Stress: how does that affect your weight?

Hey guys!

So in about a week I have gained about 6-7 pounds. I have been eating reasonably healthily and if I went over my calorie intake it wasn't by very much. BUT! and here's the big one, I have been stressed out of my mind. To the point where I felt nauseous and bloated all the time. What is the weight I have gained considered? Is it water weight? Is it fat weight? I don't know how to react when I see the scale and realize that I have just went backwards so much! Can anyone give me any pointers?

A very stressed college girl


  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    Absolutely stress can have an effect on your weight. When animals are severely stressed, their bodies store water/fat and lowers its metabolism in a panicked "survival mode".

    Are you exercising?
  • TSTagain
    TSTagain Posts: 84 Member
    I have the same issues - I can go up 10lbs in a week when I am stressed out, even when I am watching what I eat. For me it takes a few weeks to get back on track and lose the weight gained...but that's probably because I get so discouraged that I kinda give up and have to re-evaluate and start all over again. Hopefully, it's not that way for you. Just keep working at it and your weight should normalize once things get better.
  • bigdawg025
    bigdawg025 Posts: 774 Member
    Stress generally makes me LOSE weight... mainly because when I'm really stressed I simply don't feel like eating.
  • chicago_dad
    chicago_dad Posts: 357
    cortisol levels increase weight retention, making it harder to lose. Get lots of sleep and relax. Take some ashwagandha.
    FORKDOWN Posts: 1,754
    Bump to read later.
  • wxchaser
    wxchaser Posts: 178
    Oh, man, stress and weight... My two worst fears. I know what you mean. I was stupidly stressed out last week because of midterms, and I didn't lose a pound during that time because I was up all night studying, eating and trying to remember things I thought I'd need to learn for the test. (So much for all that!)

    I got stuck in a rut, but I went to the gym one of those days, and the stress subsided. Now, I wish I'd had more time to go to the gym between study sessions, but sleep seemed to get in the way.

    Give it a shot. Even if you can't go to the gym, go for a walk outside (if the weather's nice) or do some jumping jacks or running in place. I do it at work when I get stressed out with projects. It helps my mind to readjust and balance out.
  • autumnk921
    autumnk921 Posts: 1,376 Member
    Stress generally makes me LOSE weight... mainly because when I'm really stressed I simply don't feel like eating.

    This is how I used to be when I was younger (20's) but now that I am in my 30's I still don't eat when I am stressed but I gain weight in my tummy...Totally sucks!! UGH!!
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,887 Member
    I think it must be because of my elevated heart rate or something like that when I am stressed out, but I've shed 10 totally unintentional pounds in the past month despite eating at or above maintenance levels - I've been under a ton of stress, so I think that's why.
  • Becky_Boodle
    Becky_Boodle Posts: 253 Member
    you should open up your diary to the public so we can get a better idea...
  • LWriter
    LWriter Posts: 50
    cortisol levels increase weight retention, making it harder to lose. Get lots of sleep and relax. Take some ashwagandha.

    I'm glad you mentioned Cortisol levels. I had a similiar experience where I ate within my calorie goals and exercised but was under some extreme stress because of a job I wanted very bad.

    In the time I found out about the interview and then found out I didn't get the job (a month) I didn't lose but I gained over 5 pounds. I was very discouraged.

    The day after I found out I didn't get the job I felt a huge sense of relief. I weighed and lost exactly the amount I 'gained' during that stressful time.

    My best advice is keep doing what you're doing and when you get beyond that stressful time you will be fine. : )
  • hollyberry2012
    I have PTSD.. started with a serial killer when I was 15 years old... so I know 'feels' like it is keeping my body in the store mode. Reserving everything for future traumatic events. I have no idea what is happening from a scientific standpoint.

    But I will say, that for anyone out there who has PTSD or severe stress levels... get that worked out with the doctor first, then work on the diet. Your weight loss experience should be a joyful one.. that way it will be a life long behavior.
  • anchoredhope
    Thanks guys, I play volleyball on a college club 3 days a week and sometimes swim at my work. Im constantly on the road going from one place to another, doing a hundred million things at once. My diary wouldn't be much use because during this time I would login the morning because I would have time and then not log the rest during the day. Any tips? I am thinking Ill go to the gym and just run and see if that helps..

    Any other tips??
  • anchoredhope
    Sometimes, I haven't had time really. I play volleyball for a college club team but lately we've had a break. Our national tournament is this weekend in Vegas. 3 days of playing volleyball non stop.. Any exercising tips for stress reduction?
  • TSTagain
    TSTagain Posts: 84 Member
    Thanks guys, I play volleyball on a college club 3 days a week and sometimes swim at my work. Im constantly on the road going from one place to another, doing a hundred million things at once. My diary wouldn't be much use because during this time I would login the morning because I would have time and then not log the rest during the day. Any tips? I am thinking Ill go to the gym and just run and see if that helps..

    Any other tips??

    If you think logging is the problem - then try one of the mobile apps, its easy to use and doesn't take alot of time. I have the MFP app on my phone, my ipod, ipad and my computer at work.
  • anchoredhope
    Yah, I have it on my iPod. I just am so tired by the end of the day i don't do it haha

    I keep a pretty good total in my head throughout the day :)