I could really use a friend...

I am a wife, mother and prepharmacy student. This will be my third time trying to loose weight. My first attempt ended after loosing 23 pounds. I got pregnant, suffered a misscarrage then gained every pound back. My second attempt only lasted a few days maybe a week. When I felt sad thinking about Mya (my baby) I ate for comfort. Ashamed of this, I started lieing when I logged my food. That made me feel bad too, so I ate more and eventually gave up. This time I hope to be successful. My diary is private, because it is just that; private. I'm a work in prgress, but I'm hard at work progressing. Lets be friends.


  • Shawndra1973
    Shawndra1973 Posts: 6 Member
    You are not alone in your struggle....let's be friends
  • KriscoOil
    KriscoOil Posts: 305 Member
    Welcome, feel free to add me. One step at a time....
  • florange323
    florange323 Posts: 50 Member
    My diary is open to my friends.
  • cmccoy0901
    cmccoy0901 Posts: 156 Member
    you can add me!
  • Karrix
    Karrix Posts: 288
    Feel free to add me, you have my support :)
  • Clarimusic00
    Clarimusic00 Posts: 96 Member
    I'm sorry to hear about the sadness you've been through. Although I have never been pregnant I too used to eat for comfort. I know it's tough to be honest with yourself but I learned that lying about what I ate only hurt me. This is the first time I've been successful in loosing weight and keeping up with the logging. I still have a long ways to go and I'm always looking for more friends to motivated and 'chat' with. Anyone is welcome to add me as friends :)
  • lottier0311
    lottier0311 Posts: 125
    Please add me :-)
  • quietHiker
    quietHiker Posts: 1,442 Member
    You can add me :) I'm always here for the support on your journey. Be strong! MFPers can help! :)
  • bellanena
    bellanena Posts: 70 Member
    Hi There! I'm sorry to hear of your struggles but you can do this because you've come to the right place for support. Let's be friends! :)
  • jscotto821
    jscotto821 Posts: 2 Member
    I understand how you feel completely! You are not alone in this journey! I am a mother of two boys and suffered a miscarriage before I gave birth to my two children. I too use food as comfort, and I gained 55lbs with both pregnancies..eeekk! It has been a struggle to lose the baby weight and the weight I had even put on before I got pregnant. The important thing is to be truthful to yourself and to take one day at a time, it is a life long effort and you need to be easier on yourself. Dealing with a miscarriage is very upsetting, you need time to deal with it first and then you can move on...you are very important and you need to put yourself first and take care of yourself! I'm here to chat anytime!
  • JoJoDoerr
    JoJoDoerr Posts: 173 Member
    I had 2 miscarriages when I was younger and went on to have 2 wonderful boys. I do understand how difficult it can be. You never forget!

    Feel free to Add me ;)
  • Feel free to add me I understand some of what your going thru.
  • You aren't alone. I've suffered a miscarriage as well. Feel free to message me or add me as a friend! :) Things will look up, I promise. :smile:
  • You can add me. Love to read the success stories and hope to be one of them in time. Let's do it together!
  • florange323
    florange323 Posts: 50 Member
    All the kindness is sincerely appreciated. <3
  • geneanroberts
    geneanroberts Posts: 39 Member
    I love your honesty...Very humbling...We are all in this together. Let's all encourage each other!
  • I'm here for you too! What I think is wonderful here is that nobody has ever been judgmental on what is in my food diary. We are all here for each other. You can do this! We can do it together. :)
  • Kmilky
    Kmilky Posts: 8 Member
    I sympathize with you. I am not looking for sympathy but I have had 5 misscarriages in the last 6 yrs. I completely understand what you are going through. I am sorry for your pain. it is tough to get back to being yourself again when these things happen. Please know that you can do this once you completely put yourself in it to lose weight. This is why I like MFP, it makes you accountable in your journey towards good health and there are great people in this with you. Please feel free to contact me. I will help support you through this. :smile:
  • TinaRodina
    TinaRodina Posts: 110 Member
    You (and anyone else) can add me :smile:

    Good luck to everyone, we can do this!
  • flsl
    flsl Posts: 75 Member
    Hi florange,

    Sorry for your loss and for others in a similar boat too. I too suffered a miscarriage, know the pain and sadness. My baby would be due around now.

    Though initially I comfort ate (comfort slept, comfort-anything) I ended up going in the other direction and trying to get stronger again. Felt so unfit, tired, a little old, hopeless, low in energy etc

    Perhaps it wont guarantee anything in the future, but it is good to feel strong in some way. Eating well and exercising can strangely help with the emotional side, which is definitely harder to control.

    (Feel sad for people who have multiple miscarriages. One ray of hope, I know a great woman who had 5 miscarriages and now has a beautiful baby boy. That level of courage and survival is epic.)