Ready to Slim down with SI6



  • Tere07
    Tere07 Posts: 46
    Good day! Got my wo done with Last Minute Abs, TJ 20 and a lower body wo. I miss feling the soreness in my body...I feel it now from yesterday's wo I guess. Man, it is hot today...99.F. out side. Glad I stayed in...:happy:

    OK, might jot some thoughts in my blog...check it out!

    get in shape with teresa dot blogspot dot com
  • Tere07
    Tere07 Posts: 46
    :bigsmile: Sorry, it's been a few days since my last post. I have been working out daily though and eating clean. I also have been trying out Cardio Core Express (Slim Series) and Fat Burning Express (P90) and boy I do love them!!! They made me sweat galore!:wink:

    INSANITY arrives ont Tuesday though I wont be here...will be gone for 4 days to be at a conference for Counselors. But, I will be ready to work it when I get back. I am excited to see where this will take me...and I do hope that I be proof.

    OK, I will be working today as well....eventhough it should be my rest day...will take it tomorrow since I may be soooo tired from my plane trip and getting settles and all. OK...ttyl!

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