A bad day :(



  • Mzfoster0517
    Mzfoster0517 Posts: 83 Member
    I was always told that there should be one day out of the month that you eat some things you like.

    Plus we are human we will all have a day or moment where our cravings get the best of us. You can't give up besides your weight loss so far is great!!!!!!! So keep it up.
  • Helenatrandom
    Helenatrandom Posts: 1,166 Member
    I agree with those who are telling you to give yourself a break.

    I also think that you should log in what you ate today. I have found that most of the time, my "bad" days are salvageable, or at least not as bad as I thought. I bet when you complete today, the note at the bottom will still say that 5 weeks from now you will weigh less than today, just not by as wide of a margin as usual, making today not a "bad" day, but a day that just isn't as good as usual.
  • rbear713
    rbear713 Posts: 220 Member
    Here's a thought - schedule the bad day into your week - garbage day, rest day, break day, whatever you call it - its important to live a little too!! 6 out of 7 great days is 86% - a B+!

    If you let it go for one day on purpose, your body will allow it, I promise - just don't go waaaaaay overboard. If you work hard the other 6 days, it will be sooo much easier to control!

    Now that may or may not work for you, but here's another one: Rome wasn't built in a day. It didn't fall in a day either! One day does not ruin the whole journey... Just remember to not be so hard on yourself! B+ is pretty friggin good, when you think about it!!
  • Brandicaloriecountess
    Brandicaloriecountess Posts: 2,126 Member
    You are already on the right track, just keep going.
    You still have to live life, you still have to enjoy "bad" days occasionally.

    You should have seen all I ate a few weeks ago when I went away for the weekend ;)
    But Monday came and I was back on track, just move forward!!!
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    You know, you have to decide how you work your program. Some totally cut everything out and feel completely guilty when they cave to cravings. Others give in a little to cravings and keep going. If it is bothering you this bad, maybe you should reevaluate your approach.
  • 1822Kim
    1822Kim Posts: 4
    30lb in 10 weeks is huge not just good amazing!! That means you have had approx 70 amazing fantastic days. Don't beat yourself up over one bad one, pick yourself up and promise yourself that tomorrow will be the 71st amazing day you have had.

    Well done x
  • dedarlin
    dedarlin Posts: 41 Member
    the day is NOT OVER! back on track and change that mindset! one indulgence will not undo all the hard work you have done! congrats on the 30 lbs and keep on rockin it :)
  • donnabirch123
    you have done so well, be proud of what you have achieved in the last 10 weeks and look to the future, everyone has bad days, (or moments) tomorrows a new day!
  • llamalland
    llamalland Posts: 246 Member
    I had a BAD week last week, and felt like you do, that it may be the beginning of the end.... But I will not let it be. The hardest habit I have to break is allowing external influences (read: life) interfere with what I know I need to do food-and-exercise wise. Much easier to say with confidence when you've come thru the rough time, but you can do it. Not that every day will be perfect, but the overall "product" of our daily actions must move us toward our goals... I allowed one bad day last week to grow into 7 bad days. You are recognizing the need to get a grip on day one- good for you!!
  • AbiNichole
    AbiNichole Posts: 300 Member
    I agree that you've done a terrific job! I also know exactly what you mean when you have an impulsive moment and you just feel out of control.

    I'm proud of my success too (20 lbs in 7 weeks) but it's very hard for me too. I hate feeling like I did something that was out of my control. Makes me think I haven't conquered those demons quite yet.:devil:

    Just Saturday I walked into a Taco Bell/ Pizza Hut combo store and stood. I just stared at the menu for about 5 mins and then left. It was very hard to do but I knew that it just wasn't worth it. :noway: Some days I can resist the urge and other days I can't.

    Regardless- remember this is a lifestyle change. We can't eat clean every day for forever. Instead don't feel guilty for having something- just have it in moderation. Make a CHOICE to have it. And when you choose then you feel like you're in control and you'll feel so much better. Even if it isn't a "healthy" choice.

    Good luck on your journey! You obviously have the willpower! You can do it! :flowerforyou:
  • saragato
    saragato Posts: 1,154
    Try distracting your mind for a bit whether through reading or watching a movie or finding something mindless to do. It'll calm you down, get your mind on something else besides the day. I mentally beat myself up all the time for stupid things and the longer you let your brain run that thought train, the worse you feel. The best thing's just to give yourself a temporary reprieve and come back at it later when you're not so worked up.

    One of my therapists told me once, you can't expect to start going uphill and keep going up. You're gonna stumble, you might even fall down the hill a bit, but what matters is that you brush yourself off and go right back up the hill. Because realistically, battles like this aren't going to be easy and a lot of times they won't be fun and you'll slip up, but you're human.

    Today is today. Tomorrow's the unknown variable you still have power over. You may lose some battles, but as long as you win the war then you've done good.
  • slrrese
    slrrese Posts: 180 Member
    Don't give up!! So, you have had a bad day, we all have bad days and it is ok. I have been at this roughly the same amount of time as you and I have only lost 10 lbs. I have had days where I didn't make the best choices, in fact two last week and it kept me from my goal of 10lbs lost. This is a life change not a diet. It is not what I do today or yesterday that matters as much as what I do long term. Healthy means eating well most days, not every day for the rest of your life. You can do this!!!

    Being defeated is often a temporary condition. Giving up is what makes it permanent. ~ Marilyn vos Savant
  • Becky_Boodle
    Becky_Boodle Posts: 253 Member
    I feel like this whenever I don't make it to the gym :(
    it makes me feel like I didn't accomplish anything...
    then I look at what I've done for the rest of the week
    and when I see that I've done awesome all week
    the feeling goes away and I think to myself...
    I'm gonna work even harder tomorrow to do better!!!
  • Mom_4_More_Muscles
    Today was a bad day. I made bad choices and now I feel, you guessed it, bad.

    It's a DIFFERENT day, for sure. :wink: One thing I have learned about me....is that I may THINK it's a bad day, :sad: but it's really just DIFFERENT than what I had expected. :ohwell: Expectations have come to bite me in the A&& (hope that's not too offensive) every time I put them on something or someone...or plan an outcome with myself. So I've changed my thinking...and that didn't cost a lot of calories...:smile: . I don't always know good from bad. I DO know different. What I think is GOOD for me, just might not be the best for me at that moment. And what I think is BAD for me, may not really be that bad....just different.

    Be gentle with yourself, you can always start your day over. . . .even if it's 5:00 in the afternoon. Start with right now..:smile: .make a commitment to be good to yourself for the rest of the evening.

    It's a great day! Smile to yourself and say..."I can do this". I believe you can! :smile: We all can!
  • Vonnie2006
    Vonnie2006 Posts: 246 Member
    Focus on your successes! You've done an AMAZING job in 10 weeks. You had one bad day (today) which probably wasn't "bad" just not what you started out to do. Either way, I say log it, forgive yourself and give yourself permission to be human. Trust me there will be another day when you say, eh, I'm eating that, I'm not working out, just don't make them a string and don't let the OLD you, take up permanent residence with the new you.

    30 lbs, 30 lbs, 30 lbs 30 lbs...you've been doing GREAT! Focus on that and let that propel you back onto the path.
  • Wendysworld13
    Wendysworld13 Posts: 225 Member
    Two steps forward one step back - you are still ahead. All of us have been there. Has to do with being a person!

    Congratulations on your success so far. Good Luck going forward.

    I hope you don't let one bad day - throw you back! Last night for dinner I had ho ho's and diet coke - I just needed it. Ok, so today I got back on the track and ate good. I still like the fact that overall I am eating better and exercising! Nothing defeats you except you and you don't sound like a quitter.

    Good luck again!
  • HollywoodDJ
    HollywoodDJ Posts: 296
    Oh hunne, Heck I have been on here a week and a half and I have already had some bad days. All we can do is the best
    we can do with what we have. Maybe instead of looking at it like you "FAILED" , rather look at it as you LET YOURSELF or treated yourself. Hang in there and try to be your own best friend. Be a little kinder and gentler on yourself!

    God Bless you!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • treehopper1987
    treehopper1987 Posts: 505 Member
    You have to learn how to let these days go, and get back to it the next day. I know how you feel I have been back and forth with weight because of the emotions I have. I had a bad WEEK last week, while being sick, but today I feel better and I'm trying to get right back to where I left off. I can't give up and let my success thus far be lost. Good luck with tomorrow, and congrats on the weight you have already lost.
  • nannabannana
    You are and have done great. No one will shame you for that, goodness girl, we all do it enough to ourselves. First and foremost you are human...we make bad choices, so we can get disappointed in ourselves, but not DISCOURAGED...ok I have a bad day at least once a week, if it makes you feel better..Keep at it.....
  • IndiMomma
    Wow. So I kind of forgot that I posted this rant last week,lol. And when I saw that I had replies, I almost fell over at all the lovely support. Thank you. I've never really taken advantage of the "community" aspect of MFP and I'm thinking that I'm missing part of the benefits here. Thank you all again.
