Jogging/Running ?



  • OnieBee
    OnieBee Posts: 67
    I picked up running in October and I've lost 30(ish) lbs. I'd say I've lost more inches than weight doing running. My problem areas (hips/thighs) have been shrinking every month and I contribute that A LOT to running. It will become addicting! :) On days that I have my long runs I find that I'm starving so be careful to not over eat!
  • lindavitz
    lindavitz Posts: 6 Member
    I'm in week 9 of Couch to 5K. I recommend it to just about everybody who hasn't been told not to run by a doctor. Although I jog as opposed to actually running right now.
  • 99cherrypie99
    99cherrypie99 Posts: 205 Member
    Does 202 pounds count?

    Seriously, there was a lot of eating right and other exercise, but running is a huge part of my weight loss.
  • DiannaMoorer
    DiannaMoorer Posts: 783 Member
    Running is my main form of cardio!! Love running! I am building up to run a 6 minute mile and the more weight I get off the easier it gets. Feel free to add me. :flowerforyou:
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    Yup, it's definitley worked for me.
    I started C25K in January 2011 and have never looked back.
    Running makes me feel good, I miss it if I don't do it now!
    Last year my goal was to be able to run 5k. I waaaayyyyy exceeded that and trained for a half marathon, so got up to 21km in training (didn't run it because of injury but I'll do it this year!).
    This year I'm aiming to get stronger and faster. I have definitely picked up the pace (a little bit, I'm still slow) and am doing some strength training twice a week now as well, so It's all going to plan so far.
  • my2gr8boys
    my2gr8boys Posts: 39 Member
    Thanks for the info! Im thinking of maybe the Couch to 5k. SCARRRRY:)

    I am currently in week 4 of the couch to 5k program, and I am IN LOVE!! I have never been a runner before, but there's just something about this that makes it fun & exciting for me. I would definitely recommend!! Good luck!!
  • I am a beginner runner! Just started training last week for a 5k in May. I have never ran! My training consist of (at the moment) walking at a fast pace for 3 minutes, then jog for 15 seconds, for a total of 30 minutes at a time. My legs are killing me, so I hope that the weight will start to come off soon! Good Luck!
  • dpwellman
    dpwellman Posts: 3,271 Member
    Lost about 70 pounds running only.
  • karenwill2
    karenwill2 Posts: 604 Member
    I am 130 lbs overweight and just completed my first 5K last Saturday. I am training with a group for my next 5K hoping that I will be able to run more on this next one. google womencanrun and see if there is one in your area. It is free and it is nice to have other people there to keep you going.
  • I used the Couch to 5k app for Iphone, they have an android version as well. I've lost about 12lbs jogging, and my body has really changed a lot.
  • Minnie_Moo
    Minnie_Moo Posts: 239 Member
    Hope this helps you out a bit......

    I found an application for iTouch/iPhone/iPod on iTunes and it is called Ease into 5K by bluefin software which is very good but not free, maybe around $2.99 This app has good ratings and lets you use your music playlists from your iPod in it.

    I also found a podcast on iTunes called NHS Couch to 5K which is "free" and like that one too but it doesn't let you use your own music and it has its own music built in......
  • manda1002
    manda1002 Posts: 178 Member
    Google search for Ben Does Life. He's my inspiration for losing weight and becoming a runner. Amazing. He also has a Youtube video - My 120 Pound Journey. Check it out. Pretty inspiring :)

    And good luck with C25K! I'm working on it now too :)
  • AliciaBeth78
    AliciaBeth78 Posts: 437 Member
    2 years ago I lost about 40lbs running 4miles a day... then, I decided I hated running and I stopped and gained it all back plus some pretty QUICKLY! Needless to say, I started running again! :)
  • sherrirb
    sherrirb Posts: 1,649 Member
    I started running the "Couch to 5K" program (C25k) at 260lbs. I'm down 25lbs so far and cant WAIT to start running outside when weather permits. I've been running it indoors on a treadmill since early Jan.
  • jhardenbergh
    jhardenbergh Posts: 1,035 Member
    Yeah I lost the first 140 lbs progressing from walking to jogging to running (I call it running but it's not like I am a marathoner speed wise), As the weather gets nicer, I can't resist a run outside versus the gym.
  • Ianultrarunner
    Ianultrarunner Posts: 184 Member
    I'm trying to run outside now the weather is nice (gotta take advantage around here before the heat/humidity sets in).
    A mix of soft and hard surfaces (soft surfaces to give the knees and ankles a rest occasionally).
  • wendsong
    wendsong Posts: 33 Member
    WOW!! I know this wasn't my question, but ALL of you that replied encouraged me along my journey as well! I too am training for my 5K. I already had the faith that I will finish what I am setting out to accomplish, but you all gave me an extra boost this evening! Thank you all and God Bless on your journeys! :flowerforyou:
  • Donnacoach
    Donnacoach Posts: 540 Member
    I've lost 55 lbs on the elliptical, which is the next best thing to running. It's a great
  • CosmicBella
    CosmicBella Posts: 195 Member
    The only thing I do is jog and/or run. I've lost over 40 pounds so far! I'm so excited that the weather is nice and I can run outside now!
  • Running definitely did it for me. I lost about 40 pounds 25 years ago, and though I've been up or down 10 through the years, I've kept running and kept it off.

    I got my start by going with a friend to a track. I started running and just died after a half lap. I sat there and watched him methodically run 20 laps, and couldn't understand how he did it and loved it.

    A couple days later for no reason I can explain, I went back with him. I started out as before, but after just a few yards he grabbed the wasteband of my shorts, slowed me WAY down, and said "just do this-- don't go any faster." It felt like a shuffle but after a whole lap I realized it wasn't killing me, so I shuffled along and finished 5 laps. I had never run that far in my life. And so it started.

    Slow yourself WAY down, more like you were jogging to stay warm than trying to go somewhere. Your speed and distance will pick up, but be patient. Give yourself 6 months without judging yourself. You'll experience success like you never imagined.