Thinking about stopping jenny craig...

Okay.. time to be honest. I've been on jenny craig on and off for the past three years and I CANNOT get out of the 180's. The minute I get down to 181-183 I shoot right back up to 188. I can't blame it on jenny craig, its my fault. I can't stick to the program anymore, I'm so tired of the food and I've learned how to "cheat" my way around the basic program. I haven't been going to the gym, and I haven't been keeping track of my calories. I want/need to lose 20 pounds by may. I was thinking about going back to weight watchers.. maybe my body and my mind need a change? someone PLEASE help. If you have suggestions/advice please.. go ahead. need all the help I can get.


  • JenniferAHaines
    JenniferAHaines Posts: 26 Member
    I think Weight Watchers would be good! Give you a chance to get away from their packaged foods and get some more variety in your diet. Good luck!
  • crazydv
    crazydv Posts: 160 Member

    I've never done Jenny Craig, so no comment on program. I'm currently a weight watchers member and it along with excercise is working for me. I do think that a change would be good for you but just realize that your motivation to stay on program will equal your success...good luck...feel free to friend me if you want!
  • kristelpoole
    kristelpoole Posts: 440 Member
    Ditch all those expensive "programs" and follow the MFP program. Do research on nutrition, make sure you are eating enough, track everything and exercise with weights and cardio. It really is that simple. I don't think anyone needs Jenny Craig or WW or whatever else....
  • CapsFan17
    CapsFan17 Posts: 198
    I think you should try just doing regular foods and using the MFP system for a while. I find this to be the easiest to stick with. At first it was tough but I have learned how to make healthier choices with out thinking about them. I know you can too. This also helps you long term, no prepackaged foods, no point system, just logging and being honest with your self. I hope this helps, good luck! :flowerforyou:
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    MFP is basically "free" weight watchers/Jenny Craig. Those other programs are about counting "points" which are directly related to calories, but since smaller numbers are easier to keep track of, some people have success with WW and programs like that.

    If it's not working for you then there's no reason you should stick with it.

    I truly appreciate how difficult it is for you to be honest enough to say "I can't blame the program, I've found ways to cheat". That's a tough thing to admit.

    No program will give you motivation if it doesn't come from within you. Programs are just tools. Like a hammer is a tool, but without your energy, it's just going to lie there motionless, not getting anything done. :)

    If it helps, just focus on today. Don't think about how much weight you have to lose by when, just start with TODAY. Say to yourself, "real change starts NOW" and start eating right. Use MFP to help keep yourself on track. Go buy yourself a new pair of workout pants and go to the gym today. Don't be discouraged, I know that those 20lbs feel daunting and miserable to you... But you can start turning things around as soon as THIS MINUTE in your life.
  • pitbullmama
    pitbullmama Posts: 454 Member
    Ditch all those expensive "programs" and follow the MFP program. Do research on nutrition, make sure you are eating enough, track everything and exercise with weights and cardio. It really is that simple. I don't think anyone needs Jenny Craig or WW or whatever else....

  • pitbullmama
    pitbullmama Posts: 454 Member
    Hi Kate,
    We all go through ups and downs in our weight loss journey. Don't let yourself get down and remember we are here to help! Try touching base with your consultant to see if they have any tips or advice for getting through a rough patch. Ask your consultant to get in touch with a nutritionist at our home office to help review your progress to date and come up with ways you can overcome these hurdles. You can also go to our Community Forums for support from our fans and clients ( We care about being with you every step of the way and let us know how we can help!

    -Jenny Craig Team

  • Ditch all those expensive "programs" and follow the MFP program. Do research on nutrition, make sure you are eating enough, track everything and exercise with weights and cardio. It really is that simple. I don't think anyone needs Jenny Craig or WW or whatever else....

    agreed up to a point.

    I like the in person WW meetings =)
  • firedragon064
    firedragon064 Posts: 1,082 Member
    Do you need the support system?
    If you do then go the weight watchers meeting.
    Otherwise just count calorie on MFP.
    Do your gym has classes? If so take those classes. Think them as appointments that you CAN NOT miss.
    I hardly skip my hip hop class.
  • Ditch all those expensive "programs" and follow the MFP program. Do research on nutrition, make sure you are eating enough, track everything and exercise with weights and cardio. It really is that simple. I don't think anyone needs Jenny Craig or WW or whatever else....

    I agree!! You don't need to spend all that money! You've already been on both programs, you know how they work. Do it on your own! Log all your food and don't go over your calorie expendature. You can do it!!
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    I'm someone whose done the program and had a lot of success on it. I don't think it's a bad thing to do it yourself. Their maintaince is confusing and while I love my consultants they know nothing about nutrition or exercise outside of JC training. I got told yesterday to switch dinner a d lunch to break my plateau.

    JC is a wonderful program but it's just that a program. It's not for the rest of your life. WW is the same (WW is just a more confusing paid calorie system)
  • wjkfloyd
    wjkfloyd Posts: 125
    Try "Eat This, Not That", they have a whole series of books. Let's you eat any way, just educates of what the best things to eat are at the fast food or chain restaurants (they also have supermarket guides, too).
  • _Bob_
    _Bob_ Posts: 1,487 Member
    no one can stop Jenny she's just too powerful!
  • chelsey202
    chelsey202 Posts: 24 Member
    WW is the simplified and more expensive version of MFP. All it does is change calories and nutrients into point values to make them more easily countable. I actually prefer MFP, as I like to know the specific values (like protein and fiber) that I'm consuming and have more control. I'm not saying WW isn't a great tool, but I think you can get just as much, if not more, from a site like MFP.
  • unhinge
    unhinge Posts: 318 Member
    Ditch all those expensive "programs" and follow the MFP program. Do research on nutrition, make sure you are eating enough, track everything and exercise with weights and cardio. It really is that simple. I don't think anyone needs Jenny Craig or WW or whatever else....


    Double Ditto
  • fitniknik
    fitniknik Posts: 713 Member
    I did nutrisystem for a while and I know where you are coming from. It really just becomes torture to eat because the food is just so sickening! I would get off it and dont look back. Stay here, log everything! In the long run you will be happier anyway because you can do this forever, you cant to Jenny Craig forever (unless you have no taste buds and lots of money!)
  • Tourney3p0
    Tourney3p0 Posts: 290 Member
    I've learned how to "cheat" my way around the basic program. I haven't been going to the gym, and I haven't been keeping track of my calories

    That's not cheating the program. That's completely ignoring the program and doing whatever you want.
    I was thinking about going back to weight watchers..

    It too requires you sticking to the program, even if you want to skip the gym and eat in excess. I'm no psychic, but I foresee it failing in the exact same way.

    You have to want to lose weight. Not just a little bit. You have to stick to the diet, or it won't work. I would avoid Jenny Craig, Weight Watchers, etc simply because they are just a phase you go through until you get to where you want to be. It's teaching you that you need to eat less for a little while until you get down to your goal weight. Then you come off the diet and everything magically works its way out. It's a good starting off point, but it does little to prepare a person for a life of healthy nutrition and living.

    My recommendation mirrors others. Skip all that and just use MFP. Put in the numbers you'd like. Stick to them. You'll lose weight. If you decide you don't want to listen to MFP and overeat, you won't lose weight. But no program in the world will help you in that case. It's as simple as that.
  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    i've done jenny craig - too expensive and salty... plus they think their food is the only way to go... once you're off you gain back what you've lost and that sucks!
    my basic plan is: cheerios / skim milk and coffee for breakfast
    lunch: lean cuisine / fruit
    dinner - whatever - usually healthy choices
    switch out to skim milk from 2% (skim plus is great - tastes just like 2%)!
    switch out to water and limit soda intake - drink more decalf tea (i average 6 glasses a day)
    i've lost 25 since last july
    exericise (walk / jog) when / if you can
    hope this helps
    add me as a friend if you like
  • mom2mozart
    mom2mozart Posts: 307 Member
    Ditch all those expensive "programs" and follow the MFP program. Do research on nutrition, make sure you are eating enough, track everything and exercise with weights and cardio. It really is that simple. I don't think anyone needs Jenny Craig or WW or whatever else....

    I've also done Weight Watchers - and I lost weight. But it costs money to join, is inconvienent to have to go to meetings, and you can get similar results right here.

    I've been following MFP's guidelines and have lost 13 pounds in 5 1/2 weeks. I'm very pleased with my progress and I'm rarely hungry. When I was doing Weight Watchers I constantly felt hungry and therefore it was difficult to sustain over a long term....

    Make sure you are eating fresh vegetables, try to think of the food pyramid and find a balance that works for you. You can do it here...
  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    i've done jenny craig - too expensive and salty... plus they think their food is the only way to go... once you're off you gain back what you've lost and that sucks!
    my basic plan is: cheerios / skim milk and coffee for breakfast
    lunch: lean cuisine / fruit
    dinner - whatever - usually healthy choices
    switch out to skim milk from 2% (skim plus is great - tastes just like 2%)!
    switch out to water and limit soda intake - drink more decalf tea (i average 6 glasses a day)
    i've lost 25 since last july
    exericise (walk / jog) when / if you can
    hope this helps
    add me as a friend if you like
    or weight watchers frozen for lunch - orange or apple are my usual choices