Anyone else vegan?

If so add me. I'm looking to connect with fellow vegans to share ideas, recipes, work out routines, etc.

Been vegan for 12 years, it's been an interesting journey for sure. I'm doing it for ethical reasons. I look at animals and do not see any difference between a cow on a farm and a cat or a dog.

I'm all about freedom of expression and freedom of choice. Usually when people who eat meat hear that you're a vegan they automatically think that we judge. I used to be that was ten years ago, but it was because I was angry at the factory farms and the criminals who were killing the animals so barbarically - and even if not barbarically, in the "humane killing" as they liked to call it. Disgusting. To take the life of an animal disgusts me. I think of my cat or my dog being torn apart or gutted open and it disgusts me that people think there's a difference between animals. They all have a heart and nerves and don't deserve to be murdered.

If anyone is not vegan and have questions in the vegan lifestyle, feel free to ask.

For me it's about not putting money towards factory farms and the meat and dairy industry. I don't miss any meat or dairy and for myself it's very easy to find alternatives that are tasty without the heart diseases that comes from too much animal fat and cholesterol in most cases when things are overdone by those who eat cholesterol driven food.

Funny how no fruit or veggies have cholesterol, or very little if any....

I get passionate about how the animals are murdered and the excuses people have. Anyone else feel that way?


  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    I am a passionate vegan, but I honestly hate to think about how the animals are treated. I can't. I'll happily be your friend as long as we don't talk detailed details of why we are vegans. :)
  • ScottJG82
    ScottJG82 Posts: 34 Member
    Anyone else? lol
  • veganbaum
    veganbaum Posts: 1,865 Member
    Yes, I absolutely am passionate about it. I find it especially ironic when people talk about how much they love animals and they hate people who abuse animals, while they chow down on a cow burger.

    You may want to join the Happy Herbivore group. There's a great mix of us there, some passionate vegans, some vegetarians/pescetarians/etc., and some plant-based dieters, and some with just some questions. It would be a better place to talk about why you're so passionate, because on the general boards these types of conversations often devolve into craziness. And not everyone in the group is of the same mind at all, but you can find some who are. I have two in-person vegan friends (yeah, that's it) and we are all very passionate and talk about these things all the time (for instance the recent passage of the Iowa ag-gag law). But, when we are talking with others we temper what we say in an effort to open minds. It often works, not often enough, but sometimes.
  • Hey there!

    I'm vegan! I've only been on a few days, but I'm really excited about being able to track certain things, like protein (I wasn't doing as well as I thought I was). Also, I'm coming to terms with the fact that veganaise may not be such a good friend.

    I'd love some vegan friends on here for support. If you are still looking, feel free to add me!
  • I'm a vegan! Always happy to have more vegan buddies. :)
  • Im vegan too! :smile: For health, environment, animals, and touching raw meat is gross. Anyone seen forks over knives? Milk makes me sick>
  • I'm not completely vegan, I do enjoy a good greek yogurt from time to time. But I've been off the meet for 6 weeks now and I have NEVER felt as good as I do now.
    The big challenge I'm having here is my wife is battling to maintain 100lbs and has to gorge on meat before she withers away. Dinner is always difficult at home.
  • woopidydoo
    woopidydoo Posts: 79 Member
    I'm vegan, too. 7 years and I love it. I'm also new so anyone who wants to be friends... please send a request. :)
  • Bunnybeesweet
    Bunnybeesweet Posts: 165 Member
    Been vegan (and a chef) for years...and would be happy to be friends with any vegan or vegan-curious.
  • misslissa555
    misslissa555 Posts: 135 Member
    I'm vegan! I was an unhealthy junk food eating vegetarian for 15.5 years and decided to try to be a vegan. I did a 28 day challenge when I was working and lost a bunch of weight and felt sooooo good. Then I went back to vegetarian to eat nasty cheese. I've been vegan since last summer sometime.
    I'll talk all about how animals are treated if ya want to.
  • Heya, vegans represent ~~


    I am also an ethical vegan -- I like to do vegan crafting, and I love coming up with recipes. Always fun, also tasty.

    I have a love affair with brussels sprouts. Mmmmmmm.
  • grex1949
    grex1949 Posts: 130
    I have been doing my best to avoid consuming animal products for the past two years. I have to say that I feel much better. People ask when I'm going to go back to eating meat, dairy, fish, etc. They don't get it. I have no desire to eat meat. The thought of it makes me ill.
    I'm proud to say that my 26-year-old daughter announced on New Years that she was a vegetarian.
    I lost 35 pounds after I quit dairy, eggs, meat and fish. Then I stalled out at around 200#, which is still far too heavy for a guy who is 5' 8", so I joined this site to monitor my intake more closely. It seems to be working. I can log my meals and workouts on my iPhone right away, so there is no fooling myself by "forgetting" that peanut butter sandwich I had with lunch. It's all there.
    Also, the site has helped me get motivated with my workout routine. That helps a lot.
  • ScottJG82
    ScottJG82 Posts: 34 Member
    Anyone else vegan? Add me!
  • tabulator32
    tabulator32 Posts: 701 Member
    I am too much of a newbie to consider calling myself a vegan, officially.

    I have been eating full vegan for the past week or so (having worked up to it gradually over a period of weeks where I cut out beef and pork, then dairy...and, eventually, chicken and fish.

    Among other things, I was partially inspired by two documentaries: "Forks over Knives" and "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead"

    I am doing it for health reasons and am amazed at the recipes and variety available in vegan food preparation.

    Learning as I go and loving it so far.
  • sofinthesky
    sofinthesky Posts: 8 Member
    I've been vegan for 7 years now (ethical reasons). I'm also new to the site. :)
  • Hello! I am vegan (almost 2 years now) and am new to the site. Just started using MFP about 3 weeks ago. It's great to know there are "others" out there! :)
  • epursey
    epursey Posts: 36 Member
    Not Vegan yet but moving toward that goal. :happy:
  • kklemarow
    kklemarow Posts: 167 Member
    I've been a vegetarian for 13 years and just adopted the vegan lifestyle about 8 months it!
  • rwozzie
    rwozzie Posts: 24 Member
    I've been vegan for almost a year now, and a vegetarian for 3.5 years before that.
  • Pangui
    Pangui Posts: 373 Member
    You all look like a great bunch of people. I will be sending out friend requests. I have been eating whole food plant-based since June of 2011 when I saw the film "Forks Over Knives". My husband and two eight year old daughters also embraced the new way of eating and we are really enjoying it now. I must say the first three or four months were a LOT of work as I tried out recipe after recipe. But now, we have a full foundation of easy go-to meals that are more satisfying than anything I ever made before. I am a much better cook now too.