Eat more fat

mrd232 Posts: 331
edited September 19 in Food and Nutrition
I’m gonna throw this out here --- I hate to see fat vilified in diets, nutrition advice, etc. So from me to you, here’s my suggestions for embracing fat. The good kinds are healthy for your heart and are at the CORE of keeping you satiated. There are entirely too many false myths about fat, many of which the AHA even supports (WHAT!?)

I didn’t start breaking a weight plateau with exercise. I did something radical and went for all real foods, no grains, no processed sugars, no legumes. I’ve broken my plateau, and my health stats are the same or better (i.e. cholesterol, blood pressure, in case anyone was wondering). Basically, I’ve begun to eat REAL food including GOOD fat. Good fats are naturally occurring in foods in their real state, especially dairy.

If you want to eat some good fat, try these: olives, avocadoes, olive oil, coconut (unrefined) oil, coconut milk, 70% dark chocolate, eggs, animal fats (pref. grass fed meats --- eat the skin!), fish/krill, ghee, organic butter, whole (and/or raw) dairy, flax, whole yogurt, nuts, and seeds.

BAD fats include trans fats, chemically altered oils (i.e. overheated, reheated, rancid), unnatural oils such as Canola oil, oils with a high polyunsaturated/Omega 6 content (sunflower, veg. oil). Remember, some Omega 6 is okay, but don't overdo it. A healthy balance of 3/6 needs to be found.

If you’re looking for a gram / day recommendation, it varies. I eat anywhere from 80-110g, depending. Pair vegetables with fats – topping veggies in EVOO aids digestion and can be helpful in nutrient retention.

So pardon my rant, but fat is my friend. If you’re not convinced, I can certainly back myself up with many a study.


  • gemiwing
    gemiwing Posts: 1,525 Member
    Guess what I had for breakfast- BACON. Tasty full fat juicy bacon.

    I:heart: Fat
  • mrd232
    mrd232 Posts: 331
    Guess what I had for breakfast- BACON. Tasty full fat juicy bacon.

    I:heart: Fat


    That's the spirit!
  • mrd232
    mrd232 Posts: 331
    Speaking of bacon and other often cured meats...if it's available, try it uncured, nitrate-free and naturally smoked or peppered. Thick cut / cottage bacon is very good, very filling, and is often available at your local butcher or farmer's market. It's very good wrapped around ocean scallops or cooled and tossed on a chopped salad.
  • Shinemaria
    Shinemaria Posts: 107 Member
    Wow! that was REALLY helpful! thanks!
  • samantha115
    samantha115 Posts: 371
    Guess what I had for breakfast- BACON. Tasty full fat juicy bacon.

    I:heart: Fat

    I want bacon! I :heart: fat too! I :heart: bacon!
  • MTGirl
    MTGirl Posts: 1,490 Member
    Good post, but can I ask why you completely cut out grains and legumes?? There are vital nutrients in those food groups - especially legumes. Just curious - I completely get cutting out the processed sugar! Good job! :flowerforyou:
  • pange
    pange Posts: 82
    I agree! Fat is good as long as it's natural, especially unsaturated fats. Trans fat is to always be avoided, of course. You still need to watch saturated fat, but if you're eating natural fats, that shouldn't be too hard. Plus, the mistake a lot of people make is that they stay away from fats, but then they get too much sugar...
  • mrd232
    mrd232 Posts: 331
    Not necessarily true. Grains are a highly irritating food form for many whether they realize it or no...

    What is found in legumes or grains that cannot be found in vegetables and fruits? Also, I'm wheat intolerant which somewhat defeats the point of most grain offerings entirely.
  • :smile: Beans have a lot of protein! If you want a healthy source of fat try laura's lean beef patties!
  • Good post, but can I ask why you completely cut out grains and legumes?? There are vital nutrients in those food groups - especially legumes. Just curious - I completely get cutting out the processed sugar! Good job! :flowerforyou:

    Totally true! :happy:
  • mrd232
    mrd232 Posts: 331
    So does meat, haha...My protein intake is easily met through a relatively moderate serving of meat, nuts, and fish daily.
  • MTGirl
    MTGirl Posts: 1,490 Member
    Not necessarily true. Grains are a highly irritating food form for many whether they realize it or no...

    What is found in legumes or grains that cannot be found in vegetables and fruits? Also, I'm wheat intolerant which somewhat defeats the point of most grain offerings entirely.

    Well, obviously if your are wheat intolerant you should cut out wheat. There are a lot of other grains available though. I could be wrong, but the B vitamins are readily available in grains (not sure about legumes) and not in veges or fruits. I'm not saying you need to eat a lot, just curious why you would completely cut out a cheap, readily available source of protein and fiber. If you don't like 'em, you don't like 'em. No big! And you seem to indicate that they aren't real food -and they most certainly are real, natural, healthy, clean food.
  • mrd232
    mrd232 Posts: 331
    Outside of increased carbohydrate - what exactly is in grains that is "missing" from vegetables?

    If I'm looking to "carb" up on a higher carb day, I turn to starchy tubers - parsnips, carrots, sweet potatoes, yams.

    Grains cause bloating and an inflammatory response for me.
  • So does meat, haha...My protein intake is easily met through a relatively moderate serving of meat, nuts, and fish daily.

    Its always good to have variety though! :wink:
  • mrd232
    mrd232 Posts: 331
    Not necessarily true. Grains are a highly irritating food form for many whether they realize it or no...

    What is found in legumes or grains that cannot be found in vegetables and fruits? Also, I'm wheat intolerant which somewhat defeats the point of most grain offerings entirely.

    Well, obviously if your are wheat intolerant you should cut out wheat. There are a lot of other grains available though. I could be wrong, but the B vitamins are readily available in grains (not sure about legumes) and not in veges or fruits. I'm not saying you need to eat a lot, just curious why you would completely cut out a cheap, readily available source of protein and fiber. If you don't like 'em, you don't like 'em. No big! And you seem to indicate that they aren't real food -and they most certainly are real, natural, healthy, clean food.

    B vitamins are more readily digestible in animal format. Lower volume of food / higher volume of nutrients / fewer digestive problems / more easily assimilated into our body.

    It's impossible to obtain all necessary B vitamins from grain and vegetables alone.
  • MTGirl
    MTGirl Posts: 1,490 Member
    Not necessarily true. Grains are a highly irritating food form for many whether they realize it or no...

    What is found in legumes or grains that cannot be found in vegetables and fruits? Also, I'm wheat intolerant which somewhat defeats the point of most grain offerings entirely.

    Well, obviously if your are wheat intolerant you should cut out wheat. There are a lot of other grains available though. I could be wrong, but the B vitamins are readily available in grains (not sure about legumes) and not in veges or fruits. I'm not saying you need to eat a lot, just curious why you would completely cut out a cheap, readily available source of protein and fiber. If you don't like 'em, you don't like 'em. No big! And you seem to indicate that they aren't real food -and they most certainly are real, natural, healthy, clean food.

    B vitamins are more readily digestible in animal format. Lower volume of food / higher volume of nutrients / fewer digestive problems / more easily assimilated into our body.

    It's impossible to obtain all necessary B vitamins from grain and vegetables alone.

    No one said you had to obtain them through grains alone. Touchy today???
  • Not necessarily true. Grains are a highly irritating food form for many whether they realize it or no...

    What is found in legumes or grains that cannot be found in vegetables and fruits? Also, I'm wheat intolerant which somewhat defeats the point of most grain offerings entirely.

    Well, obviously if your are wheat intolerant you should cut out wheat. There are a lot of other grains available though. I could be wrong, but the B vitamins are readily available in grains (not sure about legumes) and not in veges or fruits. I'm not saying you need to eat a lot, just curious why you would completely cut out a cheap, readily available source of protein and fiber. If you don't like 'em, you don't like 'em. No big! And you seem to indicate that they aren't real food -and they most certainly are real, natural, healthy, clean food.

    B vitamins are more readily digestible in animal format. Lower volume of food / higher volume of nutrients / fewer digestive problems / more easily assimilated into our body.

    It's impossible to obtain all necessary B vitamins from grain and vegetables alone.

    This convo is BORING! !!!!!:sad:
  • mrd232
    mrd232 Posts: 331
    Not touchy, I like a good discussion. When I'm asked why I don't eat something, I explain my reasoning. I will stand up to a good challenge!

    I'm putting a fairly controversial idea out there that goes 'against the grain' so to speak, so hey, excuse me while I defend my reasoning.

    As those who post articles with "eat whole grains to feel full" as advice, I think I'll hop on the OTHER bandwagon and suggest a different means of eating.
  • MTGirl
    MTGirl Posts: 1,490 Member
    LOL mrd232. "s okay - I understand. I was really just curious. There are a lot of reasons to cut out grains and probably some for legumes. I don't eat many grains because of blood sugar issues, but legumes don't hit me so hard and some are really tasty. However, when I have them at lunch, my dh doesn't really like the evening effect. :indifferent:

    I can see explaining your reasoning, you just seemed to come out kind of defensive and not really explaining, but more demanding to know why any other method would be better. Glad you broke your plateau! :drinker:
  • mrd232
    mrd232 Posts: 331
    No prob.

    I just don't see enough love for fat round these parts, usually.
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