Hello, I've been here one week...

51tolose Posts: 15 Member
...and lost 8lbs!

I'm very pleased, though I'm aware it is mainly water in the first week. I have been attempting WW on and off for the past 3 years having had one successful run with it between having my 2 kids. I have just never managed to get my WW mojo to return.

I joined here and cancelled my WW membership on the same day last week.

My calories are currently limited to 1200, but I've come in slightly lower every day. To kickstart my weightloss I've cut out potatoes, rice and bread, as well as all the usual junk, from my diet.

I'm finding the counter very easy to use and looking forward to finally shifting the weight with the help of it.


  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Welcome and good luck. :drinker:
  • stephkuch
    stephkuch Posts: 152 Member
    great job on your loss! I used to do WW(after I had my 2nd baby) and while I liked it...MFP has definitely been my favorite! You've got this!
  • mamamc03
    mamamc03 Posts: 1,067 Member
    You need to eat a minimum of 1200 each day to have the necessary fuel for all your body's functions. Try to reach at least that. Maybe set it to 1250 or 1300 to give yourself some wiggle room and still see that you come under your goal. Best wishes on your journey!
  • kimsciolino
    kimsciolino Posts: 240 Member
    Welcome and good luck on your new healthy lifestyle... If you have any?'s or need motivation just ask, we are all here to help one another. I hope you find all the tools you need to reach your goal.
    There are tons of happy, positive, motivating people on this site.
    Congrats on your 8lb lose so far.

    Take care,
  • delilah47
    delilah47 Posts: 1,658

    I'm not sure you should cut out anything from your diet (well maybe the junk food). I was a lifetime member of WW years ago. It's like they say, you can eat anything you want, just fit it in your food plan. If you cut out entire categories of food, how will you manage them when you are in maintenance? Also, if you deny yourself basic foods, you will always feel like you are "on a diet". Use the calories MFP suggests and you can't go wrong. I never feel cheated and feel like I could maintain this eating plan for as long as necessary.

    Good Luck :smile: :smile:
  • 51tolose
    51tolose Posts: 15 Member
    Thank you for your replies.

    I've cut the bread/rice/potatoes out for the first few weeks only. I have been having one or two oatcakes in the evening and plenty of veg and fruit daily, so I've not banished carbs. This is to give me a boost as I have a dance to attend this Saturday and a dress I need to look better in! I've also temporarily said goodbye to my nightly glass(es) of wine.

    I go on holiday in July and want to be well on my way to target by then. So I have a good incentive.
  • chubbigirl
    8 lbs in one week?! Wow! You've just inspired me! Plus I like the tip of cutting out bread/rice/potatoes. No night glasses of wine? ouch. But... I guess it's how much do you want it, and is that glass of wine that important. I'll go back to filling up my wine glass with ice & sparkling water and putting in a strawberry... It has helped just craving that "normal" feeling.
  • Tquest
    Tquest Posts: 10 Member
    Hello! I have been using myfitness pal for about 6 months but just recently got serious. WIth the help of an accountablility coach I have lost 7 pounds in a week. I am so excited! Baby steps with what I have finally learned. I know it is silly but I am adding one change at a time and nothing more until I master the last one. I don't even feel like I am dieting. I feel great! I am so excited to get myself back to my happy self.
  • 51tolose
    51tolose Posts: 15 Member
    . I'll go back to filling up my wine glass with ice & sparkling water and putting in a strawberry... It has helped just craving that "normal" feeling.

    That is a good idea. I've been having a pint glass of no added sugar Robinsons cordial with plenty of ice and a straw for my nightly tipple...living the dream!
  • Donnacoach
    Donnacoach Posts: 540 Member
    Welcome aboard.
  • samandlucysmum
    Sounds like you have got it sussed, I am ex WW, what a huge saving, doing MFP gives you a better understanding of what you are eating too.
    Good luck in your journey, it can be done, keep coming back to the forums, and join friends for motivation and inspiration.
  • rachealb1972
    welcome good luck on your journey xx
  • Setof2Keys
    Setof2Keys Posts: 681 Member
    Keep it up, this is what truely works. I am addicted.
  • dsagaties1963
    Welcome and great job on that 8 lbs in 1 week, I too tried ww and just couldn't stay with it, been here only 2 weeks and lost 8.4 lbs and I love it!! The people on here keep you motivated, inspired, but most of all the encouragement you need to keep you going!
    They are my rock!!! :drinker:
  • Larry0445
    Larry0445 Posts: 232
    Welcome and good luck with your goals. :smile:
  • ellyfilho
    ellyfilho Posts: 13 Member
    Great Job on the 8lbs :)
  • ClarkeEJ
    ClarkeEJ Posts: 155 Member
    Well Done on your 8lb loss!!! Great Start..
  • 51tolose
    51tolose Posts: 15 Member
    Thanks again for all the replies :-)