Jump Rope workouts/advice

Feathil Posts: 163 Member
Hey, I'm gonna start with jump rope while at home, but I find the search button really inefficient for searching threads, so I'm wondering if there's an already-established thread about jump rope workouts? I know the basic method, but wondering if there's anything else I should know to maximise the effectiveness. Thanks!


  • liverleef
    I jump rope when Im on business trips which is usually a week or two each month. I mainly do this because either the hotel doesn't have a fitness center or I don't like their equipment. At home I use an elliptical, I cant take it with me so I thought about what gear I could take with me. I found a ropeless jump rope on Amazon.com which is essentially two heavy batons that you twirl like jump rope handles. I figured this wouldnt be too hard. I mean after all this is what school children play with. Boy was I wrong. I couldn't last longer than 30 seconds. I did maybe 3 sets of 30 seconds. The next day my legs were on fire!

    Eventually I was able to go for longer periods of time and would alter between running in place and rope jumping. Currently, I exercise for 30 minutes, 10 minutes of jumping and 20 minutes of running. As I gain more endurance I add more minutes to my jumping. Using this technique I can make my exercise routine as intense as I want. I'm usually drenched in sweat and completely exhausted when I'm done. I'm pretty sure that the hotel cleaning lady who barges in on me one day will be pretty shocked to see a sweaty guy in shorts running around in circles waving batons around though.
  • michelleepotter
    michelleepotter Posts: 800 Member
    I figured this wouldnt be too hard. I mean after all this is what school children play with. Boy was I wrong. I couldn't last longer than 30 seconds. I did maybe 3 sets of 30 seconds. The next day my legs were on fire!

    I second this! I recently started jumping rope, and I was *shocked* at how hard it is! When I was in elementary school, I was on the jump rope team. I could jump all afternoon, do tricks, all kinds of things. Now I jump for about 30 seconds at a time and feel like I'm going to die! LOL.

    However, it is a *fun* workout. It's cheap, portable, and uncomplicated. I really wanted an elliptical, but I was looking at having to save up for a cheap one, and then it would have taken up half my bedroom. I bought a nice, weighted jump rope for like $20. Then I downloaded an app for my Android phone (Jump Rope! Fitness -- I've mentioned it a few times now, and I swear I'm not connected to it in any way except that I really like it!)

    My workout consists of stretching for 2 minutes, then I alternate between 30 seconds of jumping and 30 seconds of marching in place. I can go for about 5 minutes right now. I'm not doing anything fancy right now, but I've been playing with my app and found that it has all kinds of different jumps. There's one where you alternate kicking one foot out to the side, one where you kick out in front of you (like a can-can), etc. Eventually I'm also going to increase the ratio to 40 seconds of jumping and only 20 seconds of marching.