How long til you start to feel pretty again?



  • SwannySez
    SwannySez Posts: 5,864 Member
    Whenever I need to feel pretty, I just sing "I Feel Pretty" from West Side Story. Song does WONDERS!
  • thepetiterunner
    thepetiterunner Posts: 1,238 Member
    Pretty is a state of mind, not a physical state.

    I think you have some very deep emotional issues that need to be addressed. Getting healthy, getting into shape will help build confidence, but it may not be enough. I would highly consider going to therapy. I find therapy to be exceptionally helpful to a lot of people.
  • gomisskellygo
    gomisskellygo Posts: 635 Member
    You will never be younger or prettier than you are today. Deal with it.
    Take a class, read a book or something

    That is a horrible thing to say. Sorry you feel that way! You will never be younger, well that's groundbreaking. But pretty? Beauty is ongoing, it doesn't go away. I feel "prettier" at 35 than I ever did in my twenties. Feeling pretty is about knowledge, confidence, realizing who you are, being a good person..your comment is so odd, I am having a hard time responding!

    To the OP, you need to find yourself again. It will happen, just continue on the path you are on now, and take care of yourself.
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,720 Member
    Pretty? Sweetheart you are gorgeous!
  • uberrach
    uberrach Posts: 67 Member
    I was told noone would ever love me because I have a child. Then I was married and that temporarily numbed it and now I'm being told noone will love someone who has a child AND divorced and is barely 21. I just am ready to feel beautiful again. not just skinny but like that other then my son i have purpose. I KNOW i have purpose but i feel like noone should support someone who has made so many ill descions. How will i know in the future what is the right choice if i've made so many terrible ones already?

    You say that you're "being told" these things. In some cases, we are in circumstances that prevent us from "hearing" --- but it's your choice to actually listen and believe them. If hearing these kinds of negative, demeaning remarks is OPTIONAL, choose wisely and remove yourself from the situation. You're still young, you're still lovable and everything's going to be okay.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Another thing... nothing you did is really BAD choices or mistakes

    You had a baby. How does that make you any worse than anyone else who had sex and didn't have a baby? It doesn't.

    You fell in love and married someone, and it ultimately didn't work out. How does that make you any worse than anyone else who's relationship didn't work, or even one that did work? It doesn't.

    Will there be some men who won't want to date you because you're divorced and have a child? Yes. And those are men who wouldn't be a good match for you. It doesn't mean there's anything wrong with you, or even with them. They're just not right for you.

    Heck, I saw a pair of shoes I liked yesterday. The size 8.5 were too tight. The size 9 were too big. It's not the fault of my foot or the fault of the shoe. That particular shoe wasn't a good fit for my foot. (Which, by the way, I think should be the real take-away message of Cinderella... not a prince that saves the girl, but the girl finding the guy... and shoe... that's the perfect fit.)
  • missykm7
    missykm7 Posts: 42
    YOU are beautiful...inside and out. EVERYONE makes mistakes. They will shape who you are as a person and help you to grow. Don't forget how important you are. Feeling better physically will help you to feel better mentally, but it might also be beneficial to talk with a counselor about your feelings. Feel free to friend me if you want some extra support...I've been through all of what you are feeling due to a number of circumstances in my life. I got pregnant with my daughter at 15. She is now an amazing, confident, beautiful 20 year old. :)

    Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.
    ~Albert Einstein
    Nobody can make you feel inferior without your permission.
    ~Eleanor Roosevelt
  • Laceybaby1967
    Laceybaby1967 Posts: 82 Member
    . But I never second guess that I'm beautiful.

    I look in the mirror and just want to cry. i feel destroyed. I feel like winning is my option to a new life. I never knew how much of myself i lost after I had my son at 17 and married at 18. I feel like i just did everything wrong and now as a result I am punished and deserve these feelings.

    I was told noone would ever love me because I have a child. Then I was married and that temporarily numbed it and now I'm being told noone will love someone who has a child AND divorced and is barely 21. I just am ready to feel beautiful again. not just skinny but like that other then my son i have purpose. I KNOW i have purpose but i feel like noone should support someone who has made so many ill descions. How will i know in the future what is the right choice if i've made so many terrible ones already?

    Wow......I understand what you're feeling...and it breaks my heart...

    I myself got pregnant, though I was much older than yourself. After nursing, etc...I had gained 60 pounds. I never got down to my pre-pregnancy weight.... but, I do want to mention a few things that worked for me....

    1. You are beautiful....on the outside definitely, but on the inside as well, though your confidence is obviously shaken.
    2. Get healthy; you have a little one......who's life would be completely different if you're not in the picture.
    3. Fake it until you make may not feel it yet; but hold your head up, knowing you are changing for the better. You'll notice running after your child won't be such a difficulty, and you'll be able to smile to yourself....
    4. I was told no one would want a single mother with a child...that my son was my 'baggage'. Needless to say I ignored that son will NEVER be baggage......and truth be told, I have to beat 'them' off with a stick.

    You didn't make terrible choices; you made choices. How you handle the results of those choices is up to you.....and if you need a 'friend', feel free to add me.....:flowerforyou:
  • cyclerjenn
    cyclerjenn Posts: 835 Member
    I have so been where you are. After my accident and I gained 70 pounds in recovery, I never thought I was going to fell pretty again. But I have learned that I am a good person on the inside and if someone really cares for me they will see my inner beauty and look past what is on the outside.

    I have shed 35 pounds, but I still have hard days where I just want to feel better in my skin. Just be confindent with who you are and don't let anything stop you from doing what you love to do.

    Good luck with your journey.
  • handsomepaul
    Ok so who's picture is that? She is beautifull. So who ever is telling you these things is an obvious liar so don't listen to him, probably a used car salesman, or a politician. If it's not him then whoever it is, is trying to break you down. What is thier motive for saying such hurtfull things? If your a Christian see what God says about his people, and how much he loves us. It always helps me when I feel the way you described.
  • victoriabrah
    victoriabrah Posts: 11 Member
    thanks so much everyone that was definatelya dark day - - today was much brighter and im just going to take one day at a time. I dont know why i am so hard on myself i just feel like i "know" better then all these things ive done backwards in life and am scared ill keep making backwards descions.

    hopefully i will achieve my dream body and have a dream attitude to match