Need advice from ex smokers



  • I quit smoking 4 1/2 years ago. I smoked for 30 years, since I was 15. I was so afraid to quit...afraid that I would gain weight and just afraid I would miss it. I actually used Chantix to quit. I took the Chantix for the recommended time and ended it when I was suppose to(some people use it to cut down, which never works). The first week was tough, but after that I felt so free. I never feel like I want to smoke again. I feel so great...I can hike, I don't smell and have that raspy cough, I can go to the movies without thinking how can I get thru this without a cigarette, I can fly on an airplane, I can go to work without thinking that I need to take extra breaks for my cigarettes. I just think about all the benefits, it was one of the best things I have ever done and that I am most proud of. Don't try to quit with the idea that it will be hard, once you get over the physical addiction, it is all in your head. I hope you can succeed thinking that it really isn't as hard as we try to make it be. And if you are worried about gaining weight, think about how much more exercise you can do. Good luck!!!
  • autumnk921
    autumnk921 Posts: 1,374 Member
    Bump....For later...I def need to read this!! :)
  • SwannySez
    SwannySez Posts: 5,860 Member
    I've quit 3 times. Once for two years - then we moved to Ohio for 10 months, I give myself a pass on that one.

    I did cold turkey the first time and never felt any cravings. I truly believe it was divine intervention.

    The second time and third times I quit I used the patch. It really, really, REALLY helped. The third time being my current foray into smokelessness which has lasted since last July. I haven't used a patch since probably September or October.

    To testify to the power of the patch, I quit drinking at the same time. No patch for that one unfortunately.
  • miheiss
    miheiss Posts: 1 Member
    I started smoking while I was in the military. I smoked for over 8 years, and I smoked at least a pack a day. My driving force was I wanted to live a long, normal, and healthy life. I must have tried to quit over two dozen times. However, I did kick the habit. The first few weeks are the hardest. With each day that passes, it gets a little easier. I loved to smoke! To this day I would love to go buy a pack of Newports and spark up. But knowing I'm going to live a longer healthier life, God willing, outweighs buying that pack of smokes. Even if you break down and have a smoke, don't give up, get right back on track. It's not going to be easy, but it can be done and many people before you have quit smoking. Life is too short and precious to smoke it away. Think about your family and the extra time you'll give yourself on this earth by quitting. Stay strong, and best of luck to you. You can do it!
  • Howbouto
    Howbouto Posts: 2,121 Member
    I used wellbutrin which helped immensely. I also set a quit date 60 days ahead of time. I set a few rules for myself. The first 30 days I allowed myself to smoke as much as I wanted but I couldn't do anything else. No talking on phone, no watching tv, nothing just concentrate on smoking (its amazing how disgusting you feel when you concentrate on it. ) 2nd 30 days I get smoking in the house and car (again I could smoke as much as I wanted but outside.) I quit smoking on day 35, it was boring and inconvenant. The other thing that I struggled with is the thought that I would never have a cig again. I made a deal with myself if I still wanted to smoke at age 65 (36 years later) I would let myself. Its been 6 years, I will still have an occasional cig with friends at a bar but I will never smoke full time again.
  • :smile: When I decided to quit, I asked my doctor how effective was Chantix over the patch, and/or gum. He told me 20% for all three forms, that the remaining 80% is habit (mental). Nicotine is only in your system for 3 days. After that, it's the habit. I took Chantix the week before and smoked just like the commercials say you can. I took Chantix for only 3 days after I quit smoking because of what the doctor told me. I kept an empty pack of cig's in my purse with straws(cut to fit inside the cigarette box) in them. When I felt the urge, I took the straw out and held it like a cigarette. I even chewed on the ends. I haven't craved a cigarette since and that was 2-1/2 years ago. I feel wonderful, am able to exercise until I choose to quit, not because I am out of breath. I can go on hikes when I go camping. My house smells great, my clothes also. I can taste my food. The cough is gone, the raspiness in my voice is gone. I have not been to the doctor for bronchitis or pneumonia since I quit. I did gain some weight and am working to get that off now. Quitting smoking was easier than I thought it would be using Chantix. I have lost a total of 23 pounds, with about 15 more to go. Good luck and you can do it. I loved to smoke as well and had smoked for 25 years. The money I have saved is tremendous.
  • sabermax
    sabermax Posts: 64 Member
    I am trying to quit my self. just went two weeks and started agin. I want to quit. please add me as a friend. Maybe we can help each other. Also have 95 more lbs to use
  • Laceybaby1967
    Laceybaby1967 Posts: 82 Member
    I quit smoking 4 1/2 years ago. I smoked for 30 years, since I was 15. I was so afraid to quit...afraid that I would gain weight and just afraid I would miss it. I actually used Chantix to quit. I took the Chantix for the recommended time and ended it when I was suppose to(some people use it to cut down, which never works). The first week was tough, but after that I felt so free. I never feel like I want to smoke again. I feel so great...I can hike, I don't smell and have that raspy cough, I can go to the movies without thinking how can I get thru this without a cigarette, I can fly on an airplane, I can go to work without thinking that I need to take extra breaks for my cigarettes. I just think about all the benefits, it was one of the best things I have ever done and that I am most proud of. Don't try to quit with the idea that it will be hard, once you get over the physical addiction, it is all in your head. I hope you can succeed thinking that it really isn't as hard as we try to make it be. And if you are worried about gaining weight, think about how much more exercise you can do. Good luck!!!

    I have to second this. I quit 5 years ago, after smoking a pack and a half a day for 18 years. I *LOVED* to smoke. I used Chantix to quit as well. I didn't worry about 'weight gain'; I simply tackled one demon at a focus was on not smoking. Hang in will gain time back (think about how often you concentrate on having to 'sneak' a cig), (we all know the financial expense)....,your life! It's one of the hardest, but most rewarding things you can do for yourself and those you love.....Best of luck!!!:flowerforyou:
  • V44V
    V44V Posts: 366 Member
    I haven't read all of the last five pages but can only imagine there is a shed load of great advice already in here...

    You have your reasons for wanting to stop and that's always a start!

    I quit for similar reasons to you back in 2008, writing that down makes it feel so long ago now :) My Daughter will be 3 years old in April and to say I didn't want her smelling of smoke is an understatement. It's not until you stop you realise how much you must have smelt to others that don't smoke.

    I finished off the cigarettes I had in September 2008 (made no sense to waste what I'd paid good money for bearing in mind how much they cost in the UK). I quit cold turkey, had no patches, gum, hypnosis or anything else. To tell you the truth it was murder.

    For over two years after I stopped I would say I wanted one every day but resisted the urge. I know one would have led to two, two to three and then back on them full time.

    I am alsom glad in another way that I've stopped, smoking used to be such a social thing back in the day, you're now made to go outside with the other lepers whilst everyone else is drinking inside in the warm!!!

    Keep strong, find a hobby and keep busy and believe in yourself.

    Feel free to add me
  • You can do it. I quite four months ago. Cravings last for 3-5 minutes -- push through. You can do this. You really can!
  • LPinTheD
    LPinTheD Posts: 129
    I haven't read thru all the replies, but I'll add my experience and what worked for me.

    Cold turkey did NOT work for me. Some people can do it that way, and I admire them. I wasn't one of those people.

    I tried Chantix back in 2007, and it did work - BUT - I had severe psychological side-effects from the drug. I was literally crazy.. hostile, impulsive, aggressive. Horrible, horrible stuff. I shudder when I look back on that time period of just a few months.

    The patch... tried that, but something in it gave me a nasty skin "burn" where the patch was. I'd have a big red circle that itched where the patch was.

    The thing that worked for me was the electronic cigarette. I quit in December and haven't looked back. I still use it on occasion, but I can see myself dropping it entirely in the near future.

    Whatever helps YOU to quit, is what's best. Just don't quit quitting :)
  • InTenn
    InTenn Posts: 99
    I've quit cigarettes twice and cigars twice. Each time for more than a year. My challenge was staying quit three years later, the part most people find easy. Somehow I had convinced myself that quitting a second (or third time) would be easy. It wasn't,but it wasn't impossible.

    But here is what I learned:

    At its worst, it doesn't feel any worse than a bad cold or a mild case of the flu. The only difference is that it is voluntary.

    since you have been smoke-free for 53 hours (maybe over 70 hours now), if you light up you will undo much the effort you have made. You will have to go back through some of that. So don't cheat for a second.

    I had always quit cold turkey. Last time I bought some nicotine gum. Maybe a dozen times, I used a piece of gum to take the edge off. Don't expect it to fix it, but it does make it manageable.

    After a week, it is all in your head. You've beaten the physical part. Stay strong so you don't have to go through that again.

    Good luck.
  • blackwarrior
    blackwarrior Posts: 20 Member
    :happy: i was smoking 40-60 a day and am now of them 10 weeks tomorrow i went cold turkey this time as every other time i used something but when i looked at it i was still getting nicotine from these which i thing just feed my addiction for nicotine so always went back to smoking again now i chew sugar free gum well all the time much better than the smokes hope this helps
  • lisahoyle
    lisahoyle Posts: 11
    Stop thinking about it as giving up something and start thinking of it as freeing yourself from things...
    Having to carry *kitten* (I'm English) lighter
    Having to remember to go to the shop
    Having to leave your friends to go out for a *kitten* (again UK)
    Having to live with the rubbish feeling that you're doing something thats - from an objective point of view - completely stupid

    Oh and think about why you started smoking and how you can get that need filled by other means.

    Trust me, I'm a hypnotherapist (and an ex smoker)
  • CatchMom11
    CatchMom11 Posts: 462 Member
    I've quit 3 times. Once for two years - then we moved to Ohio for 10 months, I give myself a pass on that one.

    I did cold turkey the first time and never felt any cravings. I truly believe it was divine intervention.

    The second time and third times I quit I used the patch. It really, really, REALLY helped. The third time being my current foray into smokelessness which has lasted since last July. I haven't used a patch since probably September or October.

    To testify to the power of the patch, I quit drinking at the same time. No patch for that one unfortunately.

    Living in Ohio made me want to smoke too! lol
  • jcs0530
    jcs0530 Posts: 70 Member
    Beside the addiction side of smoking, it is also a social habit. When I was quiting, I stopped going out to the parties, hanging out with my friends that smoked, etc... It was just too hard to quit and be in that enviroment. Ive been smoke free since 1985 with only a few slip ups while deployed overseas in high stress situations. When you feel that urge, use it and go for a fast pace walk or slow run. Over time ( several weeks) your body will train itself to associate that feeling to excersice. Good luck. By far the hardest thing I ever did was quit smoking.
  • natvanessa
    natvanessa Posts: 230 Member
    I quit exactly 60 days ago and am so happy and proud of myself!

    There are so many benefits of quitting but I have to say the best one is that my family (who had been urging me to quit for years), is now SO happy. They know that I will be around longer :)

    For some real advice I recommend you pick up the book "The Easy Way to Stop Smoking" by Allen Carr. I actually read it AFTER I quit just to keep me motivated in case I felt like smoking again. The book is so amazing I literally cried during certain parts. He basically tells you that you are freeing yourself from something you really don't enjoy, rather than giving something up. It is SOO true once you read his book and understand everything he says. I will never smoke again.

    Another thing that helped me is an app on my iPhone called My Last Cigarette. It tracks a bunch of statistics once you quit, and is super motivating. Trust me on this! I couldn't have quit without this app!

    Last thing, I quit Cold Turkey randomly one day and haven't smoked since. The first 3 days was hard, but after that I felt Great!!!

    Good luck :-)
  • Karstenf
    Karstenf Posts: 85 Member
    I LOVED smoking, too, especially with some beers. I smoked for 12 years, a pack and a half a day. I work in construction, so it was easy to keep one lit all day. I started working out the same time I quit smoking. Everytime I had a craving, I would drop and do 10 pushups. My coworkers thought I was crazy until they found out why. Two months later, 3 of them joined me. I tried to quit twice before, but without any kind of exercise regiment. This time I have immersed myself in exercise, and it has made all the difference. In the beginning I couldn't Go for 10 minutes on the elliptical machine with 0 resistance without feeling like I was going to die. Now I'm on it for 30-45 minutes at resistance level 16. These little victories help me to stay away from cigs for good.
  • Halloch
    Halloch Posts: 18 Member
    I know its hard to quit. I must have tried at least 10 times before I was successful. I would always fall down and smoke again. That was until I did laser acupuncture. WOW, just the process was great. I left the office, sat in my car, looked around and had a grin from ear to ear. Did I feel great or what. I have never had another smoke and it is now 10 1/2 years. Look for a clinic in your area and go for it. One thing though, you have to want to quit to be successful. Good luck, I feel for you.
  • I quit smoking almost 4 months ago now, and yeah its hard. I used an e ciggarette but after 3 weeks i found i no longer needed it, I had my partner for support and we have both quit together
    The hardest is going to BBQs and drinking outside because you just feel like your forgetting something, and its a ciggarette thats missing :(
    I personally havent noticed any savings from not smoking, the money just goes elsewhere :S