Law Student!

I'm a third year law student who, unfortunately, has gained about 30 lbs since starting law school. I've got 1/2 a closet full of clothes I can't fit into, and since I'm getting ready to graduate this May (the end is in sight!), I really need the extra motivation to get back into shape and also establish a routine I can stick to once I begin working as an attorney next fall.

I have struggled with my weight for the majority of my life, but I've never had such a difficult time getting my butt in gear than these past few years that I've been in law school. In general, I haven't fallen into the trap of most college students who end up eating horrible fast food at every meal -- I mostly cook my own meals, (with the exception of the occasional finals stress binge or post bar-night pizza run) and in the last year or so I've significantly cut down on my alcohol intake. My two main problems are lack of a consistent exercise schedule due to a very busy school schedule that leads to generally being fatigued all the time, and my tendency to want to snack on things ALL. THE. TIME.

I am expecting that for the first few weeks here, I'll often wind up above my recommended calorie count. While I've invested some time learning the right QUALITY of foods to put in my body, I need to now focus on portion control and learning how to reduce the QUANTITY of those foods. I have used food trackers on other sites before, and often found myself "guestimating" the portion size of what I was eating. I plan to use a food scale to fix this problem, and I will hold myself to accurately reporting the quantity/volume of the food I'm eating.

Law school has been challenging on many levels, and while I've succeeded so far in the academic, extra-curricular, and professional aspects, it's now time to get serious about taking care of myself and getting myself back to the strong, healthy person I know I am capable of being.


  • J_Daawwg
    J_Daawwg Posts: 61 Member
    Hey there, I'm new too. I work from home and am constantly snacking. I'm looking for motivational buddies who are in similar situation so please feel free to add me as friend. Cheers
  • Lioness102
    Lioness102 Posts: 59 Member
    I definetly understand your troubles …im a FT grad student in legal studies so I. Know those pressures of food/liquor/stress binge. I am back on the journey & will add u for supports.
    here is a tip: healthy snacks & lots of water. U can do floor excercises @ home too!
  • bunches81
    bunches81 Posts: 12 Member
    Hi, I'm also a 3L (wooo, almost done) and law school has also fattened me up!! I'm slowly loosing weight, about 12 pounds since Jan- hopefully i don't gain it all back when i turn into a stress mess for finals and the bar! Feel free to add me :-)
  • inside_lap
    inside_lap Posts: 738 Member
    I hear your woos. 5 years of grad school saw my weight creeping up (though still reasonably manageable) and the baby finished it off. Feel free to add me if you like.
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    Graduated from Law School in December. Took the Bar 2 weeks ago. I gained 10 pounds during the 2 month study period - whoopsie!! I feel your pain! You're so close though! Feel free to friend me!