so i was doing good and then slipped up..

so ive been on this site for a while and about two months ago i started tracking my actual food intake and than a month later i started tracing my running. I was keeping my diet around 1500 calories or so and i was running anywhere from 2 miles to 6 miles a day. well, roughly two to three weeks i was on my third mile and bam my knee just like popped out of socket and popped right back in and i started limping. i tried to continue running the next couple of days and it just kept getting worse so i said im just going to take a break. well then midterms kicked in and i found excuses not to eat my calorie intake, and i was constantly eating pizza and junk food. well i dont really mind the whole pizza and junk food intake because of how much i run but i just cant get myself back into running, i just went and ran 2 miles and could of gone for more but was just like no its fine ill just do these two.

so any suggestion on how to get myself back into running??


  • Cheval13
    Cheval13 Posts: 392 Member
    Ah! A funk. Well, the only thing to do is get yourself out there. Try incorporating it into your schedule again and making it a part of your daily routine. I find myself to be a morning runner. For a while I stopped and found it really hard to get back into running until I set the alarm to go run each morning. It just fell into place. If you're an evening runner, find a time that's good for you, like an hour before dinner... it also helps to have a running partner to get back into it! Whatever though, just push yourself. It's hard, but you'll be happy. Running for the win! Also, do you have runner's world log? I find myself motivated to add the miles each day. :)
  • lbixler
    lbixler Posts: 6
    I know for me sometimes it take an exercise buddy to get me motivated. Do you have some running friends you could meet up with to run? Makes me more accountable if a friend is counting on me to meet them.

    I'd also make sure the knee is 100% before you get back to your 6 miles a day. I'd hate for you to reinjure it worse next time.

    Chin up!!!
  • sboskovi
    sboskovi Posts: 13

    I was more of a mid day runner, and im trying. i Just went out and bought some new Brooks Adrenaline Gts 11's to encourage myself to go running for it. But i will def try that and set an alarm each day for like 2 PM or so to remind me to go running. Thank you for the idea.

    Also, runners world log? is that an app or a website? It def sounds like something I would be interested in. On campus we had this event where it was for each mile a person runs someone would donate like 5 cents to a cancer foundation and i was really planning on doing it but then my knee got injured and i just felt like even doing 2 miles would be terrible since it would be on a treadmill instead of on an actual track.


    I would but every time i find a friend to run with me they do like a mile or two and just stop and then i feel bad because they are sitting around waiting for me to finish, or ill just stop with them you know :/

    Yeah i def agree, i mean I can tell it is not a 100% back bc it still hurts a little but i carry a knee brace with me so i can wrap it up after the run in hope of it not getting injured anymore and I told myself i am not running more than 4 miles for a while till i know for sure that it is back up and running.

    Thanks for the feed back, honestly the fact that people responded makes me want to go out and run right now haha