I'm done!



  • suziecue66
    suziecue66 Posts: 1,312 Member
    Ummm.....really Veganthinn???
    Yeh, those eggs are nasty according to Veganthinn. I never heard it put that way- someone else's period!!
  • douglasmobbs
    douglasmobbs Posts: 563 Member
    you can have a healthy diet whilst avoiding all those.

    if you want a breaded effect on meat or fish try oats.
    There are lots of tomato based sauces with either herbs and/or spices. (rather than milk based sauces)
    I cannot remember the recipe but cauliflower pancake type things look good for a bread type substitute.
    Although its called milk, almond milk is dairy free and nice on cereals, I have not tried it in hot drinks yet.

    Good luck
  • Brandongood
    Brandongood Posts: 311 Member
    yeah veganthinn grossed me out..

    but anyway, I agree with the other posters in this thread, what is your reasoning for totally eliminating these foods from your diet?
  • wackedoutpet13
    wackedoutpet13 Posts: 72 Member
    just to see how it'll change my weight.

    For members who are asking "why?" I think the answer is in the original post.

    I rarely drink milk and I recently cut out starchy stuff like bread, noodles, rice, etc. I think it helped. I lost like, four or five pounds in a couple of weeks. Just try not to go over your calorie goals. I missed the starchy stuff at first but I've found that I don't so much anymore. I do eat a lot of chicken periods though. I'm in love with sauteed veggies and yogurt w/ fresh slices of fruit. Good luck!
  • JadeRabbit08
    JadeRabbit08 Posts: 551 Member
    I'm cutting milk, bread and eggs from my diet for 40 days,just to see how it'll change my weight.
    Any ideas or tips?

    I am gluten and diary intolerent and have cut them out of my diet for 45 days now. All binge eating behaviour and cravings stopped dead when I did. My energy levels went right up and no more stomach upsets.

    If you don't have an intolerance I have no idea how it will effect you. Anyway it perfectly possible to have a healthy dietery intake without those things you just need to put some thought into what you will replace them with.

    I still have the occasion egg myself, makes it easier for me to meet my protein macro. Just try not to think of it as a boiled chicken embro. :)
  • spngebobmyhero
    spngebobmyhero Posts: 823 Member
    have you been to robb wolf's website? Or Mark's daily apple? You will find some great advice there about reducing/eliminating gluten and dairy. Eggs are good to eliminate if you think you have an autoimmune disease.

    Try coconut milk from the can (full fat, not light) for a dairy replacement, especially if you drink coffee.

    You'll learn to live without gluten quickly and you won't miss it pretty soon
  • angiebarker
    angiebarker Posts: 127
    I went vegan after being a vegetarian for almost 10yrs. For me there wasn't a huge change but if you have been eating meat and stuff you will most likely see a difference of a few pounds lost. I know a lot of recipes if you would like to try some.
  • warmachinejt
    warmachinejt Posts: 2,167 Member
    I'm cutting milk, bread and eggs from my diet for 40 days,just to see how it'll change my weight.
    Any ideas or tips?
    don't cut out anything unless you don't like the taste of it. Everything you do to temporarily boost your diet in any way will probably only yield temporary results.
  • delilah47
    delilah47 Posts: 1,658
    Eat eggs
    ...uh huh..
    yup, ^^this
  • littlelily613
    littlelily613 Posts: 769 Member
    I had attemped to go vegan as I am a vegetarian anyway. I had cut out all milk and eggs successfully. As I discovered that cheese (unfortunate, but true fact!) is my favourite food and seems to make EVERYTHING taste better for me (and therefore, more likely to stick on a diet), I began eating cheese again. Once I realized I just could not get enough protein in otherwise even though I do eat a substantial amount of plant protein, I began eating yogurt again as well (recently--Greek yogurt has lots of protein!). Still, milk in general kind of grosses me out, and I AM concerned with animal welfare as well, so I don't drink milk by the glass. I drink soymilk occasionally if I want something different to drink, and my smoothies and cereal always have soymilk (I pick soymilk because of the protein, but if they start selling the almond plus milk around here with the protein in it, I will switch to that). As for eggs, I was off those almost entirely since last June, but because I STILL wasn't getting in enough protein, I decided to reincorporate them as well. I eat ONLY free-run eggs. Even my carton off eggwhites and my mayonnaise is free-run. While it might not be ideal yet for animal welfare it is better than nothing. I can now get more than enough protein almost daily, and perhaps I can make other choices when I am in my own house, have more money, etc.

    My point: giving up all dairy and milk and wheat IS possible, but only do it if you can be sure you are getting in enough protein. If you are going low on protein, it will NOT be good for you in the long-term as your body will leave your fat behind and make use of your lean muscle mass instead.
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    I cut out most of my dairy for health reasons
    I also did a total elimination of potatoes, rice, corn, pasta, breads, etc... my body does not metabolize this very well
  • sizzlinoverthefat
    sizzlinoverthefat Posts: 136 Member
    you can have a healthy diet whilst avoiding all those.

    if you want a breaded effect on meat or fish try oats.
    There are lots of tomato based sauces with either herbs and/or spices. (rather than milk based sauces)
    I cannot remember the recipe but cauliflower pancake type things look good for a bread type substitute.
    Although its called milk, almond milk is dairy free and nice on cereals, I have not tried it in hot drinks yet.

    Good luck

    :grumble: FINALLY a REAL suggestion to the quesiton that that started this post in the first place!! Not some ****-a-mammy BS some seem to be posting:laugh:
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    Eat eggs, bread and milk. You don't have to cut anything out as long as you have it in moderation.
    I myself, do not like milk either so unless it's 'in' something like yogurt or soup, I'll pass. Soymilk is good, especially Silk light chocolate!
    I eat chicken periods occasionally. Sometimes I even have cow muscle and I really enjoy it. And like I said above, I enjoy cow breast milk if it's in soup! <you hear all kinds of things on here!!!> LOL
    Maybe look at your total intake and try to find a balance rather than omitting something entirely. I understand if you don't like it but you do need to eat and sometimes we just have to re-learn how.
    Good luck to you!
  • mohanj
    mohanj Posts: 381 Member
    I don't eat eggs and I have cut down on bread. I like milk in my coffee and hence not going to cut it. Give it a try.
  • Skeemer118
    Skeemer118 Posts: 397 Member
    Body for Life program. Take a look & see what you think.
  • Nerdy_Rose
    Nerdy_Rose Posts: 1,277 Member
    I have not actively tried to cut milk out of my diet, but I love unsweetened coconut milk for drinking/cooking/cereal.
    And if you are concerned about the healthiness of the breads you eat, you could try different types of bread rather than eliminating it (I am gluten intolerant, so my bread choices are extremely limited).

    As far as replacing eggs, you can use tofu. Vegans usually make tofu scramble, eggless egg salad, etc with tofu. I personally like eggless egg salad a lot.
  • lvpthemvp
    lvpthemvp Posts: 266 Member
    curious as to why those three?
  • LatinaGordita
    LatinaGordita Posts: 377 Member
    I say go for it. I have been lacto ovo vegetarian for over 8 years. I was vegan for one of those years. I was never a very healthy vegetarian/or vegan.

    I would just caution you in finding good wholesome alternatives for dairy. There are plenty of protein alternatives for eggs for example, legumes, tofu etc. So you do no need eggs to get enough protein in your diet.

    Also read ingredients carefully as many things that we eat on a daily basis contain eggs/dairy.

    Best of luck!

    Also there are many cheese alternatives (dairy free) out there.
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    Eat eggs, bread and milk. You don't have to cut anything out as long as you have it in moderation.
    I myself, do not like milk either so unless it's 'in' something like yogurt or soup, I'll pass. Soymilk is good, especially Silk light

    Moderation doesnt work for everyone though