I could wear that but.... (another gym post)



  • SDkitty
    SDkitty Posts: 446 Member
    Oh and for those of you who just can't keep your thoughts on your own attire here is a fabulous solution :)

  • SwannySez
    SwannySez Posts: 5,864 Member
    I'm the slightly balding out of shape guy in his early 40's. I have more rolls than a bakery. I am squishy and saggy and generally not a pretty sight. I am the guy with the revealing outfit on. The one you think is oblivious to how he looks. The one you point at behind his back and the one you laugh at. You marvel at how someone could be so blind as to not realize how ridiculous they look.

    Let me clue you in, I hear everything you say. I see every smirk. I see the way people move away. I hear the laughter.

    That's WHY I dress the way I do.

    You're my motivation.

    Whenever I feel like stopping or easing up, I just have to glance around to be reminded how far I have to go.
  • Dilfster
    Dilfster Posts: 434
    if they are following the gym dress code-- who cares? It's not like they are wearing high heals and a miniskirt on the treadmill.
  • 10acity
    10acity Posts: 798 Member
    You probably have a nicer butt than I do (I barely have one at all) and I'm not even close to my goal weight, but I only wear tight gym pants. In fact, I'm very particular about them (and everything else in life..). My favourite are cropped mid-calf, all cotton (no elastic anywhere) and skin-tight from waist to hem. I have great legs, but I'm not trying to show anything off. It's just what's comfortable for a workout. Of course, I also wear the same big t-shirts I will wear to bed...
  • bellevie23
    bellevie23 Posts: 208 Member
    I cant stand loose garments, it is a personal preference, not trying to be sexy, DEF not trying to be sexy at a gym, I dont care what someone looks at, Im at the gym to work out not model lol.
  • mabug01
    mabug01 Posts: 1,273 Member
    I wear baggy clothes because I like baggy. I hate the feeling of being smothered by tight fitting workout clothing. I don't pay any attention to what others wear because I'm at the gym for me.

    On the other hand, there's a manager at work that wears short blouses and when I have to stare at her midriff it makes me want to eat potato chips and chocolate. Blech!
  • jbakerak
    jbakerak Posts: 76
    The only thing I really prefer people not to wear at the gym is massive amounts of perfume or cologne! So annoying when you are working out at the gym and gasping for fresh air because someone gets on the machine next to you smelling like a fragrance bomb went off! Other than that, whatever. If they are comfortable, wear it. If I don't like it, I won't look.
  • rcc1988
    rcc1988 Posts: 125 Member
    If someone is the type of person who would lose respect for me because I'm wearing tight pants, then their respect means nothing to me in the first place - it's worthless to me. I'd rather have the pants. :-)
  • Dilfster
    Dilfster Posts: 434
    The only thing I really prefer people not to wear at the gym is massive amounts of perfume or cologne! So annoying when you are working out at the gym and gasping for fresh air because someone gets on the machine next to you smelling like a fragrance bomb went off! Other than that, whatever. If they are comfortable, wear it. If I don't like it, I won't look.

    i totally agree! the perfume/cologne thing is awful!
  • Bikini27
    Bikini27 Posts: 1,298 Member
    In my opinion, people need to get over themselves and their idea of how important their opinion about what someone else should or should not wear to the gym is. I know I have no idea what you're wearing and if or if not you brought unders to wear or if you have a spray tan or if your hair looks good. Why? Because you're not in the squat rack with me and you don't look like the stack of weights on the cable machine or a rack of dumbells or a bench. That's all I care about looking at when I'm at the gym.

    Judging burns ZERO calories.

    Honestly, when I am at the gym, I don't look at people unless they happen to cross my line of vision (which is blurry because I remove my glasses). I don't care if their VPL is an inch deep. I don't care if they've got rolls.

    They Are At The Gym Getting Fit.
    Enough said.
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    who the hell cares.
    when i'm at the gym, i'm not aware who's staring at my *kitten*.. (well except for my crush :blushing: )

    i wear short shorts mostly to the gym. they're comfy and i can see my legs in the mirror which inspires me.

    today i'm wearing tight yoga type capris to the gym.. i could care less if my "rolls" show or what not, i'm there to sweat.
  • greasygriddle_wechnage
    leave it to a female to b*tch about what other females are wearing at the gym. glad i wear whatever the h*ll i want and am too busy gutting it out to worry about "what's-in-fashion-and-appropriate" for the moment.
  • Bikini27
    Bikini27 Posts: 1,298 Member
    if they are following the gym dress code-- who cares? It's not like they are wearing high heals and a miniskirt on the treadmill.
    That would be entertaining, though.
  • thinmintme
    thinmintme Posts: 63 Member
    Once I've the body I desire, I'll flaunt it any chance I get. As far as I'm concerned, if people start talking to me because of a tight *kitten* or shapely shoulders, I'll ignore them.
    But I also look for highly intellectual, broody types of people as well so I feel I won't have much trouble weeding out the superficial ones. :p

    But I do understand where you're coming from and kudos to you for dressing the way you feel you should dress. To each his own. :flowerforyou:
  • spectralmoon
    spectralmoon Posts: 1,230 Member
    I cant stand loose garments, it is a personal preference, not trying to be sexy, DEF not trying to be sexy at a gym, I dont care what someone looks at, Im at the gym to work out not model lol.

    This. Running on the treadmill or elliptical and having loose pants constantly rubbing at my legs drives me nuts. I wear a big shirt because I'm self-conscious, but I'm not even going to pretend that feeling that thing nearly chafing (not tight, just the motion of it rubbing my skin) at me isn't freakin' teeth-grinding annoying.
  • nutandbutter
    I make my wife wear a burlap sack when we go to the gym, don't need any of those leering larrys eyeing my wife.

    It's actually really comfortable.
  • thinmintme
    thinmintme Posts: 63 Member
    if they are following the gym dress code-- who cares? It's not like they are wearing high heals and a miniskirt on the treadmill.
    That would be entertaining, though.

    Indeed it would!
    I did a 4 minute blogilates vid the other day where the trainer was wearing a leotard and high heels. All glammed up to workout. Sure her balance was a little tricky to maintain but it strengthened her core a bit and her calves as well.
    Definitely a change from the ol' shorts and tank top. :p
  • gmrgirl
    gmrgirl Posts: 50 Member
    i'm a certified personal trainer and group exercise instructor. i wear tight capri's and a loose shirt. I choose my attire VERY particularly. I have clients of ALL fitness levels and I need to make sure my attire is not off putting or demotivating to my clients and students.

    Just as I will demonstrate various modifications to the exercises to the routine that we are doing in a particular fitness class (I teach multiple formats) so to, must I take the middle of the road in my professional attire. The tight capri's are just really comfortable and nice for jumping around and the looser shirts hide my belly I have and won't make my students self conscious.

    When I work out personally, what I wear depends on what I'm doing. If I'm lifting weights, you may see me in sweats and a tshirt. If I'm doing a class, you will likely see me in a loose top and capri pants. *shrug* it works.
  • Bikini27
    Bikini27 Posts: 1,298 Member
    if they are following the gym dress code-- who cares? It's not like they are wearing high heals and a miniskirt on the treadmill.
    That would be entertaining, though.

    Indeed it would!
    I did a 4 minute blogilates vid the other day where the trainer was wearing a leotard and high heels. All glammed up to workout. Sure her balance was a little tricky to maintain but it strengthened her core a bit and her calves as well.
    Definitely a change from the ol' shorts and tank top. :p

    Ok, I think that just made my day. :bigsmile:
  • MelissaLZ
    A year ago I was 30 pounds overweight and I lost it by running. There is no way I could have done it without tight, capri running pants! I get too hot in sweat pants or full length pants of any kind, and regular, loose fitting shorts would just ride up in a wierd way when running and, depending on length, would allow my thighs to rub together, which was just awful. Ironically, now that I'm not overweight and just trying to get some vanity weight off, I'm proud that I can run in normal track shorts and not have my thighs rub. So I'm actually wearing loose-ish shorts as a thin person, when I had to wear tighter ones as a fat person (completely for functional reasons in both instances).

    Regarding tops, I happen to think oversized t-shirts made me look bigger and they get in the way for sure, so I usually would wear a fitted t-shirt or something those lines. I don't go straight sports bra in the gym, but I am sure I will when I am running outside in July. I agree with the person who said they like to watch their form when lifting, and I always wear those tight tank tops with built in bras when I lift weights.

    In any case, I'm a little disheartened to hear further reinforcement that there is any judgment at all going on out there about other people's gym dress. I remember being self-conscious to hit a treadmill in public as a heavier person, and I think there are a lot of overweight people who avoid gyms for fear of being judged. Let's not contribute to a culture that further discourages anyone from making healthy choices.