Is it bad if I am almost always over my protein for the day?



  • science_man_88
    I'm trying to get more protein in and I'm curious what everyone is eating that takes them over and where are your goals set?

    my most protein in one thing without more than one serving today is a tuna sandwich with 21 grams.
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    The main problem is that many foods rich in protein, such as meat, may also be filled with saturated fat. Eating too much of these fats increases your risk of heart disease. In a diabetes diet, protein should account for about 15% to 20% of the total calories you eat each day."

    Saturated fat does not increase the chance of heart disease. Harvard studies show this...

    In basic, easy to understand -

    In more detail -
  • illtemperedsebas
    As was Stated before, the MFP levels are set very low to start with. Protein takes work to digest.
    Ever eat a high protein meal and feel warm/hot afterward? That's your body working hard to digest
    the protein! Way too much like 200+(unless you are a bodybuilder) is not going to help you, but
    I'd rather go over on protein than carbs any day!! Protein also makes you feel fuller longer, helpful
    if your calorie goal for the day is low.
  • DaveC29
    DaveC29 Posts: 232 Member
    I'm trying to get more protein in and I'm curious what everyone is eating that takes them over and where are your goals set?

    I go over on mine as well every day... I eat meat or fish (super boost!) for each meal with vegetables. Low on carbohydrates (unless they have good fiber and low sugar) Looking and feeling good!!
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    A 2.8g of protein per kg of bodyweight is shown to have no negative effects on the human body. I can show studies showing this.
  • philco41
    philco41 Posts: 68 Member
    Actually, just read that muscle does not weigh "more" than fat; it's just denser.
  • psiren28
    psiren28 Posts: 530 Member
    Actually, just read that muscle does not weigh "more" than fat; it's just denser.

    It weighs more by volume, so 2 people can weigh the same but the one with more muscle will look leaner than the one with more fat.
    Nothing weighs more than anything else unless you mean by volume. Lead doesn't weigh more than feathers. The 'muscle doesn't weigh more than fat' people are just being pedantic, they know what people mean when they say it.

    No one bats an eye when someone says chocolate has more calories than lettuce but 100cals of chocolate and 100cals of lettuce have the same calories. For the purposes of a general comparison where volume is a given: chocolate has more calories than lettuce and muscle weighs more than fat.
  • juliekaiser1988
    juliekaiser1988 Posts: 604 Member
    MFP settings are jacked up!!

    Protein is good. Better to be over on that than carbs!!