Help! My ankle is sprained and I don't want to gain pounds..



  • Matthew_Wilde
    Matthew_Wilde Posts: 28 Member
    Very interesting post. I actually sprained my ankle on Friday just gone. Usually I do at least 6 hours cardio a week. Im worried about long it will take me to recover.
  • mhotch
    mhotch Posts: 901 Member
    As long as you keep your calories with in the range, and keep the diet healthy you should not gain. The losses may slow or stop, but you shouldn't gain.

    If you push the ankle before it properly heals, you will prolong the healing stage. I would do swimming only, or the hand bicycle in the gym. Sprains can take a while to heal. Don't push it.
  • ronitabur
    ronitabur Posts: 178 Member
    I maintained my weight through 3 separate injuries all in one year - Tendonitis in my shoulder, a broken finger, and shin splints. (Shin splints are the worst by the way - I still struggle with them and can't run.) Anway, you can stick to upper body workouts and lots of core/abs, etc. Even walks with your crutches which would be a GREAT workout! My gym has a piece of equipement that is like a hand cranked bike - instead of foot pedals, it has hand pedals. Do you have access to one of these? Or, even a rowing machine, but you'll have to brace yourself with one foot.

    Don't think of it as a limitation. Think of it as muscle confusion, in which you are just doing different exercises which your body is not used to. I think you may find that it is just as easy to keep your weight off by doing this, and may even make weight-loss easier.

    And of course, count your calories. You may have to eat a little less or eat lighter calorie foods.
  • mustgetmuscles1
    mustgetmuscles1 Posts: 3,346 Member
    As long as you keep your calories with in the range, and keep the diet healthy you should not gain. The losses may slow or stop, but you shouldn't gain.

    If you push the ankle before it properly heals, you will prolong the healing stage. I would do swimming only, or the hand bicycle in the gym. Sprains can take a while to heal. Don't push it.

    I agree. Exercise is not required to loose or maintain weight. You simply have to watch your calories. Take a week or two off and let the ankle heal fully and then start working out again. A couple weeks off wont hurt your health.
  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member
    Go swimming!
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    Be careful about the food you choose for calories. Make sure they are healthy ones and not 'empty' calories from junk
    I was on crutches for several months once and I even hiked with them. Just make sure that you are putting all of your weight on the hand part of the crutches, NOT the top where it goes under your arm! Anyone you see with padding added to the top of crutches is not using them correctly. If they don't fit right, adjust them on the handles or at the bottom. I seriously went up and down a lot of hills with rocky terrain and then I did a lot of walking along the road, sidewalks and even the mall. Just take your time, be careful and you'll still get exercise. It is certainly better than nothing. Also, what about swimming? I don't know the extent of your injury but you may be able to do that or possibly use a rowing machine, arm weights, etc
    Good luck and I hope you heal quickly! You'll get through this. :)
  • idahopacker
    idahopacker Posts: 66 Member
    Water aerobics is a good choice.

    I highly recommend the Bauerfeind MalleoLoc ankle brace while you heal. I wore the brace with a pair of mid-height trail boots for over a year. I couldn't have asked for a better product.