Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead!

Hey guys, so I watched this documentary called Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead on Netflix. It has been super amazing!!!! It has defintaly changed my life and the way I eat, I recommend you watch it. I am on a 60 day reboot and I started March 1st and by March 6th I was down 10lbs.

Basically, you are juicing fresh fruits and vegtables. I brought a breville juicer and all the recipies are amazing that I have been trying!!!! check it out!


  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    Hey guys, so I watched this documentary called Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead on Netflix. It has been super amazing!!!! It has defintaly changed my life and the way I eat, I recommend you watch it. I am on a 60 day reboot and I started March 1st and by March 6th I was down 10lbs.

    Basically, you are juicing fresh fruits and vegtables. I brought a breville juicer and all the recipies are amazing that I have been trying!!!! check it out!

  • ricksnaustin
    ricksnaustin Posts: 439 Member
    I need to check that one out! Glad you were inspired by it. God Bless.
  • Woooooow really!!!! How many times a day did u juice.. It had to be pretty expensive, right? But ten pounds, that fast; is amazing!!
  • Woooooow really!!!! How many times a day did u juice.. It had to be pretty expensive, right? But ten pounds, that fast is amazing!!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I haven't seen it but be careful to get all your nutrients. Talking to a doctor would probably be a good idea. Best of luck whatever you decide.

    You are probably going to get a lot of negative and even mean replies. People aren't always nice or pleasant when they disagree with a diet strategy.
  • luvsherhubby
    luvsherhubby Posts: 135 Member
    I watched it a few months ago- I tried it and lasted 2.5 days lol. I wasnt in it for the right reasons at the time. I also HIGHLY reccomend forks over knifes, food matters and food inc on netflix GREATTTTTTT DOCUMENTARYS!
  • LabRat529
    LabRat529 Posts: 1,323 Member
    I hate this documentary almost as much as I hate Dr. Oz despite never having seen it. It inspires people to do foolish and unnecessary things. A short juice fast isn't gonna kill you, but it's not necessary. It's not magic. It's not going to do anything that a healthy diet + exercise won't do- and the healthy diet is less uncomfortable. You get to eat this thing called food.

    A long juice fast can be dangerous. You can become deficient in amino acids and other essential nutrients. In other words, you become malnourished.
  • ScottJG82
    ScottJG82 Posts: 34 Member
    Hey guys, so I watched this documentary called Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead on Netflix. It has been super amazing!!!! It has defintaly changed my life and the way I eat, I recommend you watch it. I am on a 60 day reboot and I started March 1st and by March 6th I was down 10lbs.

    Basically, you are juicing fresh fruits and vegtables. I brought a breville juicer and all the recipies are amazing that I have been trying!!!! check it out!

    Thanks for the heads up. Juicing is great, I need to do it more. Been vegan for 12 years so fruits are a big staple for my calories and for the energy it's given me personally on my own journey.
  • I hate this documentary almost as much as I hate Dr. Oz despite never having seen it. It inspires people to do foolish and unnecessary things. A short juice fast isn't gonna kill you, but it's not necessary. It's not magic. It's not going to do anything that a healthy diet + exercise won't do- and the healthy diet is less uncomfortable. You get to eat this thing called food.

    A long juice fast can be dangerous. You can become deficient in amino acids and other essential nutrients. In other words, you become malnourished.

    It's not so bad if you know what to include in the juices. I don't do juice fasts, but I do one day a week where I only juice. As long as you mix in some things with it like yogurts, nuts, or seeds then you will never feel the difference from not eating. Also including things like avocado or artichoke hearts in your juices will keep you feeling like you've eaten a lot. It takes a lot of food to make a solid 8oz juice and its perfectly safe...as long as you do the research and make it the right way.
  • hooligansmom
    hooligansmom Posts: 122 Member
    I think that everyone who is passing judgement on this documentary without actually viewing it should really check it out. I really enjoyed the film, even though I would probably never be interested in trying this diet.

    Remember, the two men who gained their lives back in this film were just as the title said. They were under very close medical supervision the entire time, and the movie stressed that this diet should not be done without medical supervision.

    I think one of the key elements to the successes in the movie is that they removed themselves from their everyday lives in order to get used to the juicing diet. They did not have to contend with work, family, junk food cues all around. Most of us do not have the luxury to do that.

    This diet can work, especially for very obese people who feel they must use extreme measures to change their ways. I feel that anyone considering the diet should make sure they can get medical supervision, can afford the special juicer and all the necessary foodstuff, and can dedicate themselves to the self-denial and introspection that it took for these men to get through the first part of the diet.
  • Wow, I've seen really harsh replies to a lot of threads similar to this.

    Come on people, there's no point in being rude or bashing what has worked for them.
    They are simply telling you the success and their results for what they have tried, they aren't telling you that you must do it yourself!

    Everyone has different ways of losing their weight, and each person can choose themselves the way that they want to lose it.

    Just saying.
  • LabRat529
    LabRat529 Posts: 1,323 Member
    It's not so bad if you know what to include in the juices. I don't do juice fasts, but I do one day a week where I only juice. As long as you mix in some things with it like yogurts, nuts, or seeds then you will never feel the difference from not eating. Also including things like avocado or artichoke hearts in your juices will keep you feeling like you've eaten a lot. It takes a lot of food to make a solid 8oz juice and its perfectly safe...as long as you do the research and make it the right way.

    As long as you've got a source of all essential amino acids and fatty acids, then you're correct, it's probably not that bad (though I still don't see the point when you can get the same results by actually eating the foods you're putting into your juicer).

    HOWEVER... the reason I hate the documentary so much is you've got people who've watched it, researched it, and are being careful... then you have all the others jumping on the band-wagon without another thought.
  • LabRat529
    LabRat529 Posts: 1,323 Member
    Wow, I've seen really harsh replies to a lot of threads similar to this.

    Come on people, there's no point in being rude or bashing what has worked for them.
    They are simply telling you the success and their results for what they have tried, they aren't telling you that you must do it yourself!

    Everyone has different ways of losing their weight, and each person can choose themselves the way that they want to lose it.

    Just saying.

    Rude is in the eye of the beholder.

    If I'm doing something potentially dangerous and/or foolish, I'd want people to speak up. I'd consider it cruel if they stayed silent and let me damage my health.

    In my opinion, a long-term juice fast sits next to HCG on my list of bad ideas.
  • As long as you've got a source of all essential amino acids and fatty acids, then you're correct, it's probably not that bad (though I still don't see the point when you can get the same results by actually eating the foods you're putting into your juicer).

    HOWEVER... the reason I hate the documentary so much is you've got people who've watched it, researched it, and are being careful... then you have all the others jumping on the band-wagon without another thought.

    The whole point of juicing is to make it easier or your body to digest. Your body absorbs the nutrients more quickly thus speeding metabolism. I would NEVER recommend doing a full juice fast. I am working my way towards doing it 3 times a week.
    A small tip for people who do juice: Matcha tea powder added to any green juice will change the way you look at smoothies and ramp your metabolism.
  • whip67
    whip67 Posts: 32
    Hey guys, so I watched this documentary called Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead on Netflix. It has been super amazing!!!! It has defintaly changed my life and the way I eat, I recommend you watch it. I am on a 60 day reboot and I started March 1st and by March 6th I was down 10lbs.

    Basically, you are juicing fresh fruits and vegtables. I brought a breville juicer and all the recipies are amazing that I have been trying!!!! check it out!


    *kitten* much?
  • Dimplybutt
    Dimplybutt Posts: 123 Member
    Hey guys, so I watched this documentary called Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead on Netflix. It has been super amazing!!!! It has defintaly changed my life and the way I eat, I recommend you watch it. I am on a 60 day reboot and I started March 1st and by March 6th I was down 10lbs.

    Basically, you are juicing fresh fruits and vegtables. I brought a breville juicer and all the recipies are amazing that I have been trying!!!! check it out!


    *kitten* much?

    In agreement with you here! There was totally no need for that post of his, especially not in this forum area.
  • LabRat529
    LabRat529 Posts: 1,323 Member
    The whole point of juicing is to make it easier or your body to digest. Your body absorbs the nutrients more quickly thus speeding metabolism. I would NEVER recommend doing a full juice fast. I am working my way towards doing it 3 times a week.
    A small tip for people who do juice: Matcha tea powder added to any green juice will change the way you look at smoothies and ramp your metabolism.

    This sounds like a much more sensible approach then others that I've encountered. I have personally known people (in real life, not just on MFP) who actually are juice FASTING on account of this documentary- and they're doing it not just for one or two days, but for WEEKS. They're not 'juicing' anything but fruits and vegetables, and they drop weight very quickly, but at what cost?
  • new2locs
    new2locs Posts: 271 Member
    Juicing should not be done from a diet standpoint IMO. If you don't come off of the fast correctly you can become ill from re-introducing certain foods too fast. Juicing IMO should be done for detox/cleansing purposes only. You should not go on a juice fast expecting to lose a ton of weight & keep it off. I've personally done two 30 day juice fasts. Lost 24 lbs each time & probably kept a total of 8 lbs off from both. What I can say you'll gain while doing it is mental clarity, a nice clean colon, yep some weight loss, clear skin, did I say mental clarity? LOL And the feeling that you have while on the cleanse is indescribable. I plan on doing one again soon. IMO I believe we need to abstain from foods every so often to give our digestive tract a chance to rest because it is constantly working.
  • callmeBAM
    callmeBAM Posts: 445 Member
    I have seen this documentary (along with almost every nutrition or diet related one) and found this one sincere, but biased towards veganism. If this is a tool among many, I can get behind that. If this is your holy grail, not so much.
  • MizSaz
    MizSaz Posts: 445 Member
    The problem with juice fasts is that the weight loss isn't generally sustainable. Of course you're going to lose weight if you stop putting solid food into your body. But once you start eating again, as a rule the weight comes back.
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