Need advice from ex smokers



  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    Make it through the first 3 days and you have it licked. I do mean, those 3 days have to be 100% smoke free. If you take a drag, the 3 days start over.

    Do whatever it takes to get through those days. I took vacation time and started some beading projects. I used a type of e-cigarette, but no drugs or patches or gum. I had hard candies and lots of munchies. I worked out a lot, too.

    Your own mind will be your biggest enemy in this endeavor. You will come up with tons of reasons NOT to quit, reasons to do it later, reasons why you can't stand the withdrawals, etc. Talk back to yourself and keep telling yourself that you CAN do it, you DO have the strength, and you WILL survive these first few days.

    Good luck!

    Ps...I quit after 34 years of 2-4 packs a day. And lost 15 pounds the next few months. So anyone can do it, if I can.
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    "tired of being stinky and being short of breath and I want to see my kids get married"

    I quit when I was pregnant many moons ago, and that motivation was enough for me to get through it. You need to find one strong motivator that is stronger than the urge to smoke -- one thing that makes smoking no longer a possibility in your life. Often, our own health (or smelling better) isn't motivation enough. How about the fact that your kids need a healthy mom who's going to live a long, healthy life with them? (P.S. Smoking ages you like crazy. Once you get all of those toxins out of your system, you're going to look better than you have in years!)

    Congrats on making it through the first three days. You can do this.
  • GW1970
    GW1970 Posts: 81 Member
    Have you read Allan Carr's book "The Easyway to Quit Smoking"? If not, you should.
    simply this. forget everything else , this will be the best £10 you'll ever spend
  • JamesThiel
    JamesThiel Posts: 85 Member
    Used Dr prescribed chantix..... no problems.... stopped smoking in one week..... (coming from 1 pack a day)

    Same Here, i could have been the Chantix poster child.... Smoke free without a craving for 6 years
  • jennifermcornett
    jennifermcornett Posts: 159 Member
    Have you read Allan Carr's book "The Easyway to Quit Smoking"? If not, you should. That book, and the website were the best resources that I used to quit smoking over two years ago. I was a very heavy smoker for 50 years and quit cold turkey using just those two things.

    I also loved to smoke, but like you I hated the way it made you smell and how hard it was to breathe. Until you have been quit for about six months you won't really know just how bad it does smell, you only think you know.

    I waited too long to quit and am now living with COPD...please be smarter than me and quit now...your lungs will thank you for it! :flowerforyou:

    I second this book. It was the best thing I did for myself to quit smoking. It's been two years now and no looking back! It's true about the smell too. I just walk by some people in a store and I can smell it on them, gross. You can do it!

    I read the book also. I quit on January 3, and I haven't touched a cigarette since. My boyfriend (with whom I live) still smokes, and it doesn't even bother me. Definitely read the book; it will put you in the right mindset to quit. You have nothing to lose except the cost of the book and the time it takes to read it.
    No patches, no substitutes. The *****iness is all from a mental place, not a physical one. Absolutely just read this book. :)
    Good luck!!!
  • dsjohndrow
    dsjohndrow Posts: 1,820 Member
    The first week was tougher than the second, and the third easier than that ones before. Just hang in there. Run, drink water, take deep breaths, use gum or life savers, but do it!

    My ex-wife and I quit smoking on the same day nearly 20 years ago. She started again, and at 55, she has stage 4 lung and brain cancer. Today is a good day to tell yourself it's worth it. It is unlikely she is going to make it, and both the kids will probably not have her at their weddings.

    Good luck.

    BTW - I went to a Christian healing conference and have never had one since! I smoke 2-3 packs of Marlboro reds a day.
  • loki3981
    loki3981 Posts: 249 Member
    I'm coming up on my 3 year smoke free-versery and couldn't be happier. I did quit cold though and relied on suckers, gum and hard candy to curb the oral needs, but I also picked up knitting and cross-stitching to keep my hands busy while watching TV and such. I find that I still crave a cigarette during super stressful times, but try to turn towards something positive (well, kind of), like hitting the gym and pounding on a bag or even heavy weight lifting to get me through. I will say I do cry a bit more when stressed, but I can deal with that switch. I smoked a pack a day for 12 years. I will be happy to be your friend if you need someone to talk you down.
  • ConnieB1979
    ConnieB1979 Posts: 239 Member
    I stopped smoking on tuesday and have been using an ecigarette to satisfy the cravings. I was a b*tch for the first couple of days but not as bad as I what i've been when going cold turkey. Hang in there, right there with you! x

    Its been almost a month for me....I did this at first. I always thought e-cigs were corny before. But hey it worked for me!

    Good luck!
  • abnerner
    abnerner Posts: 452 Member
    I quit smoking on November 4, 2009, I smoked for about 5-6 years. I quit basically cold turkey ( i used the gum for about a day before I realized how icky it was ) after my boss's dad passed away from lung cancer, having NEVER even smoking a cigarette.

    I suggest having a strong support system and also removing any lighter you have from your grasp. I broke down and bought a pack one day soon after I quit but had no lighter and didn't realize i had no lighter until I drove away from the store, so I threw the cigarettes out the window instead.

    Good luck! if you need support, add me!
  • openskybeach
    openskybeach Posts: 294 Member
    You can do this!! Took me about 6 months til I was okay, still had slight cravings here and there but remain strong. I smoked for 10-11 years. Do what works for you but within that 6 months, I maybe had 4 cigarettes. a puff or two here and there when it was unbearable but then it started making me sick to put that back into my body, which is a good thing! Good luck to you!
  • Kudzu
    Kudzu Posts: 87 Member
    I used Allan Carr's book also! Best thing I ever bought! It does put you in the right frame of mind.....It makes a lot of sense to me the way he thinks! April 30th will be 2 years and I have not cheated at all. Once in a blue moon I will think-- man I could really enjoy a cig in this nice place ie: nice shaded swing, by the beach, on a balcony-- all the places I used to look for to light up! But then I think WOW! I don't do that any more!

    Good Luck!! (and stop thinking negative about the are doing something great for your self!!!
  • Il_DaniD_lI
    Il_DaniD_lI Posts: 1,593 Member
    I quit a year and 3 months ago. For the first 3 months I missed smoking so much because I too loved to smoke. When I passed that one year mark I felt AWESOME! I would get in the elevator with smokers and think to myself "wow, did I smell that bad"..gross. The extreme feeling of pride was so gratifying.. after the first 3 months it got much easier, after the first 6 months much much easier.. and now? Piece of cake!

    I have a 4 year old daughter and I told her smoking was bad and just felt I had to set an example.. how could I tell her not to smoke and then do it myself? I was not only risking my own health but also making her more likely to grow up and smoke herself.. it was a no brainer for me. Also.. I used a quit smoking support group online (it's since been removed) but that was a huge help too. Good luck!!!!
  • motherof3brats
    motherof3brats Posts: 38 Member
    I have this book Allan Carr's book "The Easyway to Quit Smoking on my kindle. If you have a kindle I will loan the book to you. GREAT BOOK. I quit 5 1/2 months ago and feel wonderful but I really feel tath you have to be ready and want it too.
  • catbox_eddie
    Didn't read all the replies so I'm sure it's been covered BUT, give it a month. After that, the cravings start to really go away, you'll have hacked up most of the nasty black stuff and your lung capacity will start to return. I smoked for many years and quit cold turkey back in '07, one of the best things I've ever done. Now, I smell smoke and it makes me nauseous, can't believe I used to do that to myself daily. The satisfaction of smoking a cigarette is NOT worth it, you'll be a lot happier after you quit. Stick with it!
  • mom2mozart
    mom2mozart Posts: 307 Member
    The first few days (to first week) is the worst. I quit 22 years ago today:) Hardest and most rewarding thing I ever did for myself. It is tough, but it gets easier and easier. After 3 or 4 weeks it will just be a fleeting thought here and there. After a year or two you won't remember why you ever did it in the first place. Keep in there. If you've made it through two days, you can make it through three, four, five, etc.

    It will get easier - I promise:)
  • ❤_veggies_rock_❤
    It is a very hard Addiction to quit! You will be crabby & irritable because your brain is saying "give it to me" "I want it" your brain also says "I'll give you a effin headache" (metaphorically of course) SO BE KIND TO YOU!!! I hope you & your family will be gentle with you & you be gentle too. I came down with a lethal bacterial pneumonia back in 2006 that nearly took my life & I have not touched a cigarette since. YOU CAN DO IT!!! & you will wear pretty perfume & not smell like an ash tray that ruins the pretty perfume! & your teeth will look nice too!!! Good Luck!!
  • ❤_veggies_rock_❤
    The first few days (to first week) is the worst. I quit 22 years ago today:) Hardest and most rewarding thing I ever did for myself. It is tough, but it gets easier and easier. After 3 or 4 weeks it will just be a fleeting thought here and there. After a year or two you won't remember why you ever did it in the first place. Keep in there. If you've made it through two days, you can make it through three, four, five, etc.

    It will get easier - I promise:)

    when I see cigarettes in the gas station & walgreens or anywhere I say to my husband "Man I am so glad I quit smoking!!" still to this day & you can do it too!!
  • SisterSueGetsFit
    SisterSueGetsFit Posts: 1,211 Member
    I used Chantix. I think it is seriously wonderful. I've been smoke free for 3 months and can't imagine somking again. I really liked it because you smoke the first week you take it. Good luck!
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    I love smoking! I don't want to quit.

    I hate to say it, you need to change this first.
  • Sox90716
    Sox90716 Posts: 976 Member
    Will start to feel normal after a week to 10 days. Then it is just day by day. Smoke-free since 2009 and sometimes I still want one. Stay strong!