Want to Lose 35lbs

Hi, I'm 5'2" and I'm 18.

I weigh about 160lbs and I am looking to lose 35lbs so that I can weigh a healthy weight of 125.
I have trouble with this goal because It is difficult for me to keep going.
I don't know any good exercises that can help me lose weight and I would like to know of some.



  • thekarens
    thekarens Posts: 254 Member
    If you can afford it a gym has a lot of different cardio and strength machines that can help you. If you can't afford a gym or dvds there's Youtube. Lots of exercise videos to be found there that you can do right in your room. Of course, there's always walking, bike riding and lifting weights.
  • dford29p
    dford29p Posts: 1
    I recommend Zumba. Usually gyms offer a class and it's usually really cheap per class. If your not convertible with doing Zumba with others try the dvd's at home. Excellent cardio and burns lots of calories.
  • dreamyheart
    Hey- I know the feeling, i've lost weight.. but years ago- I'm working to get down to the same goal weight; I'm currently 140. Elliptical's are great but if you can't afford to go to the gym, don't worry; you don't have to. Pilates are amazing umm extreme workout- zumba, yoga- there's so many things, just mix it up. Cardio and toning and don't do the same routines everyday- i've made that mistake- for 7 grueling years!!! running for an hour and doing the same dam calistetics! we can do it, it just take patience and never giving up- remember to eat enough and not to binge- it can screw up weeks of dedication! good luck and all the love to you, stay in touch we'll push each other :) Ariana- 23
  • butttrffly
    I am looking to lose weight again. 3 years ago I lost weight by joing a gym and using the ellyptical machine for 20 minutes a day. I am working at it again. Good luck
  • yayagirl2
    yayagirl2 Posts: 21 Member
    Good for you for wanting to be healthy and fit. If I were you, I would start with small achievable goals to get you started and feel like your new healthy lifestyle is manageable. Sometimes a larger goal can seem so overwhelming, you will be surprised how the smaller goals keep you motivated. The long term goal is great, but you won't get there without reaching smaller ones first.

    Start with doing something you enjoy. Maybe just walking 40 minutes a day and then doing a light run /walk as you become used to that schedule. Add a workout 3 times a week with light weights next. There are a lot of web sites and tapes available, even at your local library. If you have the money to join a gym or class, that is fun too. Getting a walking or workout buddy helps keep you on schedule and motivated.

    Get rid of one thing in your diet that really packs a lot of calories, like juice, soda, sports drinks. Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day instead and eat two fruits as a substitution. As you get your diet cleaner and rid yourself of the unhealthy things we all reach for, you'll be surprised how your body starts to crave good food.

    Get a good nights sleep, and stay away from people that are negative influence.

    Believe in yourself and stay as focused as you can. Stay on this website...lots of fitness pals here rooting you on.

    Good luck, just get started. You have to change to see change. It's not always easy, but you can do anything you put your mind to and want to happen.