Xbox 360 w/Kinect, PSP 3 or Wii?



  • Debbiemudge
    You will need two controller
  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    I have all 3, PS3, XBOX, and Wii.
    XBOX has Kinect which is superior to the motion control of the Wii.
    The only problem with Kinect is that if the kids are really little they will not understand that the kinect can only see two people at once. Typically a bunch of 6 year olds jump in front of it expecting that they can all participate(and they can't), and it takes a minute to reset the game after they "ruin" it.

    For teens, XBOX also allows out of game chatting so my kid plays Call of Duty while he chats with kids playing other games.

    I personally like the media content and controls of the PS3.

    If you get XBOX, make sure you get the WIFI accessory, becasue its not built in. We hardwired ours.
  • cekeys
    cekeys Posts: 397 Member
    We have Wii & Xbox with Kinect. The Xbox with kinect wins hands down.

    Check Amazon's reviews to see which games are good. Some are worth it, many aren't. Zumba Rush is awesome and is way better than the original. Dance Central 1 & 2 are totally fun & great for friends and family.
  • 412HeavyLifter
    412HeavyLifter Posts: 170 Member
    xbox kinect has it all
  • Farhanum
    Farhanum Posts: 13
    Kinect is the best option for workout games...

    HOWEVER personally my favourite workout game of all time has to be eyetoy kinect on Playstation 2! It's pretty much the same thing, but cheaper AND it felt sooo cool!
  • AlbionLass
    AlbionLass Posts: 136
    We have a 360 and a PS3, I prefer the Xbox by far. Mainly because my favourite games are Xbox only.
  • mmstgr
    mmstgr Posts: 578 Member
    Xbox for sure. It's the only system that uses your body to track movement. You can play the others by sitting on the couch and waving your arm around.
    Your Shape kicks my butt and it's my favorite to workout with. And we have plenty of fun kinect games for the kids too.
  • todaysanewday