Has anyone used the Fitbit?



  • Joannie30
    Joannie30 Posts: 415 Member
    I'm a bit behind the times i think. What's a Fitbit?
  • Rosy67
    Rosy67 Posts: 282 Member
    Mine's due to arrive tomorrow :drinker:

    Ridiculously excited about a tiny piece of plastic ....
  • jonski1968
    jonski1968 Posts: 4,490 Member
    Wow looking at all of these posts I can't wait for mine to arrive, are they accurate in the Gym to?

    All depends on what your doing...Mines accurate with steps/running machine and inclines.
  • Rosy67
    Rosy67 Posts: 282 Member

    2 - it gave me what I call "*kitten* Time Steps". I have an hour and half commute to work parts of which are on a back road. The unit would count those as moderate exercise and steps.

    I get so much extra credit for sitting in a car and driving around Sheffield and the Peak District... All those potholes on country lanes plus the altimeter thinks I am a professional mountaineer!
  • calliope_music
    calliope_music Posts: 1,242 Member
    i'm reaallllly considering buying one since i've heard so many positive reviews. however, how do they do with measuring exercise calories accurately...OR should i do something like take it off if i'm working out and wear my HRM? i'm a bit confused.
  • ormsby25
    ormsby25 Posts: 4
    It is an awesome motivator. My wife and I have one and looking at the pie chart throughout the day is a real kick in the *kitten* to get me out of my chair for a walk. I think its step counter goes wacky sometimes since it seems to double my mileage and calories once a week but I can live with that glitch to keep me motivated to get the next badge.

    I would definitely recommend it to everyone I know.

    I have had mine since July, and I bought one for my secretary too. We love them! A few months ago, mine broke :( I could snap it back together in order to use it, but it got worse and worse and finally just broke (plastic cracked). I was very disappointed as it was $100..Also,I have a mac and I had to reload the syncing software every other week to get it to sync...With all of that said, I loved the fitbit and when it worked I was wed to it. My secretary and I would have step contests and I thought the calorie counter is very accurate. I decided not to purchase another one, because I am so close to my goal, but I highly recommend it to anyone. I think the newer versions (ultra) has a lot of the bugs worked out. I work in an office and I was most surprised to see how many calories I didn't burn during the day. It really motivated me to exercise every day. I am not sure about MFP but on loseit.com, you can sync your fitbit to the food diary and it gives you a food adjustment at the end of the day. I liked this because what I found is that I was eating back calories when I hadn't even burned the base amount of calories (1200)...I needed to exercise just to hit this...anyways, compared to more expensive alternatives, the fitbit is great and I owe much of my 30 lb weight loss to this tool. Good luck with customer service!
  • ormsby25
    ormsby25 Posts: 4
    calliope_muse...when you are ready to exercise, you hold down the button on the front until you see the word start, then you exercise and when you are done you hold down the button again until you see the word stop. When you go in and sync it, it will give you your total for the day, and then it gives you activity reports for the time when you were exercising (the time between start and stop). The website is actually pretty cool, there are a ton of cool features, you can actually see by the minute how many calories you were burning during you exercise. Let me know if you have anymore questions, but feel free to check out the website too.
  • Rachiepie6
    Rachiepie6 Posts: 423 Member
    I bought one and I love it! It helps me to try to get 10,000 steps or more in each day! I have the Fitbit Ultra!

    Same! Except for the steps, at the moment, I am going to start setting step goals in a couple of weeks.
  • xHelloQuincyx
    xHelloQuincyx Posts: 884 Member
  • Love my fitbit!!!
  • rjo921
    rjo921 Posts: 130
    I'm curious if the calorie counter is accurate?

    I have the same question myself. I wake up and I already have a caloric amount that I have burned....so I am wondering about that myself.
  • keyserp
    keyserp Posts: 5 Member
    I got mine a few days ago and I LOVE IT. I was apprehensive at first especially at a 100 bucks, but my "inner geek" got the best of me. My wife wants one now also. It's a devious little creature... handing out "rewards" for keeping yourself on track, but that's the entire point. Think of it as your own personal trainer - for a 100 bucks. I find myself walking a little bit further, taking the long way to get to things at work, going an extra flight of stairs... yes it is working exactly as it is intended to work. It keeps me motivated, tracks my steps, estimates my caloric burn, and I don't have to think about any part of it. I've tied the FitBit to MyFitnessPal and it's great.

    Now - about the sleep. Interesting. I've had two sleep studies and don't buy this if you think it's going to substitute a sleep study. What it will do is let you monitor your patterns of sleep. How long did I sleep, how many times did I wake up during the night? Stuff like that. "Waking" probably is nothing more the motion of your body exceeding what the program defines as sleep. I've seen a few "awake" markers, but I don't remember waking up for all of them.

    It might help you monitor just how much sleep you get and what you can do to increase your sleep by making you aware of the difference between how much sleep you think you are getting and how much sleep you are actually getting. All in all I'm very happy with the purchase.
  • Lissakaye81
    Lissakaye81 Posts: 224 Member
    Love my fitbit! Ive had it for about a week and a half I think, bought it used on ebay for 86$. Was a little bummed when
    I 1st got it cause it already had some records on it. It keeps track of lifetime steps, floors etc. But I turned it into a challenge, I wrote down all the records on it and went and broke them all in one day. Gave me a nice workout and a fun challenge. The sleep thing is interesting, It helped me figure out that my fridge was waking me up in the middle of the night haha. It syncs nicely to mfp, I use mine mostly to track my hiking progress, shows me pace, calories burned, floors climbed. Its interesting to see your activity plotted out. I love the activity record function, use it like a stopwatch and it will keep track of different activities you can look up later. Also it is great to finally know what you actually burn in a day for a RMR. I was able to up my cals cause i was burning way more than I thought, and started loosing again.
  • Been using mine a little over a month now and love it!! Give it a try, you will not regret the investment.