Working out with T.O.M

Just curious is it ok to workout during that special time?????


  • Daisy_May
    Daisy_May Posts: 505 Member
    I've never had a problem with it, I may not feel like it but once I get off my butt it actually helps my cramps!
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    I've been advised by my doctor that it actually helps to exercise during T.O.M. :ohwell: He said it helps with the "flow".
  • skwhatley
    skwhatley Posts: 156 Member
    Personally the last thing I wanna do during T.O.M is exercise! But I too have heard that it helps with cramps and such.
  • ellybaby
    ellybaby Posts: 12
    I work out during this time and find that it really does help relieve the cramping.
  • gemiwing
    gemiwing Posts: 1,525 Member
    I learned the hard way I can't jog/run on my heavy day(s). I had to keep running to the bathroom during my workout :blushing: :blushing: :blushing: I won't say why- but you guys know what I'm talking about.

    During PMS I don't workout- I just relax and maybe take a slow stroll.

    Walking,gently, helps aleviate some of my cramps and gives me an outlet for the Angry Bugs that seem to accompany my TOM. :tongue:
  • ptrad
    ptrad Posts: 22
    I'm past menapause now, how did that happen? But always felt better when I worked out, it alleviated cramps (at least for some time) and I felt better. I am glad that more women are getting up and exercising. I am teaching my dtrs that ! God bless!
  • April0815
    April0815 Posts: 780 Member
    It helps me with my cramps. I have edometriosis really bad and I cramp throughout the month whether it is T.O.M or not. I should say used to. I was suppose to have a hysterectomy and I decided before I had surgery I wanted to lose some weight. I thought it would make my recovery easier. Within the first 20 pounds I lost the cramping had gotten lighter. Now I hardly ever cramp throughout the month, maybe just the 1st couple of days right before it starts. I canceled my surgery too. It's funny what losing a lil bit of weight can do. Back to the topic, Yes you can work out and you will feel better atleast I do. Hope this helps
  • pange
    pange Posts: 82
    Do it!! I don't know if you get irritable like I do, but exercise helps me be less cranky.