30 Day Shred questions!

Kdingo Posts: 145 Member
I just started the 30DS today.

For those that are doing or have compleated it. Were you able to do the full 20 minutes? Or did you have to do it in little segments throughout the day, when you just started?

I have not been able to complete even 2 pushups, so I have tried to make up for it by doing stand up wall pushups to build my strength. Also I am only 5mins in and have had to stop because all my "muscles" are cramped and trembling.:embarassed:

I have seen such wonderful success stories on this but am afraid if I'm able to keep this up at the rate I'm going it might be more like a 60 day shred...:cry:

Just wanted to hear someone else's trials and tribulations on the subject.:flowerforyou:

Thank you.


  • Kdingo
    Kdingo Posts: 145 Member
    Pretty pretty please with a cherry on top?:bigsmile:

    Just want comfirmation that I may be weak but am still in the normal range...:sad:
  • KaraP18
    KaraP18 Posts: 145 Member
    I am on level 2 day 7. if i cant do the move i will keep pushing through and do it the best i can. I pushed through the days when i was sore and actually felt better. you will be surprised how quickly your body will adjust. Keep on pushin!
  • serenetranquility
    serenetranquility Posts: 125 Member
    You've got to just keep at it and no matter what keep moving throughout the whole thing. Do the modified push ups the best you can to start. These first 3-4 days are going to be the worst. You likely will think you're going to die walking up stairs for the next few days but keep at it. Don't do it in segments throughout the day...that defeats the entire purpose. Just do the very best you can for the full 27 minutes and before you know it you'll be cooling down....trust me.

    You can do this. Believe in yourself :)
  • amandae79
    amandae79 Posts: 169 Member
    I started, stopped and started and again stopped the 30 DS, but I just pushed thru it. If I could only do 5 pushups, that is what i did, then I just moved on with the dvd. One day you may only be able to do 2 pushups, the next a few more, before you know it, you will be doing the entire rep!
    I need to start up again, I just get bored with the same routine!
  • KatesBadAss
    KatesBadAss Posts: 38 Member
    I did it twice. The first time I only did what I could, took a water break if needed and tried to finish it....even if it killed me. The second time around, it still killed me, but at least I felt more accomplished and I still can't do a "regular" pushup. I do the modified. If I feel like a rockstar, I would do the other version. Just keep at it. You will see the change little by little.
  • femme62209
    femme62209 Posts: 327 Member
    I had the same issues when I first started the 30DS. They key to it is to NOT make it about the 30 days! Who cares if it takes you 30 days or 200 days to complete it? As long as you're improving and getting stronger, that's all that matters. I recommend trying to get through the whole video at one time...even you have to pause Jillian 10 times to catch your breath! You can do it!!! Just keep reminding yourself: it's only 20 minutes! I can do anything for twenty minutes!! You'll be so surprised at how quickly you improve!!
  • jennrose27
    jennrose27 Posts: 4 Member
    Once you get through those two pushup rotations, the rest of the workout is not that bad. Just do your best. Do them on the wall, or do the knee version, or just do one or two whatever you need to do. Then proceed with the rest of the workout. I bet you can do the rest of the workout.
  • tiggergrrl23
    tiggergrrl23 Posts: 98 Member
    It's definitely tough in the beginning, but just do the modifications of the moves that she gives you. After the first week you will notice a big improvement in your strength and stamina. Just don't give up and you will start noticing changes. Even if it takes you 60 days to get through it, at least you will have completed it and once you have done that you will be amazed at how far you've come in the process. Good luck! :flowerforyou:
  • MissyLibra
    MissyLibra Posts: 40 Member
    I did the 30 day shred last month-ish.

    it was hard, but problem is I'm stubborn. I wanted to stop because everything hurt, but I have too much pride, so I kept pushing.

    The trick do really is to keep pushing. Once I got through the first two days, it became much easier. And I was only VERY sore the first day.

    You don't have to go as fast as they do, or as extreme, just follow your own pace, but keep MOVING. One time, one of my knee hurt. So I tried I different kind of strength exercise, so that I'd keep moving, but I wouldn't be in pain. In ripped in 30, Jillian says, something along the line, it doesn't matter if you downgrade the exercise to an easier level, just KEEP MOVING.

    The more you push, the easier it'll get! But take it to your own pace!
  • kevin3344
    kevin3344 Posts: 702 Member
    I would use the modifier; either way it is tough!

    I completed it in 45 days because of training for runs, but how often you do it is up to your schedule.

    If you can only do 2 pushups, that's all you can do...just move on to the next exercise and eventually you'll work your way up...
  • Tashry
    Tashry Posts: 151 Member
    It can certainly be tough, but if it was easy you wouldn't see any results.
    Just do your best, do the modifications if need be, and you will surprise yourself at how quickly you become fit and strong.
    As a previous poster said, do not complete the DVD in segments throughout the day - that will not produce the same results at all. The whole purpose is to keep moving and keep your heart rate up the whole time. That is how you will shed the fat and burn the calories.
    Best of luck to you! Believe in yourself...you can do it!
  • hypergrl
    hypergrl Posts: 188 Member
    When I first started I had to modify the exercises. Or I wouldn't be able to finish the whole 20 minute workout. My suggestion is take a break, walk in place, shake out your muscles and just do what you are able and you will notice by the next week that you are able to more. I think doing the wall push ups at first is a great modification and when those get easy, do wide legged push ups then move the "girlie" push-ups.
  • yep i couldn't walk down stairs never mind up stairs after the first attempt i'm five days in now and i'm starting to feel i have muscles instead of intense pain. Not sure how i do it i just push through the pain thinking of all the positive reports i've read on here and hope i will get the same results. then i'm done for another twenty four hours!!!
  • carebear7951
    carebear7951 Posts: 404 Member
    Yep. Normal ;) Push-ups...I can still barely do a couple of regular ones. I do the girl ones when I'm doing a video. You are still getting resistance...keep going. And if I can't do the reps that she does I hit rewind until I do them all. It might take me 40 mins instead of 30 but I do it anyways.
  • stacygayle
    stacygayle Posts: 349 Member
    I just started and it will take me 60 days because I only do it every other day since I am training for a 5K on the other days. I run one day then shred the next. Whew.....was I sore the first week :laugh: I can only do 5 pushups though
  • mslindsay
    mslindsay Posts: 93 Member
    I just started the 30DS today.

    For those that are doing or have compleated it. Were you able to do the full 20 minutes? Or did you have to do it in little segments throughout the day, when you just started?

    I have not been able to complete even 2 pushups, so I have tried to make up for it by doing stand up wall pushups to build my strength. Also I am only 5mins in and have had to stop because all my "muscles" are cramped and trembling.:embarassed:

    I have seen such wonderful success stories on this but am afraid if I'm able to keep this up at the rate I'm going it might be more like a 60 day shred...:cry:

    Just wanted to hear someone else's trials and tribulations on the subject.:flowerforyou:

    Thank you.

    Keep pushing through it! I just started today, and it was hard for me. Adjust the movements to your level, if you can't go down all the way, then stop until it feels uncomfortable. A good form is the most important, you can injure yourself with a bad form for the excercise. If you are out shape (which I am) you don't have to go at their pace, it is just important that you move and keep your heart rate up, so try to limit rests by going at a slower pace.

    If your muscles are cramping up, you might be trying to push yourself a little too hard. Or more likely you just need to hydrate more before doing the video. I know i get cramps if I haven't had enough water. The trembling is your muscles working hard, and just try to push through it, or take a very short rest. (I think Jillian, in the video recommends no more than 5 seconds? Just enough to catch up and then continue)

    I hope this helps! and I know you can do it. Even if it takes you 60 days you will still get results and feel stronger!
  • I started the 30 day shred five days ago. The first day was tough, I couldn't even pick up my son after because my arms hurt so much. The second day I was having problems with my knee so I adjusted and modified the exercise to avoid injury. But like everyone has posted already, just keep moving. If it is a strength session, either modify her exercise to something you can handle, or insert your own but work the same areas she is concentrating on. Work yourself up to doing it the 'right' way and if it takes you longer to get the 30 days behind you, so what, you've still accomplished a great deal. I have found that I don't like listening to Jilian talk, so I mute the video and crank the music. It serves as a distraction and keeps me moving. Best of luck, you can conquer the 30 (or however many days it takes) shred. Have faith in yourself.
  • creative1981
    creative1981 Posts: 182 Member
    I didn't find level 1 too bad. Although I marched through some of the butt kicks and jump ropes and stuck with the 'modified' versions. I started level 2 today and found that much harder! If I can't do the move I just jump around like a loon to keep my heart rate up and then keep trying. You'll get there :)
  • Kdingo
    Kdingo Posts: 145 Member
    Thank you all for your stories and advice. I will be back at it tomorrow and try to go slower so I don't wreck myself like today. Also like the idea of jumping around like a loon to keep my seart rate up if I'm not ready for more yet. Thanks again!:flowerforyou:
  • AliciaLucas_72
    AliciaLucas_72 Posts: 112 Member
    I just started the 30DS today.

    For those that are doing or have compleated it. Were you able to do the full 20 minutes? Or did you have to do it in little segments throughout the day, when you just started?

    I have not been able to complete even 2 pushups, so I have tried to make up for it by doing stand up wall pushups to build my strength. Also I am only 5mins in and have had to stop because all my "muscles" are cramped and trembling.:embarassed:

    I have seen such wonderful success stories on this but am afraid if I'm able to keep this up at the rate I'm going it might be more like a 60 day shred...:cry:

    Just wanted to hear someone else's trials and tribulations on the subject.:flowerforyou:

    So I just completed Level 1 and I did level 2 day 1 today. My best advice is to do thebest you can through each circuit. But do the whole 20 min. When I first did Level 2 I could not do more then 2 pushups I stopped a few seconds did 2 more. and did what I could until it was time to do the next part. As the days go on you will see that you all of a sudden can do 3 then 5 etc. Also witht he strength part you can find 3 or 2 pound weights and start there if it gets too heavy I dropped the weight and did the exercise with out weigh and once a gain as the days pass you will be able to do more and more with the weights it's amazing what happens in ten days. And I did not do it every day I do it MWF and I do C25K on T Th Sat and rest on sunday. So it took me 3 weeks to get to level 2. There was a lot I couldn't do today on level 2 I did as many as i could but i did the whole level as BEST I could in one shot. That's my 2 cents. I hope its helpful. By the way I have lost 3 inches over all on 30ds doing level 1 an inch from my waist an inch frm my hips and an inch from my thigh I can't wait to see where I am at the end of level 2 and 3.

    Thank you.