't stand working out in the morning, I feel like I get a crappy workout cause I'm tired for 1/4 of it... however, I rarely need motivation cause I've set my mind on my goal... BUT, those rare occasions that I don't feel like running 3 miles, I may just go and walk it. For me, the difference between running 3 miles at 6.15 mph (pretty slow) and walking at 3.5 mph is only about 200 calories. That's 1 1/2 cookies!

    (Plus, half the time I end up running cause I get motivated while out there)

    If it's a day when you're feeling REALLY demotivated, just lower your workout. Anything is better than nothing.
  • soonernick
    soonernick Posts: 63 Member
    Workout when you want! I use the mornings because I have a empty stomach and feel so much better during the day! I don't think it matters as long as you do it.
  • redlion45
    redlion45 Posts: 155 Member
    I hear you! When that little voice says: "What difference will one workout make, anyway? Wouldn't you rather stay in bed?"

    I hear that voice a lot. For me, its all about making it a habit. The big picture goals seem too far away to have an impact some days.

    I have to work out in the early morning because my schedule gets out of control during the day. I have found through trial and error, that I pretty much have to do a workout every day, or one day off becomes two, then five, and, well - - you get the picture.

    Some days I feel lousy and don't want to work out. But, if I can get myself started, then I tell myself I will at least do SOMETHING active today. Even if that workout isn't very strenous, at least I got off the proverbial couch that day. Usually I get it together and have a decent workout, even on those days when I am just not feeling it. Nike had it almost right "Just Do Something."

    Hope that helps.
  • leena50
    leena50 Posts: 3
    Try exercise in a pool eg jogging in the water,jumping jacks, works just as effective.
    or go for a swim early evening during mid week days and leave the week end free to enjoy
  • BruteSquad
    BruteSquad Posts: 373 Member
    I started doing the HIIT workouts because of lack of motivation. The HIIT workouts are only 15 minutes long. I can do anything for 15 minutes. I did have to modify some of the ones I am using to take it a bit easier on the knees. But knowing that it is only 15 minutes I can get started. Then I usually follow with some extra exercise because the blood is flowing.

    The other thing I do is treat workouts like taking out the trash or going to work. I don't think about if I am going to go to work, I don't ask if I am going to take out the trash, I just do those things....sounds like a Nike commercial but I just do it.

    On that very rare occasion when I don't feel it, I either go look at myself naked in a full length mirror for the length of my work out, or read posts on MFP. Either way I have never stayed for the full time, I have ended up getting the work out in.
  • QuietDissidence
    Hmmm- there are so many possible answers to that!

    Is it because you're tired? Try working out during the time of day you feel most energized.

    It may be a food thing ~lack of or not balanced enough. If I don't start my morning with a good breakfast it affects my energy levels all day

    Or perhaps it's your current workout routine. You should be choosing an activity that you like or your less likely to follow through with it.

    Remind yourself of all the reasons why you're trying to lose weight~like a daily mantra. If your'e a visual person like me write it down on paper and frequently re-visit your list. I actually typed mine out, made a color copy and posted it in my home office (as thats where I spend most of my time) so that I have a constant daily reminder . I find this helps me the most and when I'm not near my list I repeat all the reasons in my head.
  • spudman1232
    Last time I was running it got to the point that mentally I just had to tell myself I just had to pick up one foot at a time. When I looked at the clock and realized I had 30 minutes left I would freak out. I literally did that work out one step at a time.
  • Dayna154
    Dayna154 Posts: 910 Member
    I dont do the motivation thing as much as I make deals with myself.
    I deal that I HAVE to do 5/10 minutes or do one or two songs and if by that time I want/have to quit I can.
    When that time is up I do it again and by the second time I am into the workout enough I just get it done..
  • Skinnyredhead
    I joined an aerobics class 2x a week. I enjoy it cause the music makes me happy and I just enjoy working out with other people! I see it as my night out and really look forward too it! I am from a small town, and our instructor cant come in anymore, but now me and a couple friends are going to get together and do videos! Sometimes doing it with friends, not at your house helps a lot! Plus if you carpool, then even when you dont feel like it, it make you feel like maybe you should try cause they are picking you up anyways or it is your turn to drive...
  • ruby_red_rose
    ruby_red_rose Posts: 321 Member
    I think about August (I don't know why I fixate on this particular month, but I do). What I say to myself is, come August, I could be fat, or I could be thin. August is going to come no matter what. The only thing I can control is whether I am going to be fat or thin when it does come. What can I do now that will help me be thin on August? And this thought is usually enough to make me put down that slice of cheesecake and go take a walk instead.