Looking for INSANITY buddies



  • sandy_taylor13
    sandy_taylor13 Posts: 194 Member
    I'm on my third month of INSANITY, but for the first two months I just did the first 30 days work outs, just so I could really be fit for that super insane MAX workouts. Today I did my first day on the MAX Interval Plyo and totally rocked it. I was dripping with sweat, it was great!!! I also do P90X at night with my hubby. Insanity is the first thing I do in the morning. You can add me for support! ;)
  • Trovan
    Trovan Posts: 133 Member
    I started into week 4 today. Add me!
  • Timarling
    Timarling Posts: 80
    I will be starting a p90x/insanity hybrid in 3 weeks, but I want to finish my first round of p90x first. Starting week 11 tomorrow. Feel free to add me and you can be an expert when I'm whining about how I'm not in sufficient cardio shape :)
  • jeccawest
    jeccawest Posts: 54
    A lot of pain but a lot of motivation lol
  • skadoosh33
    skadoosh33 Posts: 353 Member
    My brother has it and I was thinking of borrowing it from him.
  • rlv2680
    rlv2680 Posts: 289 Member
    i started week 4 today awww yeh me love Shaun T!!
  • LilRedRooster
    LilRedRooster Posts: 1,421 Member
    I do the Insanity workouts! Not the exact program, because I like to mix it up with weights and running for different weeks, but I love it!
  • rudegyal_b
    rudegyal_b Posts: 593 Member
    im almost done recovery week! kinda scared of phase 2 !!
  • JesaGrace
    JesaGrace Posts: 799 Member
    Insanity?? Please explain! Or is it an american thing :tongue:

    it's a beachbody workout....like p90x.....there's a website......google it for all the info....
  • rlv2680
    rlv2680 Posts: 289 Member
    im almost done recovery week! kinda scared of phase 2 !!
    you should be scared lol. month 2 is rediculously insane...different warmups are a nice change though.
    Also people say they get the best results in month 2. Just keep pushing play.
  • abb_forever
    I'd like to try Insanity, but from the commercial it looks like you would need a lot of room to move around. Maybe if I can get my whole garage cleared out, I could get enough room to MOVE! Also I am biking 10 to 15 miles per day and I am wondering if I do that whether it would be too much (especially on the KNEES!).

    I think I am losing a steady 2 lbs/week and I am always under my calorie count, but 2 pounds per week is not fast enough! I don't want to starve myself but would LOVE to kick this up a notch whether with insanity or whatever else I could do.
  • AActon28
    AActon28 Posts: 32
    Just started my final week... but I will repeat month 2 again after another cardio, core and balance week. The weight loss in the second month is much better than the 1st so don't get discouraged (I know most people on here are concerned with weight as opposed to other indicators of health). I would suggest tracking your resting heart rate or recovery heart rate to track progress through the 1st month. For those of you who are unfamiliar with recovery heart rate it is calculated by first taking your max heart rate after at least 8 minutes of cardio activity (should be about 80-90% of theoretical max HR as determined by the common formula), then rest for one minute and check heart rate again. The recovery HR is then max HR - rest HR. For me, I started (week 0) at 160 max HR and 128 after minute rest (recovery HR = 32); after 1st month was at 160 max HR and 103 after minute rest (recovery HR = 57); today was 160 max HR and 89 after minute rest (recovery HR = 71). I lost about 25 lbs throughout the course of the program but I am far more impressed with my cardio fitness. Stick with it and you'll be happy you did.
  • AActon28
    AActon28 Posts: 32
    I'd like to try Insanity, but from the commercial it looks like you would need a lot of room to move around. Maybe if I can get my whole garage cleared out, I could get enough room to MOVE! Also I am biking 10 to 15 miles per day and I am wondering if I do that whether it would be too much (especially on the KNEES!).

    I have two 7 foot by 3.5 ft yoga mats,7x7 area, that I do it on in my basement and it is plenty of room (i'm 6 ft, 225 lbs). As for cycling, I have done 40-50 miles/week over the last three weeks and its not too bad. I find that it helps keep me far less sore than not doing it so I actually prefer it. I have bad "shin splints" (medial tibia stress syndrome) and Insanity doesn't aggrivate it nearly as much as a quarter mile run. Don't have bad knees so I can't comment on that.
  • wcox
    wcox Posts: 5
    I have been doing it on and off with the treadmill. Is anyone wanting to start it with me and I will start it again and do it every day (or 6 out of 7 like the plan)?
  • Mark_maxwell
    I just started day one of Insanity. I'm very sore but also very excited to get back into shape.
  • pauljsolie
    pauljsolie Posts: 1,024 Member
    I'm on day 21 of my second time around with INSANITY. I'm still a big guy so if you think you can't do this, you can. I started at 264 pounds and I'm down to 228. All can add me if you'd like. Just put INSANITY in the message.
  • sakbots
    sakbots Posts: 1
    Just Finished the fit test. Start day two today!!
  • Rikib004
    Rikib004 Posts: 51
    Starting this tonight! Add me if you like people :D
  • kwortham
    kwortham Posts: 48 Member
    I am on Day 16 (week 3, day 2) now. I have not lost much weight (I actually gained 3 pounds after the first week and lost them the next week). I think I have lost about 3 pounds total. But I have lost lots of inches on my body already. I am excited about my results at the end of the 60 days. I don't always want to do the workouts, but I keep pressing play because I want results. Feel free to add me.
  • csparon
    csparon Posts: 200 Member
    Just started my final week... but I will repeat month 2 again after another cardio, core and balance week. The weight loss in the second month is much better than the 1st so don't get discouraged (I know most people on here are concerned with weight as opposed to other indicators of health). I would suggest tracking your resting heart rate or recovery heart rate to track progress through the 1st month. For those of you who are unfamiliar with recovery heart rate it is calculated by first taking your max heart rate after at least 8 minutes of cardio activity (should be about 80-90% of theoretical max HR as determined by the common formula), then rest for one minute and check heart rate again. The recovery HR is then max HR - rest HR. For me, I started (week 0) at 160 max HR and 128 after minute rest (recovery HR = 32); after 1st month was at 160 max HR and 103 after minute rest (recovery HR = 57); today was 160 max HR and 89 after minute rest (recovery HR = 71). I lost about 25 lbs throughout the course of the program but I am far more impressed with my cardio fitness. Stick with it and you'll be happy you did.

    Thanks for this! I am almost done with month 1, recovery week is next week. I actually gained 2lbs but lost about 3 inches off my waist. I am really looking to drop about 10-15lbs though, so this helped a lot :)