

  • phresh21
    phresh21 Posts: 132 Member
    I was the same way. Totallt tired of level 1 on day 8 so I went to level 2. OMG!!!! I made about 8 total minutes thought I was dying. I was able to get thru it all on day 3 so it does get easier but it was a total shock from week 1. I can only imagine week 3.
  • ashlog11
    ashlog11 Posts: 10 Member
    I did my 4th day on level 2 today! It does get better I promise you. One ?, how are you adding it to your exercise log? I can't find it. Hang in there, we can do it!
  • julymom
    julymom Posts: 14
    I've just done day 10 of level 1. Bit scared now!!

    Should I take a rest day before I enter this dark and evil place that sounds like level 2, or just get straight into it tomorrow?
    I didn't take a rest day, just jumped right into it. I really enjoyed level one, and found myself really pushing myself over the last couple of days and enjoyed that feeling. Level two seriously kicked my butt this morning, but I'm glad I made it through and now have an idea of what is in store.

    I'm really looking forward to seeing progress in my strength and endurance over this level. While I could only keep up with the modified exercises, I am hoping to do some of the advanced as I near the end. Goals, right? :P
  • julymom
    julymom Posts: 14
    I did my 4th day on level 2 today! It does get better I promise you. One ?, how are you adding it to your exercise log? I can't find it. Hang in there, we can do it!
    I'm still just adding it as 20 minutes of circuit training.
  • todaystuesday
    todaystuesday Posts: 77 Member
    OK I did Day 3 Level 2./ I had two days off in between, not on purpose, but we had people here and it was easy to miss. I did today with no weights. My next and shoulders were killing so bad after 2 days that I said, this is not OK. Muscles are OK to be sore, but my shoulder and neck... that made me a bit nervous.
  • nnylee
    nnylee Posts: 811 Member
    I too did Level 2 today! I thought Level 1 was too easy. But Level 2 is just right! It's a bit more challenging and it makes me decently sweaty. Her Level 1 Kickbox Fastfix is really good to pair it with.
  • julymom
    julymom Posts: 14
    ... and it makes me decently sweaty.
    This made me laugh out loud, as I had the sweat literally dripping right off me at the end!

    Today was day two of level two and it was better than yesterday. I have discovered I need to use a mixture of 3lb and 5lb weights, as the 5s for two sets are too much for some exercises, but the 3s for two sets are too little for some exercises. So I have my plan for tomorrow to use 5s for the first set and then 3s for the second if needed.

    I was proud of myself, too, as I cannot do a 'real' pushup for the life of me, but with the walkout push-ups in the first circuit, I managed to do two of them! Not impressive to most, I'm sure, but pretty impressive to me!
  • tcat2012
    tcat2012 Posts: 60 Member
    Level 2 is really hard at first but it does get easier; don't be afraid to follow Anita with the modified moves...and modify even more if you have to (so that you're working hard the whole time even if you can't do what she's doing). You will get through it and will build upper body strength and strengthen your core. I think the reason level 2 is so hard is because it's a lot of upper body stuff. I'm almost done with level 3 right now and after level 2 it doesn't seem so bad...focuses more on glutes and quads it seems to me (but I sweat even more than I did for 2).

    Good luck and don't give up because it really does work!