Need Help reaching my goal

Hi, Today is my first day on MFP. I have set myself several goals because i know if i try to rush myself into reaching my perfect weight i will get overwhelmed and frustrated. Im 5ft 9 and 228lbs i hold all of my weight in the abdominal and chest region. I have the bottom half of a size ten, so i would really like to even out lol.

Looking for friends who can motivate and support me through the process, to me the first two weeks are where i need the most support because this is the time where i usually give up :(


  • 1shauna1
    1shauna1 Posts: 993 Member
    Weight loss is the hardest thing I've tried to do! I have similar stats, I'm 5'10" and weigh about 227 right now. Add me as a friend if you want! I'm on here about every day!
  • Dayeonaira
    Dayeonaira Posts: 12 Member
    Im really 5 9 and 3 quarters lol, in high school i was 5 11 and with the weight gain after having two kids i seem to have shrunk. for your heigh and bone structure what is your goal weight.

    Thats what confuses me at max the charts say i should be 176 however the lowest i have been is 180 and i looked perfectly healthy at that weight.
  • shulaw
    shulaw Posts: 160 Member
    add me if you like , just got back on here after 7 months off , and after loosing 48lbs went and put 21 lbs back on so im starting again , if i can do it anyone can i wish you luck on your journey xxx
  • Blessedmommy_2x
    Blessedmommy_2x Posts: 419 Member
    I'm here for ya! I can relate losing weight can be a very stressful task especially when you have a lot that you want to lose. But having a great support system and setting realistic goals and expectations is a HUGE part of it.

    I joined MFP January 7th, 2012 weighing in at 242 lbs (highest I have EVER been!-including pregnancies) It was a bit overwhelming imagining the amount of weight I would have to lose just to get to a healthy BMI. But I just decided "its time"!!! I was/am tired of being over weight and unhealthy... And here I am a little over 60 days into the journey and LOVING IT! One of the best decisions I have ever made!!! You CAN do this! You will do this... just got to stay motivated, and that is where your friends/yourself come in hand! Feel free to send me a friend request.

    I still have 30-40 lbs to lose... at least. I am 5'10 (well... 5'9.5)

    Start weight: 242 lbs (January 7th)
    Current weight: 203.4
    Goal weight: 170
  • Dayeonaira
    Dayeonaira Posts: 12 Member
    im so excited, you know when you have that moment, the one where your like this is it, im gonna do something about it? i have been waiting ten years for that moment and it finally happend. I have tried to lose weight before but not so much because i wanted to but because everyone else did, i know im going to be successful especially with all the great support