What is your favorite way to eat sweet potatoes?



  • SouthernArt77
    SouthernArt77 Posts: 223 Member
    Oven roasted cubes. Cut up. Spray generously with olive oil. Salt and pepper. Bake at 425 degrees until golden.
    I do this too, except I like to add some chipotle chile powder & garlic powder. YUM! They're also good done this way with some diced parsnips mixed in. YUM!
  • arickim
    arickim Posts: 137
    Roasted in the oven with a little cayenne and olive oil
    OLFATUG Posts: 393 Member
    Wrapped in foil, baked in the oven for about 45 minutes, with nothing on 'em.
  • carrietehbear
    carrietehbear Posts: 384 Member
    Cut into cubes, sprayed with a little olive oil, sprinkled with cinnamon and roasted in the oven. YUM-O! :bigsmile:

    Me too!
  • HiKaren
    HiKaren Posts: 1,306 Member
    Wash em down. I rub salt on outside skins, poke with fork, bake, slice down the middle, & I can't believe its not butter, salt & pepper. Nummers. :wink:
  • merimeaux
    merimeaux Posts: 304 Member
    Alexia makes a really good and relatively healthy mix of sweet potatoes, black beans, and other goodies called "Saute Sweets"...super tasty! You could probably easily recreate this on your own for cheaper!
  • SLaw4215
    SLaw4215 Posts: 596 Member
    I like sweet potato fries (plain with a little salt or and cajun spiced). I like them baked with the skin on with a little cinnamon butter. And I have even juiced them (although if you boil them long enough that step isn't really needed)... I make sweet potato soup (use webstie "All The Cooks") for recipe ideas
  • bschrews
    bschrews Posts: 2 Member
    Baked and topped with 1 cup Chobani ff vanilla yogurt and sprinkled with cinnamon. Love to eat this for lunch!
  • Icedancer94
    Icedancer94 Posts: 108
    Just baked. Simple but effective :-)
  • ctkennedy
    ctkennedy Posts: 19 Member
    black bean and sweet potato burritos
  • StrengthIsBeautiful
    StrengthIsBeautiful Posts: 309 Member
    I got this recipe from blog.fatfreevegan.com (via pinterest). I have not tried it yet, but when I do, I'm going to try it with sweet potatoes....

    Microwave Potato Chips

    medium russet potato
    parchment paper
    optional seasonings: chili powder, Creole seasoning, Old Bay seasoning, etc.
    Using a mandolin or v-slicer, slice one medium russet potato (peeled, if you like) as thinly as possible, taking care that all slices are the same thickness. Line the turntable tray of your microwave with parchment paper and place the potato slices on it without overlapping. Salt lightly and sprinkle with your choice of seasonings.
    Microwave at full power–watching closely–until spots of brown begin to appear, about 4-6 minutes. Turn off the microwave for 1 minute. Microwave again at full power until the slices are golden brown. (Be very careful not to over-brown or they will taste burned.) Remove from the microwave and allow to cool. Repeat until all potato slices are cooked.
    Salt and Vinegar Chips: Dip each potato slice into cider vinegar before putting it on the parchment paper. Sprinkle with salt before microwaving.

    Preparation time: 10 minute(s) | Cooking time: 12 minute(s)

    Number of servings (yield): 2

    Makes two servings. Per serving: 30 Calories (kcal); trace Total Fat; (1% calories from fat); 1g Protein; 7g Carbohydrate; 0mg Cholesterol; 2mg Sodium; 1g Fiber. Weight Watchers Core / 0 Points.

    eta: picture
  • bushidowoman
    bushidowoman Posts: 1,599 Member
    A little bit of butter and a little bit of salt. Now I want a sweet potato.
  • Amy1N
    Amy1N Posts: 10
    That's how we like them too! We've also cut up a couple of turnips and tossed those in with our cubed sweet potatoes. The taste of the two together is phenomenal!
  • doonesbury
    doonesbury Posts: 281 Member
    Bumpin' this!
  • Tree72
    Tree72 Posts: 942 Member
    I have yet to meet a cooking method I don't like with sweet potatoes. Just plain baked, or with a bit of butter are my favorites.

    But I also love them cut into cubes and roasted. I spritz with olive oil and then toss on some mixed seasonings which usually include a teaspoon or two of dark brown sugar, a bit of salt, ginger powder, garlic powder, and a pinch of red pepper. Bake in a 375 degree oven for about 35 to 45 minutes, stirring and turning at least once during baking.

    Diced into cubes, steamed, and then mashed is also wonderful. I find steaming gives the mashed sweet potatoes a much better texture than boiling like regular potatoes.
  • ckenning
    ckenning Posts: 71
  • Il_DaniD_lI
    Il_DaniD_lI Posts: 1,593 Member
    I got this recipe from blog.fatfreevegan.com (via pinterest). I have not tried it yet, but when I do, I'm going to try it with sweet potatoes....

    Microwave Potato Chips

    medium russet potato
    parchment paper
    optional seasonings: chili powder, Creole seasoning, Old Bay seasoning, etc.
    Using a mandolin or v-slicer, slice one medium russet potato (peeled, if you like) as thinly as possible, taking care that all slices are the same thickness. Line the turntable tray of your microwave with parchment paper and place the potato slices on it without overlapping. Salt lightly and sprinkle with your choice of seasonings.
    Microwave at full power–watching closely–until spots of brown begin to appear, about 4-6 minutes. Turn off the microwave for 1 minute. Microwave again at full power until the slices are golden brown. (Be very careful not to over-brown or they will taste burned.) Remove from the microwave and allow to cool. Repeat until all potato slices are cooked.
    Salt and Vinegar Chips: Dip each potato slice into cider vinegar before putting it on the parchment paper. Sprinkle with salt before microwaving.

    Preparation time: 10 minute(s) | Cooking time: 12 minute(s)

    Number of servings (yield): 2

    Makes two servings. Per serving: 30 Calories (kcal); trace Total Fat; (1% calories from fat); 1g Protein; 7g Carbohydrate; 0mg Cholesterol; 2mg Sodium; 1g Fiber. Weight Watchers Core / 0 Points.

    eta: picture

    Sounds amazing.. I will have to try this myself!
  • Manysongs
    Manysongs Posts: 137
    Oven roasted . Cut up. Spray generously with olive oil. Salt and pepper. Bake at 425 degrees until golden.

    ^this..... sometimes I sprinkle a little greek seasoning instead of the salt and pepper... YUM!
  • wahs & dry potato. prick potato with a fork a couple of times, Bake potato for 45mins-1 hour in hot oven, cut in half length ways, scoop out flesh, mix flesh with spinach leaves, garlic, salt & pepper.
    spray empty skin on outside with 1 cal oil spray and put back into hot oven for 2-3 mins to crisp.
    fill potato skins with spinach mixture, top with a sprinkle of low fat cheese, return to hot oven to heat thro...... delicious & very healthy too!!! enjoy :tongue:

    you could use any filling that you like to mix with the potato flesh!!!!!
  • footballmom12
    footballmom12 Posts: 100 Member
    Cut into cubes, sprayed with a little olive oil, sprinkled with cinnamon and roasted in the oven. YUM-O! :bigsmile:

    ^^Sounds awesome!!