I know there are similar topics about Pic's already out ther

So i know there are probably TONS of topics about this but . DO YOU FIND IT OFFENSIVE WHEN HEAVIER PEOPLE POST PICS IN THEIR BRA'S AND UNDIES. I know there is a topic about -GIRLS- posting half naked pics, but so far from what i read its mostly about FIT girls doing it, i want to know is it ok for us bigger girls to do it too or does it offend people? i mean this IS a fitness site to track progress and share your before and afters..but what about those of us that only have before pics to share so far? Also not just us bigger girls but what about the guys? is it ok for ANY of us bigger people to post our pics in our bra's undies and or boxers, or does it offend people to see so much fat exposed? i hope that made sense and you all understand what im getting at.


  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    Anyone who is proud of their progress or even at the beginning of their journey should be happy and do so should they choose. We all have wonderful bodies - the most amazing thing we will ever have. Its something to be loved, enjoyed and doted on and over. Everyone is beautiful and unique.
  • TexasGirl_Amie

    Take tons of pics. If you are comfortable posting bra and panty pics, Go for it! This is your journey, not anyone elses. And if they don't like it, tell them to buzz off. :drinker:
  • Nicola0000
    Nicola0000 Posts: 531 Member
    No-one has any right to tell anyone else what to do. You should do whatever you want. Be warned, then are some *kitten* holes on here who will get very nasty if you do. Just be prepared. x x
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,829 Member

    Take tons of pics. If you are comfortable posting bra and panty pics, Go for it! This is your journey, not anyone elses. And if they don't like it, tell them to buzz off. :drinker:

    Exactly. I'm not a size 2. I'm currently a size 10. And I'm NOT at my goal, by any means. But I am proud of my progress, so I'm showin it off!

    Love your body, and be proud of who you are. Everyone should have the right to show as much or as little skin as they would like (you know, while keeping the sexy bits covered) without the fear of being ridiculed on a FITNESS website.
  • tilliesmom9
    "Bigger girl" in a bikini riiigt here! :-) Go for it!
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,383 Member
    I love seeing progress pics of all shapes and sizes, before, during, and after, it's motivating to see what a person can do to their body.

    Also, this is not MyModestyPal.com, I'm fine with people showing what they've got (or what they used to have LOL) as long as there are no parts showing that wouldn't be allowed to hang out on a public beach. If the 'private' areas are covered, go for it.
  • ScottyNoHotty
    ScottyNoHotty Posts: 1,957 Member
    I will be happy to preview all your bikini pics before you post them....
  • bluefever
    bluefever Posts: 93 Member
    My only concern is the pics with peoples faces in them too. Those pics are now on the internet for anyone to take, see and do what they want with them. I am always shocked when people post full bra and panty shots and you can clearly see who there are as well.
  • mmstgr
    mmstgr Posts: 578 Member
    Take pics. Look at them. Feel good about your progress. Share it with others :)
    Then take more pics :) DO IT :)
  • FreshStart89
    FreshStart89 Posts: 297 Member
    "Bigger girl" in a bikini riiigt here! :-) Go for it!

    bigger girl? i dont think so sexy thang ;)

    but YES post whatever pics you like hun, and screw the people who think its wrong or get offened.
  • tuneses
    tuneses Posts: 467 Member
    <--Hobo shorts work best.
  • winter_vixen
    winter_vixen Posts: 27 Member
    Go for it! I tell you now, take as many progress pics as possible because you'll regret not doing it later. If people are offended by something like that then they probably shouldn't be on a site like this, or hell, they can remove you as a friend or just not look at it! It's not difficult.

    Someone did mention earlier that some people can be especially rude when it comes to things like this, and I agree, so I'd definitely advise keeping your guard up to a certain extent and be prepared to argue your rights.. many many times, unfortunately, haha.

    Stay strong! xo
  • FlyByJuly
    FlyByJuly Posts: 564 Member

    Take tons of pics. If you are comfortable posting bra and panty pics, Go for it! This is your journey, not anyone elses. And if they don't like it, tell them to buzz off. :drinker:
    ^^^^^^^Yep. I'm not offended at all by what ppl post, regardless of size. Sometimes there are ppl who have lost weight, or inches, but they can't see it for themselves. I've seen plenty of posts of "before" and "current" where the changes are quite obvious. I think the best way to see the differences is if the person posts pix of themselves in underwear or close-fitting garments. How else are we to see progress? If ppl are offended, well....maybe they should just move along till they find something more suitable for them.
  • rockerbabyy
    rockerbabyy Posts: 2,258 Member
    i dont find it offensive at all - its a great way to show progress.
    people always say "just wear yoga pants, or spandex" etc...but spandex holds things in and may make it look like there was more progress made. and yoga pants are just as bad lol ive been considering adding some bra/underwear pics to show progress, but i dont know if i have any befores. i have nudes i could edit, but i dunno if i wanna go through the trouble if theyll just be removed anyway
  • KansasRain
    Thanks for all the encouragement its nice to know that nice people do still exist! However, this is meant for ANY heavy person wanting to post pics not just for me, im personally not comfortable with posting MY pics of just bra and panties, in My before pics on my page im in a sports bra and Pants and it took me EVERY ounce of courage i had to post those. i don't think i could handle posting pics in my underwear, im just not that confident and i don't think my husband would like it much haha.

    I think people who are comfortable enough to post bra and pantie pics are awesome, because they have amazing self esteem and i admire that. I do agree that maybe they should crop out their face though, i once dated a guy who i had met online and the "pics" he sent me were of another guy, and he had like 20 of the same guy naked,shirtless, in his boxers and it just makes me wonder how many other people are out there using some poor guy or girls pics because they didn't cut their faces out or they left them open to the general public.