Blood type diet



  • littlelily613
    littlelily613 Posts: 769 Member
    I have heard of this but since I am a vegetarian, it is not going to work for me. If I was an A, it would maybe :P, but I am an O and that says a diet rich in meat is best. I don't like meat--it quite repulses me actually (and I don't have that weak of a stomach--I can watch operations in person in an operating room, and I am fine). I just don't like the thought of eating animals, but more important to me is animal welfare. Not only that, but even when I was a meat-eater, it ALWAYS caused heart burn afterwards. A FEW plant foods do it to me too, but it is MUCH more rare!
  • HelloDan
    HelloDan Posts: 712 Member
    Bogus! Sorry. It's no different than following a diet due to eye color!

    So you're eating if 100 people all ate sugary carbs they will all suffer from the same symptoms?

    I don't think anyone is saying that everyone will have the same symptoms, but that doesn't mean that the reason for the different symptoms is due to the different blood types of the people, or the eye colour, or even what colour underwear the people are wearing*.

    *Although this would be a fascinating study, so if anyone wants to sponsor some research into this area, hit me up! :smile:
  • InvidiaXII
    InvidiaXII Posts: 315 Member
    "Blood type" refers simply to what type of antigens your red blood cells have... it has absolutely nothing to do with what you should or shouldn't eat. Really... nothing.
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    Life expectancy is an average. MAny people died younger, and just as many lived twice as long.

    When you say average are your referring to mean, median or mode?
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    "Blood type" refers simply to what type of antigens your red blood cells have... it has absolutely nothing to do with what you should or shouldn't eat. Really... nothing.

    ^^^^^ +1
  • jennfost777
    jennfost777 Posts: 37 Member
    I did the blood type diet for the anti-inflammation effects it touted and for me it worked great. I was having horrible allergies and started having to take inhalers because they were getting worse. I was sick of seeing the allopathic doctor because he was only trained to treat me with meds, so I went to a naturalpathic and she started me on the blood type diet (I'm an A) and in 4 days my allergies improved. I was also having liver problems and those went away as well. I stuck with it for about 10 months, lost 100 lbs, had great energy levels and became medically healtier. I haven't done it since then but I try to do an anti inflammatory detox a couple times a year. My favorite being "Clean" by Alejandro Junger.

    Good luck to you. I didn't start the blood type diet to lose weight. I need to heal my body and thats what it did for me. I was on my way to killing myself with food

    I nearly forgot to mention, my allergies have never returned. Which absolutely amazes me, but what ever it was I'll take it!
    I agree with this 100% I have been taking all the supplements for my blood type and I have so much more energy now.
  • dannimarie86
    dannimarie86 Posts: 1 Member
    It is so nice to read your post! I'm A+ as well and I started the diet yesterday to help my stomach (my stomach ALWAYS hurts - I've cut dairy, wheat etc. but never tried meat). I'm really hoping it works. I wouldn't mind losing some weight, but I'm more worried about my stomach. Thanks for your post!
  • juliekaiser1988
    juliekaiser1988 Posts: 604 Member
    You're Dr should have a record of your blood type, I think it's included in a CBC blood draw (I could be totally wrong though). If you donate blood they should have a record of your blood type.

    I've heard of the blood type diet, but never read about it or followed it. I say do whatever makes you feel better.

    CBC stands for Complete Blood Count, ie: red cells, white cells, etc. I has absoultely NOTHING to go with your blood type, and doctors do NOT order this test unless you're due for a surgery that will require blood being at the ready. So you're right when you said you could be totally wrong. :)

    Donate at Red Cross, get a card that says you're a donor, and it'll say what your blood type is.
  • juliekaiser1988
    juliekaiser1988 Posts: 604 Member
    I sure hope none of you folks following this so called diet gets into a car wreck. The ER will pump you full of two units of universal (O Neg) then you'll gain 100 pounds because your body won't know if you're O neg or B pos!! Yikes!

  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    I sure hope none of you folks following this so called diet gets into a car wreck. The ER will pump you full of two units of universal (O Neg) then you'll gain 100 pounds because your body won't know if you're O neg or B pos!! Yikes!

    Oh you and your logic... :drinker:
  • juliekaiser1988
    juliekaiser1988 Posts: 604 Member
    Sarcasm is a trait. Maybe it's because I'm A Pos. So it's not my fault.
  • juliekaiser1988
    juliekaiser1988 Posts: 604 Member
    I will say this (again, Lab Supervisor local hospital): blood type diet is a hoax, BUT I will tell you this much. Blood types are genetic. You get it from your parents, right? We all following so far? How did genetics "start"? Your forefathers. They generally bred within their communities. Most people with Nordic blood (Swedes, etc) have A Pos blood (like me.. and hey WOW- I'm blonde to boot. There's that genetics thing again). What did the nordic people eat? Fish. So what type of food does the "blood type diet" say I should be eating? Fish.

    Gee... is there a connection?

    Eat what YOUR forefathers ate. If you're Italian, Greek, etc: eat Mediterranean Diet, etc.

    It's not your blood TYPE. It's your genetics. What your peeps were accustomed to eating, so should you be.
  • AirborneEd
    I'm Blood Type "Airborne" according to the movie "Hamburger Hill" Airborne eat their young. Therefore all Airborne blood types are cannibals. I guess I'm a cannibal. See the Logic?
  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    Blood type diets are fake, sorry. Placebo effect, at best.

  • AirborneEd
    I'm Blood Type "Airborne" according to the movie "Hamburger Hill" Airborne eat their young. Therefore all Airborne blood types are cannibals. I guess I'm a cannibal. See the Logic?

    Boy am I Hungry. LOL