OMG I am about to die from shock! NSV!!



  • ladytinkerbell99
    ladytinkerbell99 Posts: 970 Member
    Congratulations! That is so awesome. I wish I could do that.
  • LuLuRunner1
    LuLuRunner1 Posts: 329 Member
    That's awesome!!! One of the best NSV's there is! I did this not too long ago by betting myself that I couldn't do it! I'd tell myself that I could quit when I got to the top of the hill, but then I'd tell myself it's downhill, just run it! It's an awesome feeling. Congratulations!
  • jomiley23
    jomiley23 Posts: 76
    That is awesome! I want to be you! I can't run! My asthma would kill me. But god how I'd love to! I'm working on building up my endurance now so that I can run! Go you!

    Of course, talk to your doctor first. But I managed...being 100lbs overweight on top of lifelong asthma. It's definitely an endurance thing. Start slowly. My tricks: use the fast acting inhaler (two puffs) before running. Walk for at least 5 minutes at a fast clip to warm everything up. And breathe rhythmically, using your steps to keep track. I start out with slow breaths - 3 steps breathing in, 4 steps breathing out. Then when I'm in full swing, I speed it up a little 2 steps in, 3 steps out.

    Also, keep your body loose. Don't tense up and freak yourself out. And don't run on days when the seasonal conditions would make it really hard. I can't do really cold days. It's gotta be at least 50 degrees outside. And I'm better when it's humid. It's a Mississippi thing, I guess.
  • annalee_1
    annalee_1 Posts: 236 Member
    Great job! I hope someday I can do the same!
    TOYGRRRL Posts: 251 Member
    Awesome! How exciting. I look forward to jogging some time soon. You are an inspiration.
  • ambutler0905
    :flowerforyou: What a great feeling!
  • jessjayla
    jessjayla Posts: 34
    Awesome!! Keep it up, you'll be at 3 in no time! I see a 5k in your future :)
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    That is the right damn attitude to have. I can't wait til I can run that long. Major kudos. You are amazing. <3
  • hypersensitiveb
    hypersensitiveb Posts: 342 Member
    Great job ! Keep it up.
  • anna_love
    anna_love Posts: 177
    I know that feeling before I would only do 2 mins run I would be so tired or 5!! But now I can do 30mins 5.0speed and it's. Feels awesome :happy:
  • myogibbs
    myogibbs Posts: 182
    That is so fantastic!!! WAY TO GO!!! Keep it are doing a great job :)
  • jamiem1102
    jamiem1102 Posts: 1,196 Member
    You rock! Congrats!
  • roachtg
    roachtg Posts: 56 Member
    AWESOME!!! I know you are so happy right now.
  • mandym74
    mandym74 Posts: 20 Member
    That is great!!,
  • desertdove
    Wow that is great!!!!!!!!!!!!! Today I walked steady on the treadmill for 55 min. total. That was huge for me. Up from 10 minutes a week ago. I am charged. Let's do this!
  • SarahMorganP
    SarahMorganP Posts: 921 Member
    Thanks everyone! I still can't believe it is real! I am going to assume that the reason I was able to do it was because I was on a treadmill? I have never tried running on a treadmill before, just outside. I did put it at a 1.5% incline because I have read on here that is what you need to do to make it like running outside. All I know is that my body is screaming at me today! My knees feel like someone smashed them in with a hammer. LOL My walk with the dog this morning was...interesting!
  • DterMined2012
    DterMined2012 Posts: 600 Member
  • glittermouse
    glittermouse Posts: 590 Member
    so, so, so happy for you!!
  • ricksnaustin
    ricksnaustin Posts: 439 Member
    Totally awesome. Now keep it up and don't back away!
  • rissadiane
    rissadiane Posts: 355 Member
    That's awesome! Great job!