trying34 Posts: 4
edited September 18 in Motivation and Support
Just starting to sprout my love handles. They are awkward and uncomfortable (especially when shopping for new clothes.....HA). Anyone know of anything just right to nip them before summer gets here?:yawn:


  • trying34
    trying34 Posts: 4
    Just starting to sprout my love handles. They are awkward and uncomfortable (especially when shopping for new clothes.....HA). Anyone know of anything just right to nip them before summer gets here?:yawn:
  • Jewlz
    Jewlz Posts: 135
    Love Handels are extra fat and the best way to get rid of extra fat is cario workouts. if you get you heart rate up for at least 30 min a day you should start to shed extra fat.:flowerforyou:
  • elliott062907
    elliott062907 Posts: 1,508 Member
    I keep pushung it, mine are shrinking, cardio like a weight ball, trampoline and yoga for stretching and pilates......
  • A lot of people will insist (me included) that there is no such thing as spot training and therefore, no quick fix. You need to make sure you are getting enough cardiovascular exercise on a daily basis as well as incorporating core exercises such as medicine ball workouts. When I am working my obliques, I will do the following exercises...

    1. After doing regular crunches and side crunches, I sit up and balance on my tail bone to where my knees are bent and feet are off of the ground. Using a 6lb-8lb (or whatever is difficult for you) medicine ball, I will hold it with both hands and tap it on the ground beside of me. Go to the right, then left, then right, and so on. Focus on keeping your tail bone and hips still while you twist your trunk. If you find it difficult to balance on your tail bone, then LIGHTLY rest your heels on the ground with knees bent for assistance.

    2. With a dumbbell in right hand, stand with legs shoulder width apart and place your left hand on your left hip. Let your right arm (with the dumbbell in hand) hang along your side and bend to the right as far as you can from the hip (to the side) then return to standing position. It is almost like you are sliding the dumbbell down the side of your thigh. Focus on really squeezing your abs into a side crunch. Do as many reps on one side at a time and then switch the dumbbell to the other hand and repeat.

    3. Side planks. Lay on your right side with right arm bent to provide support and stack your left leg and foot on top of your right leg and foot. Raise your hip off of the ground while placing most of your weight onto your right arm. Hold for "x" amount of seconds and then take your left arm and bend it behind your head (the way you would while doing a crunch) and take it down towards the ground and repeat this side crunch while in the plank position. Repeat on each side.

    I like to do ab circuits so I will start off with the regular crunches straight into the side crunches then on to the medicine ball and finally the dumbbell and side plank. I try to repeat 3 times through and there are times that I don't feel as though I got a good workout in, but the next day I can feel it. Another great ab exercise is to lay on your back and place a balance ball between your feet and raise your feet into the air while crunching upwards to grab the ball and lay back down with ball above head in hands. Crunch back up while bringing legs up and place the ball back between your legs. This REALLY burns especially when incorporating it in with the other ab exercises.
  • trying34
    trying34 Posts: 4
    Thanks so much, everyone, for specific examples and advice.
    Fingers crossed!
  • rheston
    rheston Posts: 638
    I would also add to everyone else's comments that you get yourself an exercise ball and do you full abdominal workout on that to include your lats and back this combined with whatever cardio you do will help to pull in and tighten your love handle areas.
  • kivared
    kivared Posts: 1 Member
    Someone mentioned that rice can really go straight to the area. I try to have brown rice three times a week but only a 1/4 cup. Hope that helps.
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