Anyone got a fitbit?

hi MFP's
i am thinking about buying a fitbit, anyone got one? they worth the money? pro's? cons?

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  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,010 Member
    I picked one up last Friday. Seems pretty cool so far. Is it 100% what is. That said it has gotten me to start taking stairs more and get up and at least walk around for a few minutes more often. I love the way it tracks sleep as well. Easy way to see if you are getting enough sleep and what quality of sleep you are getting.
  • lauraemthomson
    lauraemthomson Posts: 68 Member
    thanks for ur reply! seriously thinking about getting one.
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,010 Member
    Out of the options that are out there I think it's the best one including convenience/cost/accuracy/features. If you have the money to spend on it I dont think you would be disappointed. FYI. If you want to pick up at a store instead of ordering they do carry them at Target (where I got mine) and apparently Radio Shack as well.
  • zgdsmith
    zgdsmith Posts: 114 Member
    I've been looking at them as well. Sorry I don't have any real input to add but I would love to hear what other's that use them think. Are they worth the money? Do you use it all of the time? etc...
  • medicrenee
    medicrenee Posts: 58 Member
    I got one, I also have a heart rate monitor... I use my fitbit everyday.. The only time I don't have it on me is when I'm exercising which I use my heart rate monitor because it is easier and more accurate. It is fun to see how many steps you take, stairs etc. Has made me aware of my horrible sleep patterns for which I am correcting as well.. Good luck.. Have fun with it.. I do.
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    I love mine. It keeps me competitive with myself. I can get more stairs today and more steps today than yesterday - right? I have had mine for about a week and a half. I would get it again!
  • NMJosephs
    NMJosephs Posts: 185
    I've had one for about a month. I LOVE it! I've come withing 750 to 500 steps of my 10,000 steps per day goal and I'll just start lapping my house to get the steps in! It's a great motivator for me. I actually lost mine for a week and was LOST without it! I was so bummed because I was addicted to watching those numbers and doing more and more each day! :)

    My recommendation - get one! :)
  • I've had one for about 15 that MFP now has it so that it syncs with the FitBit site. Eventually I'll upgrade to a good HRM...but for $100 you cant go wrong with a Fitbit.
  • Balice57
    Balice57 Posts: 125
    I was excited about the fitbit, but am returning the two they sent me, as neither one would sync with my computer. I discovered Endomondo, which is a free app I use on my phone, and it tracks speed, distance, time and elevation for workouts. Of course, it doesn't track every step you take like fitbit is set up to do, but I've been frustrated with fitbit's failure to get me a unit that works, so for now I'm sticking with Endomondo. Perhaps sometime down the line fitbit will have fixed their issues and I may try one again.
  • lauraemthomson
    lauraemthomson Posts: 68 Member
    So does the fitbit not work well when ur excerising then? do u wear a heart rate monitor or does it not work in this way.

    will brobably buy online, am scottish so no target here. think the best price i can get it so far is £80....about $130.
  • gitsmom
    gitsmom Posts: 15 Member
    I also am a new FB user, I have had it for 3 days now. I am still learning how to use it :-). I like how it makes me accountable for myself. I am parking farther away, making extra trips, lapping around the house ect.. all to get my steps in and also earn more badges!!! lol... I don't think you will regret the purchase if you like to compete with yourself. They also host challenges on the FB website, great motivation.
  • lauraemthomson
    lauraemthomson Posts: 68 Member
    I was excited about the fitbit, but am returning the two they sent me, as neither one would sync with my computer. I discovered Endomondo, which is a free app I use on my phone, and it tracks speed, distance, time and elevation for workouts. Of course, it doesn't track every step you take like fitbit is set up to do, but I've been frustrated with fitbit's failure to get me a unit that works, so for now I'm sticking with Endomondo. Perhaps sometime down the line fitbit will have fixed their issues and I may try one again.

    i have tried a app on my phone but just drains my battery... am sorry to hear that u were disoppointed with it.
  • glassyo
    glassyo Posts: 7,722 Member
    I swear by my fitbit. I didn't start consistently (it used to be semi-consistently except it *has* been consistently lately) losing weight until I started paying attention to the calories it was giving me per day. I also wear a hrm and bodybugg but, because most of my exercise is walking anyway, I go by the fitbit. It's cheap, discrete, is a great motivational tool for getting those extra steps in, and it syncs with mfp (altho the syncing goes wonky a lot and you have to unlink and link the fitbit back up for it to work when it stops syncing). You really can't go wrong with it.

    Oh, and the customer service is outstanding. :smile:
  • 23Jude23
    23Jude23 Posts: 1
    I got mine a week ago and I'm hooked. If you join up to and buy it via you will get up to 10% cashback (takes a while to process but quidco is a great site.)
  • LordBezoar
    LordBezoar Posts: 625 Member
    DW and I have had ours for just over a month now. We love them. More than anything, they have been a huge motivator for us to get off of our duffs and do stuff. That, combined with the motivation and support we have from here, have helped more than I can express. The metrics on our sleeping patterns have been interesting as well. I don't fully know what to do with the information, but I'm working on figuring that out.
  • zgdsmith
    zgdsmith Posts: 114 Member
    So does the fitbit not work well when ur excerising then? do u wear a heart rate monitor or does it not work in this way.

    will brobably buy online, am scottish so no target here. think the best price i can get it so far is £80....about $130.

    I was wondering the same thing. Do people wear them when they are working out or do they buy a heart rate monitor and wear that instead of fitbit?
  • n25philly
    n25philly Posts: 75 Member
    So does the fitbit not work well when ur excerising then? do u wear a heart rate monitor or does it not work in this way.

    will brobably buy online, am scottish so no target here. think the best price i can get it so far is £80....about $130.

    Depends on the exercise. I wear it when I do the elliptical at the gym or when I play ice hockey and it does a pretty good job with it. If you are going to do something more stationary like weight lifting though it's not going to help. It's basically a souped up pedometer, so it matches up with certain things well and others not so much. It's a great motivator though, I am constantly checking the site throughout the day.
  • LordBezoar
    LordBezoar Posts: 625 Member
    I've had one for about 15 that MFP now has it so that it syncs with the FitBit site. Eventually I'll upgrade to a good HRM...but for $100 you cant go wrong with a Fitbit.

    I don't think that the two are mutually exclusive. I plan on getting a decent HRM to use during actual cardio workouts and use the FitBit during the rest of the day.
  • lauraemthomson
    lauraemthomson Posts: 68 Member
    thanks everyone... alot of mixed reviews!
  • mlindahl
    mlindahl Posts: 43 Member
    Best Buy has them too. Their website syncs with MFP and I think that is pretty cool. Yes, do more stairs and more conscious to get up and move around more. NO one even notices you are wearing it-well husband does at night but otherwise... no.