Major sucess with higher calories!



  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    MFP started me with 1690 call per day.....and has slowly been decreasing as I lose weight. it's currently set at 1560 cals. it's been working for me i've lost 37lb so far, but I'm worried after reading your posts that MFP may be leading me wrong in the long run. How would I know where to maintain my calorie intake in the even that I stop losing with what's recomended by MFP?

    If you are doing good with goal and feeding your workouts calories, then you can go to MFP - Tools - BMR calc.

    That's the value you shouldn't net under constantly.

    If your daily net goal is below that, then you need to adjust your weekly weight loss goal - Settings - Fitness/Diet Profile.
    Each 1/2 lb you back off is 250 cal, so just need the math.

    Now, that is not your true deficit each day, and you will likely still lose more than that.

    Your true deficit is between your new daily net goal, and whatever your true daily non-exercise maintenance calorie burn is.

    The estimated is just that, truly estimated. You can and should increase daily non-exercise activity, because that is exactly the type of activity that gets energy from fat, and doesn't need to be fed.
    Unlike true intense exercise that should be fed by eating back most of the calories.
  • superstarcassie
    superstarcassie Posts: 296 Member
    I just upped my calories to a base of 2200 this week- plus more on heavy lift days. No weight gain- (still coming back from my horrendous eating last weekend though, so I don't know what kind of loss I will have in the future, but I'm excited to try this!)....but I am so happy that eating 2500 calories (more on one day even) and my scale is continuing to go lower, instead of higher! I've always preached food=fuel but I wasn't feeding myself enough I now know! I'm striving to NET around 1800-1900 a day! :)
  • doonesbury
    doonesbury Posts: 281 Member
  • Balice57
    Balice57 Posts: 125
    Congrats on your success! I think you will find that when you gain some muscle and firm your body up you don't need to be at as small a number weight-wise as you think. I found that at 150 pounds I looked fantastic, when I thought I would need to be at 130-140. Best of success in getting those last pounds to move!
  • poohbear1971
    Bump it baby!!! I am going to try this.
  • jowings
    jowings Posts: 157 Member
    :drinker: Woohoo! :drinker:

    Welcome to the dark side, where we really do have cookies, and have enough calories to eat them.

    Love it!
  • MJ7910
    MJ7910 Posts: 1,280 Member
    MFP started me with 1690 call per day.....and has slowly been decreasing as I lose weight. it's currently set at 1560 cals. it's been working for me i've lost 37lb so far, but I'm worried after reading your posts that MFP may be leading me wrong in the long run. How would I know where to maintain my calorie intake in the even that I stop losing with what's recomended by MFP?

    not sure what you weigh but just to maintain my weight i need 1800 calories probably... so i think you could up it and still lose slowly if you wanted to.
  • CM9178
    CM9178 Posts: 1,265 Member
    I just wanted to add my two cents in about this.. I'm on WW and my husband is constantly asking me "why do you have to eat all of your points? If you have points left, isn't that a good thing?" I keep trying to explain this to him, that you need to eat enough caolires to lose weight, or you will gain. I should show him this post!
  • doonesbury
    doonesbury Posts: 281 Member
    TDEE = 2225

    BMR = 1389

    I dont know how much to eat!

    I am SO confused!!!

  • QueenRenee603
    QueenRenee603 Posts: 3 Member
  • Melaniec78
    Melaniec78 Posts: 259 Member
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    TDEE = 2225

    BMR = 1389

    I dont know how much to eat!

    I am SO confused!!!


    Above your BMR, say 1400, and eat back your exercise calories if using HRM, or about 80% if MFP estimate of burn.

    Or TDEE - 20% = 1780 and do not eat them back.

    And then remember to adjust that goal constantly as weight moves down.
  • betholiver
    impressive. Still not willing to increase the calories.
  • kazzamcamille
    kazzamcamille Posts: 117 Member
    So I Figured out my TDEE(Total Daily Energy Expenditure) - Calories you burn in a day or also considered to maintain you're weight .......... AND BMR(Basal Metabolic Rate)- Calories burned at rest by Harris Benedict Formula:

    BMR = 655 + (4.35 x weight in pounds) + (4.7 x height in inches) - (4.7 x age in years)

    MY BMR= 1600
    MY TDEE= 2480

    For my body to do basic functions it needs AT LEAST 1600 calories a day. To lose weight you would create a deficit from you're TDEE. :)

    My plan is to eat 1800 cal/day for now and see how that works :) Plus some exercise cals back. I ate 1450 last week and gained .2 lbs. I'm thinking I need to up then because I'm not even eating my BMR but so many people eat only 1200 and a little above it is hard to get the concept that this is okay! Are my calculations correct or should I use MFP?

    MFP says my TDEE is 2120 and I will only lose 0.6 lbs eating 1800 cals/day

    Thanks !!!
  • funkycamper
    funkycamper Posts: 998 Member
    kazzamcamille, if your ticker is correct, it looks like you only have 9# to lose to get to your goal. At this stage, you should only be aiming to lose 0.5#/week in order to maintain your muscle mass while losing those last few pounds. So, yes, I think your calculations are spot-on for your goals. So what if it takes a few weeks longer? With the added calorie consumption, you shouldn't even feel like you're on a diet at this point anyway.
  • kazzamcamille
    kazzamcamille Posts: 117 Member
    Thats just to my first goal. I want to lose a total of 30 lbs but I break it up like that for more motivation. I would like to lose 0.5-1lb a week with my upped calories just don't want to gain :)
  • cressievargo
    cressievargo Posts: 392 Member
    Love this post.
    Today just for kicks I looked at my "Reports" on here. The weeks / days my loss was slow / stalled - were the same weeks /days my calories were the lowest.

    I've lost 19.6 or something like that since January 1st and haven't done nearly as much exercising as I should.
    Hoping to start that phase on Monday.
    Best of luck everyone!!
  • ToxicTinkerbell
    ToxicTinkerbell Posts: 64 Member
    Thanks for posting this. To know a few people have had success is inspiring!
  • funkycamper
    funkycamper Posts: 998 Member
    Thats just to my first goal. I want to lose a total of 30 lbs but I break it up like that for more motivation. I would like to lose 0.5-1lb a week with my upped calories just don't want to gain :)

    Some wiser folks than me here on MFP who I trust often say that those who want to lost anywhere from 25-50# should aim for a 1#/week loss. So it still sounds like you're in the right ballpark to me. Best wishes!
  • quererespoder
    quererespoder Posts: 40 Member