NSV C25k - Today I ran a 5k



  • luhluhlaura
    luhluhlaura Posts: 278 Member
    Yay congrats!! And be proud of that time! I've been a jogger for about 2 years and I STILL jog a 5k between 30 and 40 minutes.
  • That's wonderful! Congrats on your 5K.
  • daisytripp
    daisytripp Posts: 527 Member
    This is an awesome post - I am on Week 5, Day 2 - that's my workout tomorrow. It is inspiring to hear that you were ready for the Day 3 workout and that the program worked for you. Thanks so much for sharing!
  • TopazCarey
    TopazCarey Posts: 263
    Amazingness! I'm currently on week 3, can't wait to be able to run a whole 5k like you! Great job!
  • courtneymal17
    courtneymal17 Posts: 672 Member
    Awesome! I'm struggling to get to the gym...I'm on W3D2....but I have my first 5k scheduled for this weekend (eeps!) I'm planning on walking/running it, but thanks for the motivation!
  • MandaJean83
    MandaJean83 Posts: 671 Member
    That is amazing, congrats! I am currently on Week 3, Day 3 (set to do it tomorrow, that is) and I'm so nervous about upcoming Week 5. Eek! I hope to someday be able to run a 5K the entire way. It's on my goal-list. For now, I do walking/running intervals and that's good enough for me. As long as I'm getting my fitness on, I'm happy!

    Great job!!
  • cruiser3004
    cruiser3004 Posts: 72 Member
    Well done mate! Very happy for you. Hopefully I will be a fellow 5K'er next week, week 8 day 2 here.
  • SMoRZ3
    SMoRZ3 Posts: 6 Member
    For all you beginner runners, try talking/singing out loud while you run. I find a lot of newbie runners have a hard time running because they are running at a pace to fast for their conditioning. If you can talk/sing while running, you're running at a slow enough speed that you should be able to keep that pace for a long while.

    Once you get a your cardio used to running, you'll be able to run faster and longer without breaks. Its all about keeping your heart rate down to a manageable level. If you're maxing out, you will have to stop/slowdown to get your heart rate to a safer level...
  • blueeyedcristi
    blueeyedcristi Posts: 304 Member
    Awesome job! I've struggled the last couple days since joining b/c of migraines but hope to get on the elliptical soon. I'd like to start the c25k at some point too.
  • Alanakrahenbil
    Alanakrahenbil Posts: 811 Member
    Congrats on running a 5k! Today will be day 4 for me :)
  • Crawflowr
    Crawflowr Posts: 106 Member
    Congratulations on 5k. I too am well on my way, did Week 6 day 3 today, 25 mins straight plus I did my first run outside on Saturday. Before I started I couldn't run 100 yards without feeling like I was dying and coughing up blood. My heartrate used to rise over 200 bpm within the 1 minute intervals during the first week. Now it stays steady at just over 180. C25k is an amazing program, as it actually works.

    Planning my first proper 5k on July 1st for the RaceforLife, hopefully I'll be faster by then, so far I'm only managing 8kmh for the longer runs, want to be atleast 10kmh on race day, I'd like to come in in 30minutes.
  • tuffhd
    tuffhd Posts: 9 Member
    Today I ran in the Westport St. Patrick's Day 4 miler.

    I did good. I slowed down to walk twice. Once just before the aide station just past the half way point so I could drink some water and a second time for to slow my heart rate at the bottom of a big hill just before the finish line.

    I'm pretty proud of myself, 4 miles in 52 minutes. That's only 10 minutes longer then it took me to do the 5k. I must be getting faster!

    Thanks again, I enjoy reading about every one's success stories, it keeps me motivated.
  • alliesun53
    alliesun53 Posts: 160 Member
    Congrats!!!!! I know how huge that is. I just finished week 4 day 3 today...and when I was looking at week 5 I had a slight panic moment seeing week 5 day 3...20 minutes straight?? AHH!!!

    The program itself is only to be done 3 days per week, but I would go back and redo some of the easier days on my ‘off days’ to reach my daily exercise goals.

    what a great idea!!!
  • tuffhd
    tuffhd Posts: 9 Member
    Congrats!!!!! I know how huge that is. I just finished week 4 day 3 today...and when I was looking at week 5 I had a slight panic moment seeing week 5 day 3...20 minutes straight?? AHH!!!

    The program itself is only to be done 3 days per week, but I would go back and redo some of the easier days on my ‘off days’ to reach my daily exercise goals.

    what a great idea!!!

    It's not as bad as you think it's going to be... but it feels like a huge accomplishment when you are done.
  • NicoleinCarolina
    NicoleinCarolina Posts: 19 Member
    Thanks for posting! im start wk4 day 1 on tuesday and am hopin gto run my first 5k this summer. I too have started on a treadmill and find your post really inspiring
  • laineylynnfit
    laineylynnfit Posts: 369 Member
    GREAT JOB!!!! I am on Week 2 Day 3. I agree that doing it outside is way harder. I didn't go to the gym one day and decided to go to the park after work to complete my day and it was TOUGH. I think treadmill is good for me for now then I will redo the entire program on a track after!

    Congratulations!! I have never been a runner and it's always been one of the things I've dreamed about. I had friends in high school that ran track and they always said how they loved it and that's what intrigued me but I was always overweight and lazy! Now I'm getting it done :):)
  • kaned_ferret
    kaned_ferret Posts: 618 Member
    I'm starting wk3 tomorrow, so I've got a way to go, but I find it really inspiring to hear about everyone's successes with the programme! I'm really hoping that once I've done it, I'll keep to 5k runs 3x a week for fitness and weightloss!
  • shiseido_faerie
    shiseido_faerie Posts: 771 Member
    I'm just starting day 1 today outside, pretty nervous, I've never been able to run before, but I got new good shoes and orthotics so I'm hoping that is that solution to fix all the physical issues. Amazing job completing 5k, I can't even imagine running 5 minutes let alone 5k lol
  • sjtreely
    sjtreely Posts: 1,014 Member

    True story. You heard it from me first. Here's the deal ....

    You'll bask in the sunshine of your new accomplishment and then start to think ... "Hummm, I wonder if I can do a 10K?" You'll think, why not? I bet I can. So, you'll start to train for a 10K and soon you'll be crossing the finish line of that race. And then then your mind starts to wonder again....

    You'll get pesky thoughts of increasing your distance. You will try and shake the thoughts out of your brain, but they won't let go. You'll continually think about doing a half marathon. Yes. You. 13.1 miles. You'll lie in bed thinking about it and then one day you'll Google training plans. You'll become friends with Hal Higdon and Jeff Galloway. They'll convince you that, yes, you can complete one. And they're right.

    You'll finish the half and wear your badge of honor, I mean medal, with pride never realizing the power of your own endurance.

    But it's not over. You'll start to think ... well, I did that and I'm not dead ... I wonder??? Yep. You're gonna contemplate a FULL marathon. You. 26.2 miles. You'll switch your priorities to get your LSD in. LSD now has new meaning. You'll sign up and pay your money so you can run down streets with crowds cheering for you. You'll cross the Finish Line and be handed the best darn banana you've ever eaten. You'll hobble back to your car and forever more be called a MARATHONER.

    You'll plaster a 26.2 sticker on your vehicle and every time you come up to it in a parking lot you'll remember just what you're capable of when you set your mind to it. Why????

    Because running is addictive and it all started with C25K!

    Yep. You heard it from me first.

    Congrats on your new addiction. Well done.
  • dpwellman
    dpwellman Posts: 3,271 Member
    Fantastic.and congratulations.

    Now, go do the next one! :wink:
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