Cheap junk food and obesity



  • BiscuitsNDavy
    BiscuitsNDavy Posts: 212 Member
    A pound of broccoli is 99cents. A celery stalk is $1.49. A bag of Doritos is $3.99.


    Yes, a lb of broccoli may be 99 cents, but who eats broccoli, plain? You need to cook it. That requires a kitchen. Some low income people don't have that. Maybe you nuke it with salt-- another 50 cents. Does that fill you up? It get boring if all you eat is broccoli all day. I'm lucky I have people to share food with, now. When I lived by myself, I found myself living off of 10 for 10 yogurts, a 99 cent loaf of low fiber "wheat" bread which hardly counted, deli meat and romaine. I wouldn't be able to finish it all, and most weeks, I threw away half the food due to mold.

    Everybody in America has a heating source. If not, go to a 7-11, ask for free matches and napkins, go into the woods, gather some kindling, make a fire. Don't have a 7-11 nearby? Rub two sticks together. Want salt on your broccoli? Get free salt and pepper packets at Wendy's. Don't have salt? Hike to the nearest ocean and evaporate water. I'm sorry for being an azz, but you're perpetuating the excuses that caused this thread. The MAIN reason low income people don't eat healthy is because supermarkets are not located in low income neighborhoods. Low income people use public transportation. Cost of bus ride to supermarket vs. corner store that sells chips and soda. They will usually pick the corner store. Hence, the convenience factor wins again. It's about convenience/laziness, not price. Healthy foods can be dirt cheap, but have to be prepared.
  • paigemarie93
    paigemarie93 Posts: 778 Member
    I can't afford to eat fresh alot because I'm a student & spend £15 on 3 weeks worth of shopping, I live off of "junk food" basically, boxed frozen food, pizza, all that because it's all I can afford, but I'm losing weight just fine because I'm not over eating. The food is not the problem, the amount that you consume is.
  • Shoshannah68
    It all comes down to education. Some people simply don't know.
  • AlisonLee2
    That is so true. I'm Australian and it is the exact same situation over here. Our family consists of 2 adults, 2 children and a dog and we spend a ridiculous amount on food compared to others. They say it is the processed food that is more expensive but I find it is fruit and veg and meat that tips our balance and we eat vegetarian at least 3 nights a week. They were talking here about a tax on junk food tofund health initiatives but to date that is all it has been talk. Truly sad I say.
  • Emili03
    Emili03 Posts: 164 Member
    I used to feel the same way because when I would diet, I was constantly trying to buy the lower fat alternative for everything ie.baked Doritos, reduced fat cookies etc. However, if you cut these out and buy fruits, nuts etc. I feel like you come out about the same, plus when counting calories, my food certainly goes much further since I am eating less!
  • grinch031
    grinch031 Posts: 1,679
    I don't think its so much of an issue of cost as much as it is about taste and convenience, or perhaps even relating to chemical addiction. But the big thing is that fresh foods are perishable and need to be refrigerated and/or cooked. Junk foods are packaged and much easier to carry around outside the home.
  • londongirl2012
    londongirl2012 Posts: 151 Member
    I would agree that some organic whole foods can be a bit overpriced, but if a person exercised good judgment and tried to eat seasonal items, they could still eat quite healthfully on a moderate budget. It's really mind over matter. I love Aldi's grocery store, because I can go there and get produce (fresh and frozen) very inexpensively! But yes, I spent many years using that old excuse that I had to eat junk food because it was less expensive...we have to make our mind up that we are the worth the time, energy and money it takes to treat ourselves well...and then we will find a way to make it work!

    I wholeheartedly agree, in the UK it's pretty similar, and with the rising cost of food more people are shopping at budget supermarkets and buying the supermarket 'basic' ranges, still as nutritious but not as perfect looking as the others. Frozen, dried and tinned fruit and veg are all good too not just fresh. Using more vegetarian sources of protein e.g. chickpeas, kidney beans, lentils, soya mince etc is also a way to cut down on spending and healthier too
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    It all comes down to education. Some people simply don't know.

    This is very true.

    Also, a lot of people really don't care about their health. Sad but true.

    I'd say that obesity is mostly due to laziness (or "lack of time" if you want to call it that), lack of nutritional education, or lack of caring. Eating at McDonald's is usually more expensive than cooking at home. Yesterday I fed both myself and my SO on about $5 total.

    "It's too expensive" is an excuse made by people who either don't know how to cook healthy food on a budget, or aren't really interested in changing their eating habits.
  • MissTattoo
    MissTattoo Posts: 1,203 Member
    I don't think junk food is cheaper. I think it's easier. Everything out there wants us to believe we are busy busy busy busy! Have no time for anything, but yet we can sit down for 2 or 3 hours a night staring at our favorite sitcoms or whatever.
    When I didn't have cable, I had so much time at night. I unplug on the weekends (no cell phones, laptops, electronic device, etc) and have so much time.

    What sounds easier? Making a healthy meal from scratch or going through McDonalds drive thru?
  • Anthonydaman
    Anthonydaman Posts: 854 Member
    Buying from the "organic" stores is expensive. Shopping at the local market and avoiding processed food,(stick to the outside aisles) is not as pricey
  • My1985Freckles
    My1985Freckles Posts: 1,039 Member
    To me, in my opinion, it seems as though the reason the majority of our nation is obese, is becuase the cost of junk food is so cheap and healthy food is so expensive! If we are trying to create a healthy America, cut the costs of healthy foods!!!! Lowerclass (and even some middleclass) Americans cant even afford healthy foods from the market, therefor they are buying whats cheap....JUNK FOOD!!!! We should not have to pinch our wallets for a healthy lifestyle! Some may agree and some may not agree. Id like to hear some of your opinions.

    I think it is because Americans are, well to put it bluntly, STUPID! The average American (and the ones on here are above average :wink: ) wouldn't know "healthy" food if it bit them in the butt! Just because something says "low-fat, "diet", "natural", "multi-grain", or my absolute favorites "Lean" and "Healthy" (as in Lean Cuisine and Healthy Choice) that does not mean that the product is healthy OR good for you.

    I can feed a family of 4 a healthy meal for $6.50 or less (with some leftovers for at least two peeps lunches). 1.5 pounds of boneless skinless chicken breast (on sale at least once a month for $1.99 a pound or lower) is $3, 2 bags of frozen mix blend veggies (I like California and Oriental) is $2 (again on sale), stir fried in Italian dressing (use a cup and the rest water) $1.5 for the whole bottle and you get 3 meals out of that so only 50 cents, some rice (partial bag $2 gets at least 2 meals-- this is brown rice, not minute rice) $1.

    So thats.

    Total $6.50 for a HEALTHY filling meal.... What can you get for a family of 4 from McDonalds for $6.50?
  • My1985Freckles
    My1985Freckles Posts: 1,039 Member
    People use this I do believe that more food education is needed in many places. In the US specifically, I think that if you are getting food stamps, you should have to take a course in healthy eating, and if at the end of the year, they audit your purchases, and it consists of more than 30% of "junk" foods, then your benefit should be reduced until you prove you can make better choices. When I worked in grocery, we would see people claiming that 15 boxes of little debbies at a dollar a piece were cheaper than eating healthier foods. Well, the fact of the matter is, if those 15 boxes disappear in a week, and a bag of carrots for 2 bucks lasts just as long, which is TRULY cheaper?

    I think I am in love! :love:
  • delilah47
    delilah47 Posts: 1,658
    To me, in my opinion, it seems as though the reason the majority of our nation is obese, is becuase the cost of junk food is so cheap and healthy food is so expensive! If we are trying to create a healthy America, cut the costs of healthy foods!!!! Lowerclass (and even some middleclass) Americans cant even afford healthy foods from the market, therefor they are buying whats cheap....JUNK FOOD!!!! We should not have to pinch our wallets for a healthy lifestyle! Some may agree and some may not agree. Id like to hear some of your opinions.

    I think it is because Americans are, well to put it bluntly, STUPID! The average American (and the ones on here are above average :wink: ) wouldn't know "healthy" food if it bit them in the butt! Just because something says "low-fat, "diet", "natural", "multi-grain", or my absolute favorites "Lean" and "Healthy" (as in Lean Cuisine and Healthy Choice) that does not mean that the product is healthy OR good for you.

    I can feed a family of 4 a healthy meal for $6.50 or less (with some leftovers for at least two peeps lunches). 1.5 pounds of boneless skinless chicken breast (on sale at least once a month for $1.99 a pound or lower) is $3, 2 bags of frozen mix blend veggies (I like California and Oriental) is $2 (again on sale), stir fried in Italian dressing (use a cup and the rest water) $1.5 for the whole bottle and you get 3 meals out of that so only 50 cents, some rice (partial bag $2 gets at least 2 meals-- this is brown rice, not minute rice) $1.

    So thats.

    Total $6.50 for a HEALTHY filling meal.... What can you get for a family of 4 from McDonalds for $6.50?

    I'm not sure where some of you people are shopping, but here in NW Washington fresh boneless skinless chicken breast goes for an average of $5.50-$6.50 per pound. Fresh veggies are also very expensive. On sale, green bell peppers 2/$3.00. There ARE no cheap veggies around here. Probably because the average population is, by national standards, upper middle class. The unfortunate poor can hardly afford to eat.
  • ZugTheMegasaurus
    ZugTheMegasaurus Posts: 801 Member
    It seems like people in this thread are missing the difference between "lowering your high food budget" and "being impoverished." If you are spending a lot on food out-of-pocket, yes, it's probably cheaper to buy all sorts of healthy, nutritious foods. If your budget can barely support one person, let alone a family, the price advantage disappears. If you have 3 kids to feed for a week and only a few dollars to do it on, that 10-for-a-dollar generic mac & cheese is going to make more meals and provide more calories for those growing kids. The nutrition value is completely lacking, but in terms of how many times you get to eat, it's a massive difference. Additionally, food stamps (depending on your jurisdiction) have restrictions on what you can and cannot buy.

    Look, I understand that for most people, eating junk food is a choice and the price is just a bad excuse. But please don't act like people are not actually seriously affected by poverty when it comes to what they buy at the grocery store. It is a serious problem and minimizing it, mocking these people, or flat-out denying the problem exists doesn't do anyone any good.
  • My1985Freckles
    My1985Freckles Posts: 1,039 Member
    To me, in my opinion, it seems as though the reason the majority of our nation is obese, is becuase the cost of junk food is so cheap and healthy food is so expensive! If we are trying to create a healthy America, cut the costs of healthy foods!!!! Lowerclass (and even some middleclass) Americans cant even afford healthy foods from the market, therefor they are buying whats cheap....JUNK FOOD!!!! We should not have to pinch our wallets for a healthy lifestyle! Some may agree and some may not agree. Id like to hear some of your opinions.

    I think it is because Americans are, well to put it bluntly, STUPID! The average American (and the ones on here are above average :wink: ) wouldn't know "healthy" food if it bit them in the butt! Just because something says "low-fat, "diet", "natural", "multi-grain", or my absolute favorites "Lean" and "Healthy" (as in Lean Cuisine and Healthy Choice) that does not mean that the product is healthy OR good for you.

    I can feed a family of 4 a healthy meal for $6.50 or less (with some leftovers for at least two peeps lunches). 1.5 pounds of boneless skinless chicken breast (on sale at least once a month for $1.99 a pound or lower) is $3, 2 bags of frozen mix blend veggies (I like California and Oriental) is $2 (again on sale), stir fried in Italian dressing (use a cup and the rest water) $1.5 for the whole bottle and you get 3 meals out of that so only 50 cents, some rice (partial bag $2 gets at least 2 meals-- this is brown rice, not minute rice) $1.

    So thats.

    Total $6.50 for a HEALTHY filling meal.... What can you get for a family of 4 from McDonalds for $6.50?

    I'm not sure where some of you people are shopping, but here in NW Washington fresh boneless skinless chicken breast goes for an average of $5.50-$6.50 per pound. Fresh veggies are also very expensive. On sale, green bell peppers 2/$3.00. There ARE no cheap veggies around here. Probably because the average population is, by national standards, upper middle class. The unfortunate poor can hardly afford to eat.

    Those are crazy prices! You should move! PA is beautiful and cheap! :-)
  • delilah47
    delilah47 Posts: 1,658
    To me, in my opinion, it seems as though the reason the majority of our nation is obese, is becuase the cost of junk food is so cheap and healthy food is so expensive! If we are trying to create a healthy America, cut the costs of healthy foods!!!! Lowerclass (and even some middleclass) Americans cant even afford healthy foods from the market, therefor they are buying whats cheap....JUNK FOOD!!!! We should not have to pinch our wallets for a healthy lifestyle! Some may agree and some may not agree. Id like to hear some of your opinions.

    I think it is because Americans are, well to put it bluntly, STUPID! The average American (and the ones on here are above average :wink: ) wouldn't know "healthy" food if it bit them in the butt! Just because something says "low-fat, "diet", "natural", "multi-grain", or my absolute favorites "Lean" and "Healthy" (as in Lean Cuisine and Healthy Choice) that does not mean that the product is healthy OR good for you.

    I can feed a family of 4 a healthy meal for $6.50 or less (with some leftovers for at least two peeps lunches). 1.5 pounds of boneless skinless chicken breast (on sale at least once a month for $1.99 a pound or lower) is $3, 2 bags of frozen mix blend veggies (I like California and Oriental) is $2 (again on sale), stir fried in Italian dressing (use a cup and the rest water) $1.5 for the whole bottle and you get 3 meals out of that so only 50 cents, some rice (partial bag $2 gets at least 2 meals-- this is brown rice, not minute rice) $1.

    So thats.

    Total $6.50 for a HEALTHY filling meal.... What can you get for a family of 4 from McDonalds for $6.50?

    I'm not sure where some of you people are shopping, but here in NW Washington fresh boneless skinless chicken breast goes for an average of $5.50-$6.50 per pound. Fresh veggies are also very expensive. On sale, green bell peppers 2/$3.00. There ARE no cheap veggies around here. Probably because the average population is, by national standards, upper middle class. The unfortunate poor can hardly afford to eat.

    Those are crazy prices! You should move! PA is beautiful and cheap! :-)

    Hey thanks! I have been there in my many travels, and yes, it is also beautiful in PA. Fortunately, I can afford to buy fresh foods these days, although when a child we ate what/when we could. That's the reason I usually stick up for the underdog. :happy: :happy:
  • OnceAndFutureAthlete
    OnceAndFutureAthlete Posts: 192 Member
    If we are trying to create a healthy America, cut the costs of healthy foods!!!! Lowerclass (and even some middleclass) Americans cant even afford healthy foods from the market, therefor they are buying whats cheap....JUNK FOOD!!!!

    I'm no expert, but have ready a lot of popular press on this issue. So this is my "informed" if not "educated" opinion:

    1. As a country and as a matter of policy, the US HUGELY supports the processed food industry, particularly CORN subsidies. Corn goes into so much of our processed/prepared food, especially as sugar/HFCS. This artificially keeps those products cheaper than they otherwise would be. I think a first big step would be to end these subsidies that are, in the long run and at the macro level, really costing us SO much more (health care costs, etc.). If they were eliminated, not only would healthy/non-processed food prices compare better with junk food, but also more farmers would convert to these crops, diversify their crops, producing more fresh produce and thereby possibly bringing costs of those foods down even further.

    2. A lot of people make the argument that "It's not expensive to eat healthy. Lentils are only XXX/pound" or "I can get lettuce at the farmers market for only YYcents." This is true for some, and great that that is possible. But look up the concept of "food desert." Many people - especially in cities - live in places where they don't have access to this kind of variety. No markets with fresh produce, or very limited and/or very expensive.

    Here's a USDA map showing how much of the country they consider to be a "food desert":
    The Economist (not a liberal rag for sure!) calculates that 10% of the US is a food desert:
    This site has info on food deserts in the UK:

    3. Preparing healthy and inexpensive food requires a number of factors/prerequisites that many people don't have.
    - Education on what can be done inexpensively. Hey, we're here actively seeking info and even we miss things or get confused sometimes with the seemingly conflicting information that can be out there.
    - Someplace where food can be prepared, stored, etc. If that 10 lb bag of lentils gets infested with roaches, it's not going to do anyone much good.
    - A life that is non chaotic enough or where people have enough brain space and energy and time to devote to the extra effort it takes to do this as things currently stand (see above). If you're worried about keeping a roof over your head, the quick fix can seem mighty tempting.
    Everybody in America has a heating source. If not, go to a 7-11, ask for free matches and napkins, go into the woods, gather some kindling, make a fire. Don't have a 7-11 nearby? Rub two sticks together.

    Really, how much of one's day would this take? (I don't mean to single you out in particular, just an example.)

    Can it be done? Yes, of course. Is it reasonable to expect the majority of people to do this given the current state of affairs? Me, as a student of human nature, I'm not so sure. I would be one of the ones considered to have "all the advantages and pre-requisites for success" and I certainly make my fair share of poor food choices. :/

    So what's the solution?
    - Well, first off, I don't think it's necessary for the gov't to subsidize healthy food as much as STOP subsidizing the unhealthy stuff. That would be a good place to start!
    - Second, make processed food producers be more honest about what's in their food. Just look at all the press these last few days about the "pink slime" in ground beef - but not on the label.
    - Do more to educate people on how they can do this - and why it's important. That's a "general welfare" type of activity that government can (can!) be good at.
    - Help people better understand - and be more responsible for - the effects (cost) of NOT being more healthy: e.g. medical costs. And did you know that normal weight people make $THOUSANDS more, statistically, than overweight people - at all education levels (more pronounced for women than men):
    And are more likely to be hired?
    - I think a lot more reasearch on brain chemistry and how eating junk can be a self-perpetuating cycle that takes hard effort to break would be helpful, too.

    Lastly, a great deal of this is human nature. Research shows that even as young children, certain people are better than others at delayed gratification. Google "Stanford Marshmallow Experiment" for more info. Not sure HOW we fix that!

    tl;dr: it's not as easy or simple as it first seems.

    /preaching and sorry for the long post, it's just something I think is really important to address, and I'm glad we're talking about it!

    {edited for spelling}
  • nanodot
    nanodot Posts: 154 Member

    (Choose two)

    ^^ Exactly this.

    We go to the Farmer's market down the street on Saturdays, and get a week's worth of veggies for $40. A pint of roma tomatoes is $1.

    Now, if you are trying to eat clean, or high-protein, then meat is a big expense. Organic meat costs double or quadruple what factory-farm meat costs, and I won't eat Chinese fish. I'm still working on incorporating some organic meats into our budget. Other than that, chicken leg quarters are 88cents per pound, which is about $4 for four. We stick those in the oven with some marinade and it's total yum. We buy big meat, on sale, cut it up, and put portions in the freezer.

    We also make a point of cooking big, so that there are lots of leftovers. Leftovers in the fridge or freezer are just as convenient as box dinners.

    Food deserts are a big problem - but lots of cities are working to bring farmer's markets in. Here's an example
    Totally worth checking for one in your area.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I'm not sure where some of you people are shopping, but here in NW Washington fresh boneless skinless chicken breast goes for an average of $5.50-$6.50 per pound. Fresh veggies are also very expensive. On sale, green bell peppers 2/$3.00. There ARE no cheap veggies around here. Probably because the average population is, by national standards, upper middle class. The unfortunate poor can hardly afford to eat.

    Wow! that is expensive chicken. I get organic chicken in my area for less. How much are bone in skinned breasts. It might be cheaper to skin them yourself, and you could use the bones to make broth!

    But in NW Wash shouldn't you be able to get cheap salmon? Sometimes when you are short on cash, you have to go with what is affordable for your area rather than what you might buy if you had a lot of money. Surely not all meat is that expensive.
  • OnceAndFutureAthlete
    OnceAndFutureAthlete Posts: 192 Member
    Oh, and another thing... :tongue:

    Corporations and factory producers have big bucks to be out there advertising and often mis-informing the public.

    Commodity producers (unprocessed foods), not so much!

    (This gets at the education/information part of my rant, above.)

    Have you ever seen an ad saying
    "Lentils...It's what's for dinner!"
    "Grape tomatoes, bet you can't eat just one!"
    "Mangoes...I'm lovin' it!"

    There are some exceptions, like the California raisin growers, etc. (However, raisins = worst for your teeth than chocolate!)
    but mostly we're bombarded with ads for processed/junk food with no counterbalancing voice from the "other side"=> everyone else is doing it, it can't be bad => I want to be normal/like everyone else.