What the heck is going on?



  • mocoworm
    mocoworm Posts: 31
    Don't weigh yourself because you're gaining muscles mass. Muscle mass weighs more than fat. The best thing you should do is to measure yourself with the measuring tape on your arms, thighs, waist etc.

    Muscle does NOT weigh more than fat. 1lb of muscle is the same weight is 1lb of fat.

    Muscle is DENSER than fat. This means 1lb of muscle fits in a smaller space than 1lb of fat. This is how you can look leaner but weigh more.
  • Teliooo
    Teliooo Posts: 725 Member
    Also keep in mind, muscle weighs more than fat. My trainer advised me to stop weighing myself for a little while, because it was so frustrating to see those stupid numbers on the scale. You've been building your endurance and doing a lot of cardio; that's burning fat and building muscle. Keep track of things like how much more losely your clothes are fitting, how good you feel after a workout, how healthy your food choices make you feel, etc. Focus less on the number and more on your body overall. You might even think about measuring your "problem ares," like your hips, waist, etc, if you just feel the need to have a number to measure your progress.

    Don't be discouraged! I weighed 207 when I first started the actual effort part of losing weight. I have slowly come down 32 pounds, and there were plenty of weeks that I either gained weight back or didn't budge at all. I once forbid myself from weighing for about three months, and when I finally got back on the scale I had lost ten more pounds!

    Edit: Lol when I first replied to this, there were no other comments yet. I didn't mean to repeat back to you exactly what several other people already said!! But see, it's obviously true! :)

    Muscle does not weigh more than fat.
  • em9371
    em9371 Posts: 1,047 Member
    as some other posters have said, your cals seem very low, some days you have netted way below 1000 which is going to cause your body to hang onto fat.

    I weigh 212lbs and eat 1770-1900 most days, netting around 1500-1600 after exercise, and i have lost 9.5 lbs last month.

    Try increasing your protein too, MFP standard is very low @ 15%, especially if you are working out. Cook food from scratch as much as possible, and try tracking sodium as this can cause water weight.
  • KathleenPub
    KathleenPub Posts: 38 Member
    WHen I started I would be super careful about what I eat, work out every day and track everything and not only did I gain weight my measurements didn't change and I lost zero inches...anywhere...I think I actually gained a bit. It was like this for over a month and the funny thing for me was that I would get uber bummed and take a day where I said F**K it! And put on sweats and eat a giant plate of fries and cheese, wash it down with a pepsi, eat some cookie dough and do NOTHING! I would wake up the next day or a couple days later and lost two lbs. Not really sure why but whenever I plateau or get discouraged, this never fails for me lol, as long as I don't do it all the time or every week it always helps to reboot me and my motivation, especially since I tend to lose a couple lbs and I alwayas hate how gross I feel after all the grease which just reinforces the healthy food and excercise lol. :) Soo! My advice : Eat fries and cheese :P
  • Stefanie7125
    Stefanie7125 Posts: 462 Member
    I don't weigh every week, only about once a month. I hate the scale. I measure. It is so much more encouraging. I see inches lost long before I see lbs lost. Don't give up, concentrate on eating healthier and forget the scale!