Getting fit while taking antidepressant/antianxiety medicati



  • I've been on Zoloft for about 3.5 years. I gain and lose as normal.
  • mdj1501
    mdj1501 Posts: 388 Member
    I'm on Celexa and fully expected to gain a ton of weight as everyone said. I started in December 2011 and am down 35lbs since then. I feel my brain can now plan and control better what I am eating. I plan and follow through, which I never did before. I can focus and I feel so much better.

    I talked in length about it before I started this medication with my therapist and she said if it is the right medicine for me and we watch it closely I should have no problem losing weight. And it has been true even after upping the dose.

    I also exercise daily now and before I couldn't even get out of bed or off the couch to do it.

    So I would definitely talk to your doc and not consider the side effects list as concrete for EVERYONE. I am one that if I read a side effect I believe I'll get it. Now I'm in control of my actions and those thoughts, so it's MUCH better for me.

    Now I feel I can go all the way!

    WTG! You are definitely an inspiration!
  • mdj1501
    mdj1501 Posts: 388 Member
    There's no reason you can't lose weight while on these medications. The weight gain is behaviour based, not due to the meds IMO.

    I respectfully disagree with this too. I followed Weight Watchers while I was on Zoloft for several months and lost nothing, then I was switched to wellbutrin and followed the same plan, same amount of exercise and I ended up losing close to 65 lbs in 10 months. I truly think it depends on your body chemistry. Each person is so unique, a medication that may make person A gain weight, won't necessarily have the same effect on person B. My hubby is a Physician Assistant and we have had many conversations about this. He said his patients all experience different side effects some gain some lose, some stay the same when starting certain SSRI's. Just have to find what works for you!!!

    As a nurse... I totally agree with you. Everyone is different. Check with your doctor about possible side effects, etc . Best of Luck to you!!
  • here_I_go_again
    here_I_go_again Posts: 463 Member
    I posted this in the introducation forum. I'm not really sure where to post it, but I really like to learn more.

    I've always heard that people gain weight while taking these medications, but why is that?

    Is it possible to NOT gain weight, and continue to LOSE weight or do the medications themselves cause something to change in your body making it more difficult?

    My medication increases my appetite and I gained weight, BUT eating clean has helped me to keep it in check and am losing weight, slowly, but surely. If you stick to your plan, IMO, you should be fine.
  • MorissaW
    MorissaW Posts: 95 Member
    I am on Wellbutrin. It has helped supress my appietite and control impulsive eating.
    It also gives me the energy that I did not have before.
    I just started this med 3 weeks ago and I am down 5lbs. I have been working out and following a diet plan as well though. I think the wellbutrin has just given me back the energy I needed!
  • StephTheBookworm
    StephTheBookworm Posts: 177 Member
    Five years ago, I started taking generic Prozac... I also gained 100 pounds in the last five years, a lot of which I attribute to the medication. Obviously, my eating habits and laziness added to it, but the medication was one of the main factors. Weight gain CAN be a bad side effect, unfortunately. However, not everyone gains weight that is on it, so it really just depends on you and how you react to it. Two months ago, when I became serious about losing weight, I stopped my medication. Do what is right for you, and remember that it may react differently to your body than it did to mine. :)
  • sukatx
    sukatx Posts: 103
    I can only speak for myself. When I went to my doctor for the first time (I'd moved to a new city and needed a new GP), I first shared with him the list of medications I was on. I then talked to him about my desire to lose weight. He said, "Well, I'll tell ya' part of the problem. Your Cymbalta."

    He switched me to Welbuterin right away. While I was going through withdrawals, I was a major pain in the butt to my hubby. Once the withdrawal was over and I got back to "normal", I started losing weight normally.

    So, I guess what I'm saying is, it depends on what type of antidepressant/antianxiety medication you're on. Talk to your doctor and see if you need to make a switch.
  • In reality, it depends on the person. Each individual will respond to each medication differently. I have many patients who take Zoloft who gained a lot of weight very quickly, and had a hard time getting it off even after they stopped taking the med. Others have taken Zoloft for years, and never had an issue with weight gain. It really depends on your response. And though some of them will increase your appetite, it is mainly the interference with metabolism that causes the most issues. Good luck!
  • sunnysunday
    sunnysunday Posts: 5 Member
    Wellbutrin has been known to help people lose weight but other antidepressants can mess with your metabolism like prozac and cause them to not only gain weight but make it difficult to lose.
  • merflan
    merflan Posts: 216 Member
    So I think the moral of the story is, everyone is different. I gained a lot of weight after starting Cipralex. My weight doesn't budge. But since being on my meds I'm happy and motivated to eat well and exercise. So I try not to focus too much on the weight. Being skinny but suicidal wasn't much fun.
  • djkshdfd
    djkshdfd Posts: 443 Member
    You can lose weight. I really cannot say that it changed anything about my weight loss. Don't worry about them, and don't use them as an excuse. I did not and I have lost.
  • cfrollins
    cfrollins Posts: 21 Member

    I take antidepressants AND anxiety medicines. I was able to lose 50 pounds in matter of about 4 months. All I did was exercise and count my calories, and I cheated a lot.

    Its mind over matter. You can do this. Don't get caught up in the idea that "its harder". Besides, it definitely worth it :)))
  • kermie76
    kermie76 Posts: 1
    I've been taking Effexor since January, and was concerned about the weight gain. Happy to say I've been losing steadily and have more energy and focus to exercise and get things done around the house and with the kids.
  • I'm going to repeat exactly what my doctor told me when I first started antidepressants to control migrains. He said, "People tend to gain weight when taking antidepressants. This is not because of the medicine, this is because they develope a rather severe sweet tooth. For me, I wanted Chocolate milk all the time, for you it my be cokes or sugary snacks. The reason for this is because antidepressants have the sideeffect of Drymouth..." his advise to me was to keep a bottle of water with me at all time. as long as my mouth was moist I didn't want anything sugary. I also lost 30 lbs. soon after that I moved and quit taking the medicine...I gained 40 lbs because I went to drinking cokes all the time. It is all behavior based.. Keep that in mind and you'll be fine.

  • never lost weight while on them i have a history of depression/anxiety and either stalled weightloss or was so numb to life i didn't care at all but i have to say i have not had the best of docs with my diagnosis of fibromyalgia they put me back on some and i gained 10 in one month i craved everything i slowly got off of it since have lost 48lbs however my life choices of friends and things like (basically i have low tolerance of negative people to better help me out LOL) that have helped with my anxiety/depression as well as the way i eat so iv been able to control it with out but if u really need it just research and like iv been reading here iv heard great things about welbutrin i broke out in rash so am unable to take it :/ but i hear it helps ur moods and help with control of appetite
  • CarolinaGirlinVA
    CarolinaGirlinVA Posts: 1,508 Member
    Depends on the med. While on Zoloft I gained weight, switched to Wellbutrin and I have noticed my appetite decreased. My son took Zyprexa and gained 40lbs in 3 months. As soon as the doctor took him off of it, he went back down. Ask your doctor or pharmacist about side effects if you are concerned.
  • peachinator
    peachinator Posts: 27 Member
    It really depends on the medication. I've been on Bupropion (generic for Wellbutrin) for a little over a year now, and according to the company that manufactures it, clinical trials on the drug have shown a small percentage of people who take it actually lose weight. I have heard that a lot of antidepressants stimulate appetite, but, like my medication claiming to stimulate weight loss, I think it happens in a pretty insignificant number of people, might be overestimated, and the evidence is anecdotal at best. The recipe for weight loss is diet + exercise, and like the person before me mentioned, it's all about behavior modification! Good luck. :)
  • smc1277
    smc1277 Posts: 239 Member
    I am on Wellbutrin XL and haven't gained or lost. I do think my dosage needs to be upped. I also take Valium sometimes, mostly when I am trying to quit smoking and that is when I get munchy. So I try to avoid it.
  • bestbassist
    bestbassist Posts: 177 Member
    (I know I am late posting on this, but I am new here and did not want to be redundant by starting a new thread.)

    I have a love/hate relationship with psychotropic medication. I hate them because I've put on 100 pounds while on them. I like them because they do make life easier to cope with if you are truly suicidal. The catch 22 begins when the number on the scale gets so high that you hate yourself even more. At that point I take the medication only because, like any drug, it is an addiction. You need them to function. Hell, I had an easier time getting off street drugs than I have with head-meds. The withdrawals are 10 times worse and the permanent damage is much more pronounced. I know I will never be the same after all of these drugs are finally out of my system.

    I recently kicked the antipsychotic I was on which caused me to gain the last 20 pounds. (I am still on an antidepressant and ADD medication.) I am hoping that I can drop even SOME of the weight since I am off of it. The frustrating thing is I have always watched my diet and exercised, depressed or not, medicated or not. So I will be overjoyed if the new fitness plan I am on actually works.

    Even without an increase in appetite, these drugs can cause SERIOUS weight gain (even Adderall put pounds on me) which leads to other health problems. You have to be on them to understand this phenomenon. Most doctors don't understand it either. Chances are, they will prescribe you another med to offset the side effects of the one you are on. That is how the snowball starts, much like trying crack and then heroin.

    Time will tell if what I am doing now will work. So far I've lost 5 pounds which is more than I've been able to lose in years. I've been on the meds a total of 6 years (probably been on every one out there at one point) and even though I'm an active person the weight has piled on. This has GOT to star reversing though.

    I went from weighing 155 pounds to over 200 in 4 months when I first started the meds. By then I was hooked and whenever I tried to cold turkey them or wean off of them my depression/anxiety intensified to an intolerable and dangerous level. 6 years later I am still trying to get off of them and lose weight. We'll see!!!!
  • cherbapp
    cherbapp Posts: 322
    Ok so same subject...but kind of a side note to possibly help the OP...

    I was on fairly low doses of random antidepressants for the past 10 years...but they always had some weird side effect that I hated dealing with. After beginning a serious diet and walking for exercise program in October, I saw a huge improvement in my overall mental well-being and am now med- free and doing ok. Of course ask your doctor, but I had been told numerous times how good exercise is for your mental health but I hated hearing it. Well...they were all right. Lol

    If you are just now asking questions about weight being affected by these drugs, I am assuming you aren't on any high doses maybe the diet and exercise will help you, too.
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