Getting Serious! Erika in St.Louis, MO.

Greetings: MFP Family

I am back again ...I fell off pretty bad after losing close to 10 pounds. I really want to adopt health and wellness as a part of my lifestyle and not just a quick fix to to get in clothes I can no longer fit. I realize that I feel better when I am eating healthy and working out regularly ;however the problem that I encounter is TIME. I am a wife and mother coupled with my career...sometimes it seems like almost everyday is a race that begins every morning when my feet hit the floor, and once I am tierd I am down for the count..LOL.

I need some tips on how to eat healthy and get my workout in amidst my busy days.Thank you for your advice in advance !!!



  • SuelaCotton
    SuelaCotton Posts: 6 Member
    I feel you Erika, I'm a single mother of two and it's difficult to find the time to exercise and cooking for both myself and the children often times presents a problem because they don't want what I "need" to have for dinner. Working out at home with a DVD is easiest way to get a workout in when you have a busy life. I love my 10 minute workout tapes and Jillians 30 day shred is less than 30 minutes and it's an excellent workout.

    Hope this helps
  • latak03
    latak03 Posts: 1
    Hi Erika, I really feel where you're coming from, being a mother of three with very active boys. I have really struggled with time management myself. It seems like there isn't enough time in the day. I have come to learn the best way to workout with a family. Use your home space to your advantage. I found this really cool website that u might want to take a look at. It's totally free. The:workouts are shorten in to intervals,which is the best way to workout. To make a long story short. The workouts is 12 min long. I do them everyday (at home). The website is

    I hope u check it out. It's great!
  • janeosu
    janeosu Posts: 140 Member
    Time is what I struggle with as well. I'm back after taking a bad break from MFP too :) I always feel more energized through the day if I am exercising, but sometimes making the decision to do it when I don't feel like it is really hard. I usually get on the elliptical in the evening right after everyone is tucked in for the night before I sit down and crash and I always have a protein shake right after my workout - this seems to be a big key for me. I agree that the 30 Day Shred is great too! It goes so quickly and before you know it you are done! I'm hoping to add it back in to my routine soon.
    Feel free to add me!
  • inside_lap
    inside_lap Posts: 738 Member
    Erika, I feel your pain. I have a demanding job and a young toddler. What I've started doing is preplanning my workouts and meals for the next day on my phone app. That way I'm more likely follow the plan because then I would have to "face myself" when I delete the items. I've also started waking up an hour earlier in the morning in order to get a run in before getting the household up and heading to work. It's been killer on my sleep but actually has started making me feel better about myself. Hope that helps and feel free to add me if you need additional support!