Fruits and Vegetables



  • bjohs
    bjohs Posts: 1,225 Member
    I also scramble some eggs for breakfast with onion, spinach and smoked ham. You can't even taste the spinach. Omit the onion if you don't like them. You can also make an omelet and top in with some roma tomatoes.
  • taem
    taem Posts: 495 Member
    I haven't tried it yet, I just got them, but I believe broccoli sprouts taste better than broccoli (I have been told this but I won't find out for another couple of weeks), I am growing my own broccoli sprouts and will see for myself.

    If you are interested, broccoli sprouts are 50 times more nutritious than broccoli proper, looks like alfalfa sprouts and tastes better (this has yet to be determined).
  • sweet110
    sweet110 Posts: 332 Member
    Two suggestions. Juicing and blended soup.

    I know you said you tried juicing...but that it caused heartburn. I'm wondering what kind of juice. I juice mostly vegetables, and I'm wondering if different one's may work for you...cucumber, celery, and leafy greens are the base of my juice at the moment. I usually add the juice of one apple to slightly sweeten it, but such a *light* and low-acid green juice shouldn't cause heartburn. It also happens to taste delicious and be very nutritious. If you keep veggies (instead of fruit) as the base of your juice, its also low-calorie enough to add a glass to your regular diet without causing any problems.

    I like eating vegetables, but I agree, its hard to get enough in. Juicing has helped me significantly.

    I also would suggest blended soups. If you don't like the taste of them, using an immersion blender to blend them up in soup (zuchinni soup, vegetable soup, etc), changes not only the texture, but the taste. There are plenty of vegetables I don't like to eat on their own that I love in a blended soup.
  • ElPumaMex
    ElPumaMex Posts: 367 Member
    So i HATE vegetables and have tried everything I know of to incorporate them into my diet; juicing, V8 juice, which both caused my acid reflux and heartburn. Does anyone have any ideas how to incorporate them into my diet?? I do love fruits, every kind of fruit, just not vegetables... besides lettuce.

    Also, do you count calories for the fruits and vegetables you eat? I have been counting V8 juices and fruit cups, but didn't know if we are suppose to count raw fruits and vegetables.

    Do you hate all vegetables?
    I ask because some assume "green" vegetables are the ones to eat, but they are normally the less tasteful.

    What about tomato? There are many ways you can add them to your diet, for example slice them in a sandwich. Or add to a salad. Or even eat them alone as in a fruit.

    Carrots are great for you (fiber and nutrition), and normally their sweet taste is liked by many.

    So start with vegetables that you do like, and work from there to add others.
  • AvonLucyR
    AvonLucyR Posts: 124 Member
    I'm not a fan of veggies and my body complains...I also like adding cheese, and in particular the Laughing Cow cheeses. They have them in the deli at my grocery store. They are not cheap, but really tasty. I also like veggies broiled with garlic and a little bit of olive oil. In terms of what to put in food diary...if it goes in my mouth, I put it in the diary...
  • bevsdietfor2011
    bevsdietfor2011 Posts: 361 Member
    I cut up whatever kind of bell peppers I have, broccoli, etc and put it in my meatloaf and my family loves it!!! You just have to be creative. I log everything that way whether it has calories etc or none at all it is all logged. I hope all of our suggestions help you.

  • Birder150
    Birder150 Posts: 677 Member
    Have you tried adding spinach to a fruit smoothie? You don't taste the spinach at all if you add a banana and other fruit but you benefit from having the greens.

    I count the calories in my veggies and fruit.
  • amohr10
    amohr10 Posts: 4
    I can eat raw carrots and celery, but with a little bit of fat free vegetable dip. I do like tomato, but not alot at once. I know I am so picky, but I have to turn it around to get healthy. I was 135 four years ago and now am almost 195 because of a back injury and steroids for so long. I was very active and athletic playing every sport possible and working out every day. Now I work night shift as a nurse, and find it hard to plan meals and get motivated enough to exercise. I just turned 23 and have to start eating better, for my health and body image.

    Thanks everyone for the replies! I had no idea I would get so much support and advice!!! This is awesome!
  • MTredhead
    MTredhead Posts: 8 Member
    LOVE the veggie pics Bjohs. I dont eat hardly any, but seeing that pictures makes me want to run out and get some to roast or grill.
    Thanks for sharing!
  • beckylawrence70
    beckylawrence70 Posts: 752 Member
    I have a hard time with the veggies too.........I like so few.....
  • jenniferwithmk
    Try "Deceptively Delicious: Simple Secrets to Get Your Kids Eating Good Food"
  • bjohs
    bjohs Posts: 1,225 Member
    LOVE the veggie pics Bjohs. I dont eat hardly any, but seeing that pictures makes me want to run out and get some to roast or grill.
    Thanks for sharing!

    You're welcome! Here's some grilled veggies for you then! LOL

  • ElPumaMex
    ElPumaMex Posts: 367 Member
    I can eat raw carrots and celery, but with a little bit of fat free vegetable dip. I do like tomato, but not alot at once. I know I am so picky, but I have to turn it around to get healthy. I was 135 four years ago and now am almost 195 because of a back injury and steroids for so long. I was very active and athletic playing every sport possible and working out every day. Now I work night shift as a nurse, and find it hard to plan meals and get motivated enough to exercise. I just turned 23 and have to start eating better, for my health and body image.

    Thanks everyone for the replies! I had no idea I would get so much support and advice!!! This is awesome!

    Great !
    So you do like some vegetables !

    No problem if you start by using vegetable dip ! As you eat more often, you will find the need for the dip less and less.

    You do not need to eat a lot of tomato, or any vegetable for that matter.
    Try one roma tomato in the morning, maybe sliced in your ham sandwich (I do that very often, delicious !)

    Carrots, you can purchase bags of baby carrots and eat one cup as a snack. You will be surprised how much you can eat !

    Good luck !
  • bjohs
    bjohs Posts: 1,225 Member
    I can eat raw carrots and celery, but with a little bit of fat free vegetable dip. I do like tomato, but not alot at once. I know I am so picky, but I have to turn it around to get healthy. I was 135 four years ago and now am almost 195 because of a back injury and steroids for so long. I was very active and athletic playing every sport possible and working out every day. Now I work night shift as a nurse, and find it hard to plan meals and get motivated enough to exercise. I just turned 23 and have to start eating better, for my health and body image.

    Thanks everyone for the replies! I had no idea I would get so much support and advice!!! This is awesome!

    Here's a GREAT veggie dip! Buy a container of plain Greek yogurt and a packet of Hidden Valley Ranch or Harvest Dill dry mix. Take a spoonful of yogurt and mix just a pinch of dry mix at a time until it is flavored the way you like it. Tastes just like a regular veggie dip but low in fat, sugar and low"ish" in sodium but packed with protein! As for tomatoes, I usually stick with the roma's because they are less juicy. Regular tomatoes makes my omelets a little too watery.

    So glad you are willing to give veggies the old college try! :)
  • katydid25
    katydid25 Posts: 199 Member
    Have you heard of Jessica Seinfeld's cookbook, Deceptively Delicious? It's an entire cookbook aimed at hiding veggies in foods. You should check that out! I've heard good things!
  • CampKelly
    CampKelly Posts: 172 Member
    I'm not a big fan of "cooked" vegetables, but I love cold raw veggies. Like at Subway I load my sandwich with spinach and tomato . And I love salsa, which is so healthy. Try carrots, celery and mushrooms with hummus...yumo! And I always carry a ziplock of snap peas....good luck!
  • bjohs
    bjohs Posts: 1,225 Member
    I'm not a big fan of "cooked" vegetables, but I love cold raw veggies. Like at Subway I load my sandwich with spinach and tomato . And I love salsa, which is so healthy. Try carrots, celery and mushrooms with hummus...yumo! And I always carry a ziplock of snap peas....good luck!

    I'm not a huge fan of cooked veggies either. I think because my mother would cook them until they were mush. ICK! Now I either saute, roast or grill them a little bit with EVOO/garlic. That way they still have a snap to them and it really brings out the vibrant colors. Colorful food is happy food. :D
  • firesoforion
    firesoforion Posts: 1,017 Member
    I do count my fruits and vegetables, partially because they do have calories, and partially because I can look at a day and go "that was good," or "that was bad."

    Now, one thing I just started doing this week, but that I'm pretty much addicted to, is to put 1/4 cup of ricotta cheese, half to a whole package of frozen spinach (but I'm sure it would work with virtually any vegetable, tomorrow I'm trying it with kale, but I'd definitely start with the spinach for someone who doesn't like vegetables), do not drain the spinach! Then put some garlic and about a tablespoon of parmesean cheese (and a tiny bit of nutmeg if you want), puree it until it's smooth and then pour it over, well, something else. I've been doing roasted broccoli, and it's been so good...but I bet you could do it over spaghetti squash for a veggie packed pasta.
  • sheilaione
    Love that book, I am able to get my kids to eat vegi's and they don't even know it.