Anyone else's toes/feet go numb when working out?



  • HelenBuffy
    I have this problem on the elliptical also. I noticed that if I made a real effort to wiggle my toes every couple minutes and switch to going in reverse on the machine and moving my weight to my heels every 5 mintues for 2 minutes or so, this helps too.
  • v70t5m
    v70t5m Posts: 186 Member
    A pinched spinal nerve in the lumbar region will produce a similar result. The numbness/tingling tends to grow the longer you push yourself on your machine/exercise of choice.

    If you find the discomfort spreading in size with time, you may need to see the doctor. If this discomfort is present in everyday life, you definitely need to see the doctor.
  • crunchymommy
    crunchymommy Posts: 30 Member
    This is a very helpful thread! I have had this problem to an extent for quite a while. The first time I experienced it was several years ago, backpacking in professionally fitted backpacking-style hiking boots. I thought it was odd that the "best" footwear I owned gave me trouble with my toes. I think now it may have been a combination of my being overweight, carrying a backpack (but it would do it even if I was hiking without the backpack) and maybe lacing them too tightly.

    I occasionally experience it in my running shoes, but I do find that loosening the laces usually helps somewhat.

    Tonight I was surprised to discover it happening worse than ever when I decided to just do some random aerobics to get moving because there's black ice outside (no runnning outdoors) and the gym is closed (so no treadmill). I put Just Dance in the Wii for fun and had to stop after about 13 minutes because the toes on my right foot hurt so much! So I was surprised to find when I googled this problem that a lot of people were recommending barefoot running or Five Fingers shoes to fix the numb toes problem. Apparently that isn't the solution for me.

    I think I'll talk to my chiropractor about it, since someone mentioned a nerve being pinched in the lower back, and try some arch supports. My running shoes are for overpronators like myself, but maybe there's more I could do. Thanks for the input! I'll try to remember to come back here and share how these things worked.
  • kcallas88
    kcallas88 Posts: 192
    i had this problem too...just tied my shoe strings too tight. I also keep going through it and it goes away over time.
  • trhops
    trhops Posts: 295 Member
    I get this when I am on the elliptical! No issues on treadmill, just the elliptical!
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    This used to happen to me when I did step aerobics. I don't do step aerobics anymore.
  • jasonheyd
    jasonheyd Posts: 524 Member
    Posted this a while back on a similar thread...
    You might try changing the way you're lacing your sneakers too. Sometimes the numbness is just from pressure as your foot swells from the exercise. That happened to me when I got a new pair of running shoes... 30 minutes into a run, my feet would start to go numb.

    Here's what I do now, and I've had no issues since making the change:
  • olores
    olores Posts: 257 Member
    Yep! I find that when I'm biking that my toes start numbing. If I bike for lomger than 30 mins it gets worse so I break up my times/exercise and that seems to help. Yes, the eliptical reacts the same. I just thought I was just getting!
  • sportybrewerschick
    sportybrewerschick Posts: 170 Member
    my heels do!
  • CoraGregoryCPA
    CoraGregoryCPA Posts: 1,087 Member
    Yes, when I'm on the eliptical! The more often I workout on the eliptical the worse it gets, so I try not to use the eliptical that often to avoid it. I've researched it before and I can't remember what the reason was..
  • mleech77
    mleech77 Posts: 557 Member
    As most others have said, check the way you're lacing your shoes. If that doesn't help out I'd also suggest going to a proper running store and having them fit you for a pair of shoes. I used to have issues with my feet/legs when running, and after being fit for the right pair of shoes that all went away.
  • likemeinvisible
    Feet swell with the workout so even when your laces were loose when you put them on, they might still be too tight afterwards.
  • srm1960
    srm1960 Posts: 281 Member
    :noway: bump
  • KirstenTheFamilyCoach
    I had this problem along with significant shin splints. I loved to Vibram's and it went away mostly. I still get numbness and pain but it's so much better than it was before. Part of it is that I'm overweight and under trained and part of it is that I have poor circulation and part of it is that I have very very very high arches.
  • Rebirth08
    Rebirth08 Posts: 174 Member
    It's amazing. When you come out and mention a problem, it's cool to see how many other people relate. I've experienced that too, mainly on the elliptical. I attributed it to standing in one place and moving at the same time. So, when I feel that numbing coming on, I will just shake my foot out a bit or re-position my foot on the foot plate thingy and that helps. But with the elliptical (thought I haven't done it in some time) I choose not to go for more than 30 min at a time. Because my feet do feel uncomfortable after some time. And as far as shoes, I bought some really good ones too - I have asics, arch support, larger size, all of that. I just think it's the elliptical, for me..

    as far as what you can do, I suggest moving your foot around on the foot plate thingy as you are exercising, and limit yourself to 30 min at a time. Treadmills don't bother me like that, but I'd rather do home dvd workouts (Tae-bo, aerobics, dancing videos) and exercise outside (walking/jogging, jumping jacks, etc) because I don't experience those problems. My favorite cardio machine tho is the stationary bike.

    So, for you, it may be that the elliptical and treadmill are good, but you should limit your use on them (not stop them alltogether tho) and explore other ways of getting a good workout (as you have been doing with JM and other things) :-)
  • zombilishious
    zombilishious Posts: 1,250 Member
    Your shoelaces are probably tied too tight over the top of your foot.
  • KatieJane83
    KatieJane83 Posts: 2,002 Member
    I had the exact same problem, and as others have said, it was a lacing issue. I know, it sounds ridiculous but that's what cured this problem for me and allowed me to actually run.

    Try lacing it the way they show for 'PROBLEM: High Instep' on this site -

    It allows the laces to be nice and loose across the top of the foot while still having enough length left to actually tie them properly, lol
  • Shyonenz
    Well done - will bump this for later :)
  • TeachTheGirl
    TeachTheGirl Posts: 2,091 Member
    Sometimes my pinky toe would fall asleep. I think it's probably due to my sneakers, but it only happens on rare occasions so I'm not too worried about it. Also I found that I had to plant my feet differently during stationary moves.
  • LavenderBouquet
    LavenderBouquet Posts: 736 Member
    This used to happen to me on the elliptical and treadmill when I wore certain shoes. I just started doing my workouts barefoot and it went away, though I realise this may not be a practical solution for everyone. I also didn't work out at a very intense level, so I didn't need a lot of support.