hi im new

hi my names paula and im new, i have high hopes for this site cause its kinda a last attempt for me, ive been one a diet since last august and am now heavier than wen i started, ive tried all sorts of diets, slimming world, low carb, low calorie, lots of gym and nothing has come off, all tests have been done and r normal, so the doc has now said to me that i have a low metabolism and will always be overweight, im not having none of it!!!!
So now im hoping to prove my doctor wrong, if anybody has any ideas please share.
i will do this!!!:bigsmile: :bigsmile:


  • Cherp18
    Cherp18 Posts: 224 Member
    Welcome Paula! I'm new too (as of last week) and love this site! Lots of good ideas & support :) Best wishes in your goals!

  • Lorna3721
    Lorna3721 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi, I'm 13 days in and lost 6lb so far,, good luck!!
  • I know how you feel! I have always been overweight though but then I stared taking medication and I gained 60 pounds. I cant exercise yet until my back is less painful but I cant wait to start! I do a 1200 calorie diet but that is because before I never eat over 1500. But I always post new things to get and try. Good luck.
  • GinGinSweden
    GinGinSweden Posts: 36 Member
    Change drs!!! You can do it!!! Lots of motivation and success stories here , with a good support group it is alot easier to achieve:)
  • pomate
    pomate Posts: 2
    thankyou everyone, ive been on medication also and thats wat i think was the problem but my doctor wasnt having any of it so i took myself off it 3 weeks ago so we will see, but im willing to give anything a try so ive started on 1200, how is everybody finding that?? does it matter if u go over a little bit cause i did today, sorry for all the questions but i want to get it right!!
    thankyou for all the friend requests, i feel very welcome

    and congrats to u lot for losing so quickly u must be delighted
  • Larry0445
    Larry0445 Posts: 204 Member
    Welcome and good luck. Add me for support,if you wish. Thanks :smile: