Does this sound right to you?

Just logged my dinner and it came out at 717 calories!!! I have far less on my plate, yet it's coming up as nearly double the calories for some of the other meals i've been eating recently. Here's what I had, can you see if it sounds right to you?

1/4 medium sized onion, diced and fried in low fat vegetable oil
Just over half a small cup of frozen sweetcorn
150ml semi skimmed milk
A dusting of white flour
a small chunk of grated cheddar cheese (the above 3 to make cheese sauce)
2 Quorn chicken style fillets lightly fried in vegetable oil
A dash of paprika
A dash of pepper
A cup and a 1/2 of wholewheat pasta twirls

I don't have scales to measure with so I'm just guessing. But I'm sure i use less than the smallest amounts it usually suggests on here, apart from pasta which i probably went over on lol


  • missfancy1980
    Here's a pic I took


    Started off with one more fillet and about 6 more spoons of pasta!
  • beccala18
    beccala18 Posts: 293 Member
    It sounds reasonable to me - the pasta alone is around 300 calories. Then you add the oil you used to fry the onion and chicken. Then cheese that is 100 calories for 1 oz. If I was making the dinner, I'd expect it to be about 600-700 calories.
  • sarahp86
    sarahp86 Posts: 692 Member
    That's about right for a main meal. Infact that's good for a meal. Sometimes mine are 800cals. Pasta is very high and so is oil but enjoy your dinner and don't worry about it :)
  • mistikal13
    mistikal13 Posts: 1,457 Member
    Sounds right to me for a pasta dish.
  • itsuki
    itsuki Posts: 520 Member
    That looks yummy! And over 50g of protein - awesome!

    Half an ounce of flour is like an 8th of a cup... what's your definition of a dusting?

    Other than that yeah, it sounds right.

    If you're worried about being over your calories for the day, go take a walk. :) You're only about 300 over... that's nothing.
  • cre8freedom
    cre8freedom Posts: 63 Member
    Pasta, Cheese and Chicken are all dense in calories so yes I would think this is correct. Maybe use egg noddles and add more veggies so you use less pasta?
  • SteveHunt113
    SteveHunt113 Posts: 648 Member
    Pasta! It'll get you ever time!
  • Blacklance36
    Blacklance36 Posts: 755 Member
    I think it sounds about right too. Its not just the pasta, as meat is also high in calories. However, its about the right amount of calories for a main meal. I try to limit my intake during the day so I have room for that many calories at night.
    Let us know when you hit your goal, as Im sure you are going to.
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    Just logged my dinner and it came out at 717 calories!!! I have far less on my plate, yet it's coming up as nearly double the calories for some of the other meals i've been eating recently. Here's what I had, can you see if it sounds right to you?

    1/4 medium sized onion, diced and fried in low fat vegetable oil
    Just over half a small cup of frozen sweetcorn
    150ml semi skimmed milk
    A dusting of white flour
    a small chunk of grated cheddar cheese (the above 3 to make cheese sauce)
    2 Quorn chicken style fillets lightly fried in vegetable oil
    A dash of paprika
    A dash of pepper
    A cup and a 1/2 of wholewheat pasta twirls

    I don't have scales to measure with so I'm just guessing. But I'm sure i use less than the smallest amounts it usually suggests on here, apart from pasta which i probably went over on lol

    Yup that sounds right.

    Pasta, corn, flour, frying oil, cheese... These add up. Doesn't look like the greatest meal to me if you're looking to lose weight. I love pasta and had to cut it out of my everyday diet completely. :(

    Also, corn is a grain, not a vegetable.
  • abnerner
    abnerner Posts: 452 Member
    I would think so. The oil, cheese and pasta are a lot of calories, and corn is too, because it is a starch.
  • whitleynoel
    whitleynoel Posts: 198 Member
    Pasta, cheese, and meat. That is the calorie trifecta!

    Sounds right to me but still not bad for a main meal :happy:
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    That sounds reasonable... pasta, cheese and oil add up fast.
  • emermaid
    emermaid Posts: 6 Member
    I agree about the pasta - if you want to lose weight, you're best off cutting out the pasta and doing veggies instead. Chicken and veggies will be much lower.
  • kelseyhere
    kelseyhere Posts: 1,123 Member
    That sounds right. Like the other posters said, you can do veggies instead of pasta. I have this thing, I think it's called a Julie Chen, that you can use to make pasta out of veggies. It's a little time consuming and kind of hard to use at first, but the outcome is worth it. You can use zuccini, carrots, peppers, pretty much whatever you can think of to make veggie noodles.
  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member
    Options be but oh-so-good! LOL :)

    My meals look like this every night... Either that or some grilled veggies...I try to avoid pasta. Once in awhile it is a good treat though. Don't beat yourself up. :)

  • signgrrrl
    signgrrrl Posts: 74 Member
    All those things are high in cals. Try using small amts of olive oil if you MUST fry and try a real veggie(good carb) like some fresh broccoli
  • missfancy1980
    Thank you all for clearing that up, I was amazed!. This isn't chicken... i'm a vegetarian! It's Quorn (like a mushroom protein thing)

    Actually I've been searching for a way to up my protein so i guess this is the answer - quorn, pasta, and cheese together :D Just preferably on a day I didn't already have bread/ tomato sauce etc for breakfast!!

    Only had these items in the house to eat, got no veggies left till i go shopping oops.
  • mfp_1
    mfp_1 Posts: 516 Member
    I don't have scales

    Measuring solids by weight is more accurate than by volume. For energy dense foods like pasta, it's worth having the option to weigh. You don't have to be a slave to scales, but owning them would give you a choice that you don't currently have. They also help a lot with baking accurately.

    Would you consider getting scales?
  • Luandanielle1979
    Luandanielle1979 Posts: 747 Member
    I would only ever fry using olive oil in a spary will save you loads of cals and reduce your pasta a little and fill up on veggies x
  • RAFValentina
    RAFValentina Posts: 1,231 Member
    Pasta, cheese and oil all quite heavy in calories.. even a little bit of oil can bump you up to 100... also sweetcorn can easily be 50-100 calories for a serving...sugary!